Problem with 3 way pvp, with no communication.

Problem with 3 way pvp, with no communication.

in WvW

Posted by: Salis.5062


I’ll keep it simple.

Every other successful WvWvW game follows two basic rules,

1) Give the low population, loser teams, buffs.

2) Allow communication between the two losing teams to co-ordinate against the ‘winning team.’

Obvious. 10 years of proof, more outside MMOs. Explain why this isn’t happening?

Problem with 3 way pvp, with no communication.

in WvW

Posted by: Oxzy.2376


Because it is susceptible to toxicity.

Problem with 3 way pvp, with no communication.

in WvW

Posted by: Xandax.1753


There’s an easy way to communicate with the other servers and coordinate already. Forums, IRC, voice com.

Also – how many other successful WvWvW game with feature two can you remember?
I’ve only played DAoC; didn’t have 1 until later in the game and never had 2, so I’m unsure which other games you mention.

Problem with 3 way pvp, with no communication.

in WvW

Posted by: Phara Miu.2816

Phara Miu.2816

It will balance itself.

Server A low populated loses 50 matches in a row
Server B low populated oses 49 matches in a row
Server C low populated loses 48 matches in a row

Now you have a close to equal server match.

Its imposible to make all brackets balanced and buffs / debuffs / have only created more imbalance or never work as intended.

But free transfer isnt making things better.

Some guilds will never leave the server they settled on.
Some guilds will jump ship fast if the server doesnt provide their needs
Some players never leave the server they settled on.
Some players jump ship fast if the server doesnt provide their needs. <—-i am one.

I want to commit myself long term to mmo’s a good server lays down the basics of what is needed for my enjoyment.
Same apply’s to guilds.

What can be done is a karma / exp buff to assist low populated realms when free transfers are closed.

Problem with 3 way pvp, with no communication.

in WvW

Posted by: Salis.5062


Xandax – off-game comms lead to as much manipulation. If this is sandbox I’d be fine with that. I played Darkfall for a long time (and trust me no one got their money’s worth heh – Black Shields). It’s not sandbox. They’re trying to create a mass-market game. Which needs balanced.

Phara, yes – free transfer makes it far too mobile, when you’re trying to make a bracket. And yes, apply big gains to low pop/low bracket servers. But brackets just screw things up, generally. PvPers will migrate to fight PvPers. Something has to be static.

Problem with 3 way pvp, with no communication.

in WvW

Posted by: Baboon.3510


I agree with the point that there needs to be a balancing, or at least some sort of benefit/reward for those on the losing end. In the match up that my server is on right now; the ‘winning’ team has more than both other teams combined, they have all the orbs, therefore it makes it not appealing at all to even WvWvW when the team comes in completely buffed up and outnumbering us. As it is we have no chance vs them unless we get lucky with stragglers and over aggressive players. They are running around in kill packs of what seem to be 50+ players, running from point to point on the map, where the most on our side seems to be 25-30.

Communication between the losing teams would be nice in situations like this, but it is not something that I see as necessary.