Proposal: Guild member tax (Edited)

Proposal: Guild member tax (Edited)

in WvW

Posted by: Lifiane.5203


This is my personal opinion on an option that would allow smaller realms/ guilds a better chance of being able to purchase the now (with the longer formatted matches) necessary upgrades to their keeps/castle/supply camps. This in no way is the opinion of RUIN or ET, nor is it downing anyone within either organization/server.

TLDR: There should be a form of a tax implemented which would generate a cashflow usable only for upgrades/siege equipment.

1) How would this work?
—Basically, anytime you kill anything within the WvWvW zones or complete any of the objectives a flat percent would come off the top and deposited into the realm account.
— The ‘tax’ should more than likely scale to the number of supply camps/keeps/castles you own in order to provide more money for upgrades to more areas.
— Another option is for designated individuals to be able to set the tax to appropriate levels at certain times. (though this could lead to immense troubles.

2) Why should I donate gold to the war effort, its really not benefiting me at all?
— First, stop being selfish. WvWvW is a concentrated server effort in order to win a large scale battle. Second, by wracking up major points by holding multiple areas you get fancy bonuses that increase your ability to make gold and so on so forth.
Just a thought.
Denuntiare —RUIN -- ET

Edit: Will clarify/condense the suggestions when I get off tomorrow also, more links!


Denunciate — Ruin — ET

(edited by Lifiane.5203)

Proposal: Guild member tax (Edited)

in WvW

Posted by: Thrumdi.9216


I agree.

This is needed ASAP. Surprised it wasn’t in at launch.

Thrumdi, Captain of The Tarnished Coastguard

The ultimate GW2 troll.

Proposal: Guild member tax (Edited)

in WvW

Posted by: Vayra.3290


Yes please. Make it a guild upgrade that allows the guild to set a tax that is paid to the guild vault (and allow upgrades to be paid from the guild vault for a claimed structure if it is not already). This tax should cover money drops from mobs/players as well as DE money rewards, but not sales on the TP or to vendor and be in effect everywhere while representing the guild. Used to run 50% guild tax in WAR to cover constant upgrading and defence of keeps, really miss that here as right now the entire upgrade bill is footed by a few players and some small donations from others.

The Unnamed[ThUn] – Desolation
Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer

Proposal: Guild member tax (Edited)

in WvW

Posted by: Solinox.6251


Stellar suggestion

Proposal: Guild member tax (Edited)

in WvW

Posted by: Jorjeis.2169


What’s wrong with organizing this yourself within your guild? It’s quite easy to gkick people if they don’t pay their taxes.

Member of [KnT] – Blackgate

Proposal: Guild member tax (Edited)

in WvW

Posted by: Lifiane.5203


What I posted on the guru forums, kinda breaking it into tenants that are easier to read.

Keep viewing and +1ing to get it to Anets attention!

Denunciate — Ruin — ET

Proposal: Guild member tax (Edited)

in WvW

Posted by: Lifiane.5203


What’s wrong with organizing this yourself within your guild? It’s quite easy to gkick people if they don’t pay their taxes.

Well sure, but really I’m not a fan of shaking down fellow guild members for upgrades on the WvW front.

If everyone was responsible this wouldn’t be an issue, but as you can see from a majority of the posts in these forums, the average player is selfish and immature. This eliminates the drama that comes from soliciting money.

Denunciate — Ruin — ET

Proposal: Guild member tax (Edited)

in WvW

Posted by: Somnolent.6032


This is so stupid. Just get people to make a donation, there’s a completely transparent record of any and all deposits made to the guild bank, so anyone and everyone can see who is and isn’t pulling their own weight.

I can think of dozens of better uses for programmer time than a change which only helps lazy and/or dysfunctional guilds keep their bloated carcasses afloat.

Proposal: Guild member tax (Edited)

in WvW

Posted by: Lifiane.5203


I get where you’re coming from, and I’m sorry you dont see the merit in implementing this. I do agree with you that there are some things that need fixing (Orr events, running into a mob of 40 invisible invaders while assaulting a keep, and so on so forth), but I don’t think (though I don’t know much about coding or anything of that nature) it would really take up all that much time.

Nor do I think this will only help ‘lazy and/or dysfunctional guilds keep their bloated carcasses afloat,’ but instead help many different guilds contribute to the war effort.

Denunciate — Ruin — ET

Proposal: Guild member tax (Edited)

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


hai ruin(ite?) i fully agree with you at least for us, we need this. managing a guild of 1200(?not up to the daily count) and attempting to tax them by hand is not only annoying to our members but also leads to friction between the members and the officers. a automatic system (either the wow or eve methods) would be greatly appreciated

wow method: non-invasive: as a member earns money, bonus money is generated and sent to the guild bank.
eve method: invasive: % set by guild leader: as player earns money, a certain % is taken and placed in the guild bank.

i feel most people would be more welcoming to the wow method. the eve method has a few useful situations (ie. 100% tax during keep takes to generate large amounts of money, that could ensure that buying siege is no longer the burden of soldier but of the leadership)

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

Proposal: Guild member tax (Edited)

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058


Sorry but I don’t like the idea.

You may want to do what some of SBI’s commanders do, and create a name for yourself as a trustworthy leader, then ask for donation to start xxx upgrade on xxx.

Works a lot more often then you would think.

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu

Proposal: Guild member tax (Edited)

in WvW

Posted by: Lifiane.5203


Sorry but I don’t like the idea.

You may want to do what some of SBI’s commanders do, and create a name for yourself as a trustworthy leader, then ask for donation to start xxx upgrade on xxx.

Works a lot more often then you would think.

That is what we have been doing Mishi, a single person during the day crew and another for the night. This has nothing to do with trust. I am just a ‘citizen’ within RUIN, but I feel with (as Mr. Panda said) something a long the line of what WoW/EVE uses could help with clearing team/map chat of the clutter of asking for donations.

As I said a few minutes ago on the Guru forums, it may just be because I’m lazy. But, I’d say a more streamlined/centralized hub for purchasing upgrades would be a lot more useful.


Denunciate — Ruin — ET

Proposal: Guild member tax (Edited)

in WvW

Posted by: nysta.6713


i agree. we need more robot functions so we don’t have to talk to our guild members. i’m sick of them already and just wantz their chashz.

Proposal: Guild member tax (Edited)

in WvW

Posted by: Arnfiarnunn.8476


Hell yes we need that feature! I was stunned to do not see it InGame!
It should already be a very basic and obvious feature in GW2! What’s wrong with gamedesign?!

Proposal: Guild member tax (Edited)

in WvW

Posted by: Lifiane.5203


i agree. we need more robot functions so we don’t have to talk to our guild members. i’m sick of them already and just wantz their chashz.

Hahahah, I’m definately not tired of my guild mates. Its more so a desire for a tool to help streamline things (especially since the administration is having to micromanage the other ruin guilds due to the player cap being 500).

inb4 singularity.

Denunciate — Ruin — ET

Proposal: Guild member tax (Edited)

in WvW

Posted by: Doxshund.9235


I like the idea.
Have guild leader set a percentage.
People that dont like it can join a zero percent guild or talk to their guild leader about it.

Asura > all

Proposal: Guild member tax (Edited)

in WvW

Posted by: Lifiane.5203


I like the idea.
Have guild leader set a percentage.
People that dont like it can join a zero percent guild or talk to their guild leader about it.

Pretty much.
Not only that, (if done how I would envision it) it’d only take effect while you’re in one of the WvWvW zones.

Edit : I used affect like an idiot.

Denunciate — Ruin — ET

Proposal: Guild member tax (Edited)

in WvW

Posted by: HulkaGem.2568


Than I assume since guilds with tax shall have priority access into wvwvw that pay taxes n invest more in upgrades .. Including high level of guild upgrades.. Agree? Otherwise it’s unfair for those who pay tax to upgrade yet didn’t get into wvwvw :P

Mjdeathless – Necromancer
Kopiousiudai – Thief
Canadian Pizza – Warrior

Proposal: Guild member tax (Edited)

in WvW

Posted by: Lifiane.5203


Than I assume since guilds with tax shall have priority access into wvwvw that pay taxes n invest more in upgrades .. Including high level of guild upgrades.. Agree? Otherwise it’s unfair for those who pay tax to upgrade yet didn’t get into wvwvw :P

Well Hulka, the way I would see it working, while inside the borderlands or eternal battlegrounds you get the tax applied to any action that would warrant a currency reward.

For instance, you take Stonemist with your guild, each member that got the reward for that event would have the ‘tax’ automatically deposited into the ‘Continuing War Effort Fund’

You loot a PvE mob that you kill even though you should be assualting Durios, the currency you loot is then taxed.

You’re questing/completing hearts while in Que for these zones YOU ARE NOT TAXED.

Just a few examples.

Denunciate — Ruin — ET

Proposal: Guild member tax (Edited)

in WvW

Posted by: HulkaGem.2568


If u are saying taxing members only in wvwvw.. Than the funds will be insufficient.. How long will it take to upgrade a keep ? How much copper per tick is the leader going to receive till he can upgrade the first tier?

Mjdeathless – Necromancer
Kopiousiudai – Thief
Canadian Pizza – Warrior

Proposal: Guild member tax (Edited)

in WvW

Posted by: Lifiane.5203


If u are saying taxing members only in wvwvw.. Than the funds will be insufficient.. How long will it take to upgrade a keep ? How much copper per tick is the leader going to receive till he can upgrade the first tier?

I see what you’re saying. At the level cap and while completing events, money accumulates rather quickly. Whether this war fund is a 1% or a 10% tax, if you have 150 people qued it adds up rather quickly. I think first tier upgrades are 20s with things like waypoints going up to 2 gold.

I could be completely wrong, I generally dont mess with the upgrade decisions as Im just a member in my guild

Denunciate — Ruin — ET

Proposal: Guild member tax (Edited)

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


Otherwise, you’re stuck asking your fellow guildmates just to donate gold to the cause, and lets face it, more likely than not they will be stingy since yet again were in the early gearing phases.

You mean, guilds might need to be organized and work together?

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

Proposal: Guild member tax (Edited)

in WvW

Posted by: Lifiane.5203


Otherwise, you’re stuck asking your fellow guildmates just to donate gold to the cause, and lets face it, more likely than not they will be stingy since yet again were in the early gearing phases.

You mean, guilds might need to be organized and work together?

No that already occurs (at least where I’m located), what I mean is most of the player base is yet to hit 80. At least from the players I’ve run into in WvW on the ‘higher tiers.’ Meaning, the money they have they will be keeping it close to their chest in order to better themselves.

Later on down the road, asking for money from your fellow server mates would be just as effective, but instead of having to ask for lump sums, its be quite easier to have a streamlined system in order to better serve your server’s war efforts.

Denunciate — Ruin — ET

Proposal: Guild member tax (Edited)

in WvW

Posted by: HulkaGem.2568


If u are saying taxing members only in wvwvw.. Than the funds will be insufficient.. How long will it take to upgrade a keep ? How much copper per tick is the leader going to receive till he can upgrade the first tier?

I see what you’re saying. At the level cap and while completing events, money accumulates rather quickly. Whether this war fund is a 1% or a 10% tax, if you have 150 people qued it adds up rather quickly. I think first tier upgrades are 20s with things like waypoints going up to 2 gold.

I could be completely wrong, I generally dont mess with the upgrade decisions as Im just a member in my guild

Yup.. But what I’m point out here is like what u said 150 qued.. But not all 150 will be in the map or maybe they spread out to all 4 maps ?? N some are stuck in q.. So the funding system in there donsnt really work.. Unless u would want a generalise system where as everyone in wvwvw is taxed.. The fund goes into a server upgrade system.. Guild that claim the keep will be able to use it for upgrades…

Yup.. But what I’m point out here is like what u said 150 qued.. But not all 150 will be in the map or maybe they spread out to all 4 maps ?? N some are stuck in q.. So the funding system in there donsnt really work.. Unless u would want a generalise system where as everyone in wvwvw is taxed.. The fund goes into a server upgrade system.. Guild that claim the keep will be able to use it for upgrades…

Mjdeathless – Necromancer
Kopiousiudai – Thief
Canadian Pizza – Warrior

Proposal: Guild member tax (Edited)

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


Meaning, the money they have they will be keeping it close to their chest in order to better themselves.

Kick them from your guild if they won’t surrender all their booty to you!

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

Proposal: Guild member tax (Edited)

in WvW

Posted by: Lifiane.5203


If u are saying taxing members only in wvwvw.. Than the funds will be insufficient.. How long will it take to upgrade a keep ? How much copper per tick is the leader going to receive till he can upgrade the first tier?

I see what you’re saying. At the level cap and while completing events, money accumulates rather quickly. Whether this war fund is a 1% or a 10% tax, if you have 150 people qued it adds up rather quickly. I think first tier upgrades are 20s with things like waypoints going up to 2 gold.

I could be completely wrong, I generally dont mess with the upgrade decisions as Im just a member in my guild

Yup.. But what I’m point out here is like what u said 150 qued.. But not all 150 will be in the map or maybe they spread out to all 4 maps ?? N some are stuck in q.. So the funding system in there donsnt really work.. Unless u would want a generalise system where as everyone in wvwvw is taxed.. The fund goes into a server upgrade system.. Guild that claim the keep will be able to use it for upgrades…

Yup.. But what I’m point out here is like what u said 150 qued.. But not all 150 will be in the map or maybe they spread out to all 4 maps ?? N some are stuck in q.. So the funding system in there donsnt really work.. Unless u would want a generalise system where as everyone in wvwvw is taxed.. The fund goes into a server upgrade system.. Guild that claim the keep will be able to use it for upgrades…

Sorry, I’m lacking sleep. I’m not sure what the player caps are per team in each of the four maps. But, I am pretty certain a server can field ~500 amongst the four if not more. The system really would henge on the trust the guilds that exist on the servers have in each other.

Denunciate — Ruin — ET

Proposal: Guild member tax (Edited)

in WvW

Posted by: SunRain.8972


only if there would be an option to toggle it off.
think of a guild leader who doesn’t want to deal with WvW and is more into casual guild. Think theres alot of them there who would rather not get harassed by pings by it otherwise you will see a devision of guilds leaders gettings really upset over random pings.

“From the place where we are right
Flowers will never grow
In the spring.” – Yehuda Amichai

Proposal: Guild member tax (Edited)

in WvW

Posted by: Lifiane.5203


Meaning, the money they have they will be keeping it close to their chest in order to better themselves.

Kick them from your guild if they won’t surrender all their booty to you!

It has nothing to do with me wanting to turn guilds into socialistic mini-nations.
Not all the servers are stacked with an amazing night/oceanic crew, most are NA only and play during the ‘prime time’ hours. When this ‘prime time’ ends, most of the funding will disappear due to the players paying for the upgrades are asleep. This system could be looked at as not only an automated streamlining idea, but a safety net for these servers.

Denunciate — Ruin — ET

Proposal: Guild member tax (Edited)

in WvW

Posted by: Lifiane.5203


only if there would be an option to toggle it off.
think of a guild leader who doesn’t want to deal with WvW and is more into casual guild. Think theres alot of them there who would rather not get harassed by pings by it otherwise you will see a devision of guilds leaders gettings really upset over random pings.

Well, if the GM doesn’t want to deal with WvW this ‘War time funding’ wouldn’t apply to him nor his guild due to not being within the battle grounds.

I think a lot of people don’t realize, the better you do in WvW, the more bonuses you get for your server (and now that were getting into the week long and soon the two week long battles the larger these bonuses will be), the way to do better in WvW is to remain coordinated and in communication with each other AND fortify your position.

Denunciate — Ruin — ET

Proposal: Guild member tax (Edited)

in WvW

Posted by: HulkaGem.2568


If u are saying taxing members only in wvwvw.. Than the funds will be insufficient.. How long will it take to upgrade a keep ? How much copper per tick is the leader going to receive till he can upgrade the first tier?

I see what you’re saying. At the level cap and while completing events, money accumulates rather quickly. Whether this war fund is a 1% or a 10% tax, if you have 150 people qued it adds up rather quickly. I think first tier upgrades are 20s with things like waypoints going up to 2 gold.

I could be completely wrong, I generally dont mess with the upgrade decisions as Im just a member in my guild

Yup.. But what I’m point out here is like what u said 150 qued.. But not all 150 will be in the map or maybe they spread out to all 4 maps ?? N some are stuck in q.. So the funding system in there donsnt really work.. Unless u would want a generalise system where as everyone in wvwvw is taxed.. The fund goes into a server upgrade system.. Guild that claim the keep will be able to use it for upgrades…

Yup.. But what I’m point out here is like what u said 150 qued.. But not all 150 will be in the map or maybe they spread out to all 4 maps ?? N some are stuck in q.. So the funding system in there donsnt really work.. Unless u would want a generalise system where as everyone in wvwvw is taxed.. The fund goes into a server upgrade system.. Guild that claim the keep will be able to use it for upgrades…

Sorry, I’m lacking sleep. I’m not sure what the player caps are per team in each of the four maps. But, I am pretty certain a server can field ~500 amongst the four if not more. The system really would henge on the trust the guilds that exist on the servers have in each other.

If I remember correctly its only 166 +/- per map

Mjdeathless – Necromancer
Kopiousiudai – Thief
Canadian Pizza – Warrior

Proposal: Guild member tax (Edited)

in WvW

Posted by: Furry Fury.9036

Furry Fury.9036

Hi all,

I’m not trying to derail this thread but consider this development time and how it can be best used.

Fund raising in GW2 can be achieved without further development. Sensible combat grouping cannot. I’d see it as a greater benefit to guilds to have useful grouping capabilities and we need the devs to do this.

Like I said, I’m not trying to change this into a grouping discussion so please all, stay on subject.

I know that if operating a large guild it would be hard to manage the inflow of funds. Let the member show their true colours and take donations, use it as a way to cull the selfish guild members. It’s a personal choice if you really want to be a part of a huge guild that’s composed of second rate members.

Have fun.

Proposal: Guild member tax (Edited)

in WvW

Posted by: Lifiane.5203


Hi all,

I’m not trying to derail this thread but consider this development time and how it can be best used.

Fund raising in GW2 can be achieved without further development. Sensible combat grouping cannot. I’d see it as a greater benefit to guilds to have useful grouping capabilities and we need the devs to do this.

Like I said, I’m not trying to change this into a grouping discussion so please all, stay on subject.

I know that if operating a large guild it would be hard to manage the inflow of funds. Let the member show their true colours and take donations, use it as a way to cull the selfish guild members. It’s a personal choice if you really want to be a part of a huge guild that’s composed of second rate members.

Have fun.

I’m assuming you’re more concerned with the rendering issues? I understand thats a pain in thekitten But, lets be honest here. I know this more than likely will not be implemented. I had mentioned it in TS earlier today and figured I’d see if I had some like minded individuals within the community.

The funds generated via the ‘tax’ would not directly benefit the guild itself, but the server as a whole. The main goal is to help the servers that have a large NA constituent and not so much on their night/oceanic crew.

Having a constant flow of funds to use for upgrades with the amount of times the sites change hands would be a wonderful wonderful thing, you also wouldn’t have people feel like they’re being shorted by paying for most of the upgrades for their servers.

If it is indeed ~166 a map, thats still 600 people taxed for your server, even at 1% itll add up over the period of a week/two week match.

Denunciate — Ruin — ET

Proposal: Guild member tax (Edited)

in WvW

Posted by: Furry Fury.9036

Furry Fury.9036

I’m assuming you’re more concerned with the rendering issues?


To clarify I was referring to the lack of ability to create functional groups in game (ie. Raids). I wasn’t referring to the appalling effect of non-rendering/culling of toons (but believe me, I could rant about it!).


Proposal: Guild member tax (Edited)

in WvW

Posted by: bwillb.2165


Alternative idea: Add in a “donate to cause” button on WvW status screen that opens a list of upgrades currently being funded. If you can’t afford a full upgrade yourself, you start the upgrade, put what you can towards it, and other people can put money towards your upgrade by opening the WvW window. People who donate can get points towards a title track or something :p

Proposal: Guild member tax (Edited)

in WvW

Posted by: Ljungen.6781


Yes a guild tax would be a welcome addition to the game.

Ljungen – Ranger
Ljungen Tankk – Guardian
Member of MTM and the TNA alliance

Proposal: Guild member tax (Edited)

in WvW

Posted by: Slamz.5376


I agree.

Guild tax is the most fair means of collecting money, and WvW burns up a ton of money.

Camelot Unchained – from the makers of DAOC
A game that’s 100% WvW

Proposal: Guild member tax (Edited)

in WvW

Posted by: Lifiane.5203


Alternative idea: Add in a “donate to cause” button on WvW status screen that opens a list of upgrades currently being funded. If you can’t afford a full upgrade yourself, you start the upgrade, put what you can towards it, and other people can put money towards your upgrade by opening the WvW window. People who donate can get points towards a title track or something :p

A very very solid alternative. Thanks for the input man!

Denunciate — Ruin — ET

Proposal: Guild member tax (Edited)

in WvW

Posted by: Coolmoos.8546


Just do it yourself….. Thats what our guild does.

Atriese 80 Thief – Os Guild [Os] – Northern Shiverpeaks

Proposal: Guild member tax (Edited)

in WvW

Posted by: Corvindi.5734


Horrible idea, will discourage people from belonging to guilds, much less multiple guilds.

“…we don’t expect you to be forced into dungeons at endgame.”


Proposal: Guild member tax (Edited)

in WvW

Posted by: Lifiane.5203


Just do it yourself….. Thats what our guild does.

It is what we currently do, it works, we win.

This isn’t about what my guild/server is capable of doing, its more so a quality of life feature, I’m sorry you can’t see the merit in a system such as this (or if you cantbother reading the replies).

Also, posting from my phone, some letters will be missin randomly. I’m not quite sure but my Samsung is a piece of crap.

Denunciate — Ruin — ET

Proposal: Guild member tax (Edited)

in WvW

Posted by: Lifiane.5203


Horrible idea, will discourage people from belonging to guilds, much less multiple guilds.

Could you elaborate how/why it would discourage any guild membership? The guil can only use the tax funds during WvW, the tax only applies to those in the pvp zones, and if anything it should foster server pride as the person can know they actually contributed to a week long battle instead of just doing a jump puzzle or attacking the giant grub.

Denunciate — Ruin — ET

Proposal: Guild member tax (Edited)

in WvW

Posted by: Delove.5930


This will never happen and hope it don’t no one person should get gold cause there a leader of a guild this will be exploited like no tommarow

Proposal: Guild member tax (Edited)

in WvW

Posted by: Corvindi.5734


Horrible idea, will discourage people from belonging to guilds, much less multiple guilds.

Could you elaborate how/why it would discourage any guild membership? The guil can only use the tax funds during WvW, the tax only applies to those in the pvp zones, and if anything it should foster server pride as the person can know they actually contributed to a week long battle instead of just doing a jump puzzle or attacking the giant grub.

While I’ll be glad to donate to a commander fund for my server and will be donating some of my pathetic tiny stash of silver to that cause soon enough, I would not join a guild that forced me to pay a tax.

First, guild taxes are a way for gold farmers to make money, they can just claim it’s for siege, who would ever know what it really went to?

But even if that were preventable by the way a tax system works, I don’t want to be forced to part with my meager savings, nor do I want to set up taxes in my guild. I’ll decide how best to spend my silver, not someone else.

“…we don’t expect you to be forced into dungeons at endgame.”


Proposal: Guild member tax (Edited)

in WvW

Posted by: Lifiane.5203


Horrible idea, will discourage people from belonging to guilds, much less multiple guilds.

Could you elaborate how/why it would discourage any guild membership? The guil can only use the tax funds during WvW, the tax only applies to those in the pvp zones, and if anything it should foster server pride as the person can know they actually contributed to a week long battle instead of just doing a jump puzzle or attacking the giant grub.

While I’ll be glad to donate to a commander fund for my server and will be donating some of my pathetic tiny stash of silver to that cause soon enough, I would not join a guild that forced me to pay a tax.

First, guild taxes are a way for gold farmers to make money, they can just claim it’s for siege, who would ever know what it really went to?

But even if that were preventable by the way a tax system works, I don’t want to be forced to part with my meager savings, nor do I want to set up taxes in my guild. I’ll decide how best to spend my silver, not someone else.

Thanks for elaborating.

Do you not benefit from the server bonuses that WvW provides? I suppose what I’m asking (since as you yourself stated you don’t want o be ofrced to pay) how does it feel to benefit from other peoples hard work/gold contribution?

Not to troll, but wat you said came off as trollish.

I don’t think asking for a small percent of your earnings (not from the TP) from the events/things you kill while doing WvW go to a fund that would help to ensure your server’s renetion of these fancy ability boosters.

To avoid inflation/promote gold sellers, I’m ure stipulations on the currency earned could be placed, ie onlyusable in WvW, resets after the week long match is played, etc etc.

Denunciate — Ruin — ET

Proposal: Guild member tax (Edited)

in WvW

Posted by: Vayra.3290


Do you not benefit from the server bonuses that WvW provides? I suppose what I’m asking (since as you yourself stated you don’t want o be ofrced to pay) how does it feel to benefit from other peoples hard work/gold contribution?

That is a good point, and supports my earlier argument that the tax system should apply to every zone, not just WvW (but still not cover sales to vendor or on TP).

The Unnamed[ThUn] – Desolation
Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer

Proposal: Guild member tax (Edited)

in WvW

Posted by: Lifiane.5203


This will never happen and hope it don’t no one person should get gold cause there a leader of a guild this will be exploited like no tommarow

Even if said currency made from the tax is only usable on upgrades/siege within WvW?

I really needto update the title post, seeing as a majority of people tend to just respond to the first post anyhow. Alas, phone typing isn’t my specialty.

Denunciate — Ruin — ET

Proposal: Guild member tax (Edited)

in WvW

Posted by: Lifiane.5203


Do you not benefit from the server bonuses that WvW provides? I suppose what I’m asking (since as you yourself stated you don’t want o be ofrced to pay) how does it feel to benefit from other peoples hard work/gold contribution?

That is a good point, and supports my earlier argument that the tax system should apply to every zone, not just WvW (but still not cover sales to vendor or on TP).

Indeed, I wouldn’t mind it. But, as you see there’s already people up in arms about it just being active in the WvW zones. Figured it would be a lot easier to justify.

Denunciate — Ruin — ET

Proposal: Guild member tax (Edited)

in WvW

Posted by: IKShadow.4582



No more bothering with google docs speadsheets etc…

p.s. Any serious guilds will have tax implemented as the costs of commander manuals, tower/keep upgrades and siege weapons should be the guild effort if its not then sorry its not a guild but a chat window. Mature Gaming Guild part of Seafarer’s Rest Community Site

Proposal: Guild member tax (Edited)

in WvW

Posted by: Ahmrill.7512


100% agree, been wishing for some kind of tithe or tax rate.

Now I know some people get bent of out shape when you mention Tax/Tithe rates, but I think a Tax/Tithe system could work well in GW2 if they use the right model. A tax/Tithe system similar to Warhammer online which automated donating money for guild funds by taking an adjustable percentage of money from NPC guards and PvE drops. This could also work in reverse and allow a guild to take a percentage of coin from all NPC guards and PvE drops from players currently representing their guild. Take these scenarios:

Guild Tax:

A guild tax of say 3% (adjustable) taken from every NPC/PvE mob kill. It automatically goes into a guild bank for guild activities. It only goes to the guild you currently represent.

Guild Tithe:

A guild Tithe active. You can donate whatever % of money from every NPC/PvE mob you kill into the bank of the guild you currently represent. They can simply set the Tithe rate at what they are comfortable with or have it set to 0%. This is like donating, but automated and spread out in consistant amounts over a long time period.

Guild Tax AND Tithe:

A guild tax of 1% (adjustable) taken from every NPC/PvE mob kill. There is also a guild Tithe active. You can donate an additional % of money from every NPC/PvE mob you kill into a guild bank of the guild you currently represent.

WvW costs lots of money. Upgrading keeps and objectives cost Karma, supplies and MONEY. Siege and keep upgrades will drain many guild and player funds. People have mentioned the chance of guild leaders abusing this system for personal gain. Abuse of funds takes place after money is in the guild bank. A tax/Tithe system or a traditional voluntary donation system are simply means of pooling funds, both can be equally abused once funds are deposited.

This is a proven, flexible system for dedicated members of a guild to collectively pool money to be used for guild activities. I just want to emphasize that a tax/Tithe would have to go to the guild you currently represent only. I know this is a touchy subject, but having used a system like this in a previous MMO, I can’t imagine anything easier. The main benefit of a tax/Tithe system is a reliable, consistent amount of funds being added each day to the guild bank. Traditional voluntary donations are erratic in timing and levels. Planning events, equipping your guild with siege or upgrading a keep are hard to plan when you don’t know what the funds are going to be from day to day. It’s a great tool to ensure your guild has a predictable amount of funds at all times.

I’m sure the Tithe system (player has directly control of anything deposited) will be more popular than a Tax system. All guilds and players are different; and any Tax/Tithe system would have to be completely optional so individual guilds can determine the setup that works best for them. You have a choice to represent a guild, you have a choice to give money to a guild or they have a choice to take money from you. It’s even easier to leave a guild with the new multi-guild feature.
I’ve played MMO’s using both tax/Tithe system and traditional voluntary donations as part of leadership. I’ve often found that certain people tend to “step up” and donate more than others, and are often broke most of the time. Beyond a shadow of a doubt the tax/Tithe system was the easiest and the fairest as everyone contributed evenly but could add more if they wanted. For the people who’ve never used a tax/Tithe system I understand your fears. I sincerely wish you had the opportunity to try a tax/Tithe system to see just how effective and easy it can be.

I’m confident that a tax/Tithe system would work in GW2 as long as it’s completely optional for guilds or players to use.

Proud member of [NORD] Nordvegr Guild
Jade Quarry

Proposal: Guild member tax (Edited)

in WvW

Posted by: Kracin.6078


it is unfortunate that so many people do not see that some guilds want to require a guild tax… even a small amount such as 50c per hour is extremely modest, but still allows for upgrades to be purchased (not all, but some).

and i would go as far to say that people who say that guild taxes are for gold farmers, obviously don’t know that gold farmers don’t tend to run properous guilds with over 2000 members (not active all at once of course).

this is a great suggestion and should be implemented as an option, not a requirement, because there are some guilds that could simply ask their 30-40 members to donate to the cause, but then guaranteed that not all donate. all this does is make it more even for the people who are all playing and benefiting from the upgrades bought with coin.

i have donated more than 5g so far during our entire cause, a modest amount, but i’ve also spent over 20g on my own equipment in the mean time.

you have to remember that the guild makes you money as well, at one point, ruin ran around doing capture rushes, and in a matter of a few hours we had accumulated each person (who wasnt using 50% gold booster), a modest 4g, can you guess how much we got donated into the guild bank out of the 60 or so people who were taking part in the runs? about 4g…. so out of a possible 240g made in 2 hours by those people who were being supported by the guild, only a few decided to donate (and i know this because 2 people donated 1 whole gold because the guild had just made then 4, for doing nothing but running with the group).

it helps keep things running smooth, and ensures that we have at least something to keep upgrades going.

TlDR : its not for everyone, but it is needed for those guilds which have a large amount of members that cannot be regulated the same as the smaller guilds