Props to Anvil Rock

Props to Anvil Rock

in WvW

Posted by: MasterofKhaos.8903


It’s been a great fight here on your borderlands the past few hours. That was truly an awesome fight at the orb we just had. NSP ultimately got away with it, but I must say it was hard fought on both sides.

Great job to you all.

WvW Leader and Co-leader of [TBH]
Co-Founder of Northern Shiverpeaks Council [NSC]

Props to Anvil Rock

in WvW

Posted by: redsolarmoon.1054


That was a pretty fun battle. That and the takeover of Bay keep earlier in the day. Epic stuff.

Props to Anvil Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Hadan.2841


Yea NSP and anvil rock had us cornored into the keep lord room. We were actually hoping anvil rock would have hit NSP from the other side and try to help borlis pass out a lil bit, but it was still fun.

Leader/Driver of Krew/MR

Props to Anvil Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Player One.4932

Player One.4932

I would like to understand why the Orb disappears from the world map when NSP takes it from the north altar in Anvil Rock Border Lands. This happened both Friday night and tonight.

I don’t want to diminish NSP’s game play however, both times the Orb disappeared from the world map and never re-appeared until it was safely in Ask Hills. Both of those times our forces stopped because we thought the orb was resetting but it was apparently invisible.

I have read that this is an Orb bug that it disappears from the world map after it drops.

I have also read that if a thief goes stealth with the orb it disappears from the map.

Does anyone have any comments?

Violator Xx

(edited by Player One.4932)

Props to Anvil Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Player One.4932

Player One.4932

I would love it if we cooperated against NSP a bit more, that keep did have our Orb though.

In theory that is how wvwvw is supposed to work but it doesn’t unfortunately. =(

It was an epic battle and you guys in Borlis were beasts.

Violator Xx

Props to Anvil Rock

in WvW

Posted by: MasterofKhaos.8903


Player I was right there next to it and I can attest to what you saw from NSP side. We originally dropped it and then the reset came up. At this time We noticed an AR player heading back to that first arch with the orb icon over his head but it wasn’t on our map. It seems after the orb hits the ground the orb disappears from the map when it is picked up next. It was pure luck we saw the AR guy with it, someone yelled it out in Ts. So yes if the orb drops, you need to look for the shining trail in that huge mass of players.

WvW Leader and Co-leader of [TBH]
Co-Founder of Northern Shiverpeaks Council [NSC]

Props to Anvil Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Player One.4932

Player One.4932

Hey thanks Master. =)

This issue is becoming very frustrating. A large number of people on AR server are accusing NSP of hacking and it is actually affecting our strategy as a server. A lot of wild theories about how NSP can invis-hack the orb and hack though keep walls.

Some people are saying a group of thieves can cycle group invis to keep the orb off the world map.

I am glad to hear some feedback from the NSP side and that it is sounding like a bug.

Also, I’m pretty sure I killed you a few times =P

Violator Xx

Props to Anvil Rock

in WvW

Posted by: MasterofKhaos.8903


You probably did, I’m the annoying Norn Warrior who runs Hammer and Axe-shield. I tend to jump down in the middle of groups and pummel them before activating endure pain plus the block from the shield.

No I can gurantee you there actually wasn’t any hacks for this orb. It just seems it is indeed a bug with when the orb drops. We had a good 30 plus meet up and escort it, plus 4 commanders :0

WvW Leader and Co-leader of [TBH]
Co-Founder of Northern Shiverpeaks Council [NSC]

Props to Anvil Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Hadan.2841


NSP seems to have a really good active WvW server. I think Anvil rock and Borlis pass needs to work together if we want to have any chance of comming back this week. No more Anvil rock and Borlis pass fighting eachother. Lets work together to take back WvW. Hit anything that is Green. Nothing against NSP but tbh anvil rock nd borlis pass may have some strong guilds out there fighting you, but we dont have the numbers to match yours every minute of the day.

Leader/Driver of Krew/MR

Props to Anvil Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Player One.4932

Player One.4932

Welllll, I would have killed you but I forgot I play a necromancer and all I can do is stand around and annoy people until someone decides to come kill me quick.

That’s good to hear about no hacking. I’m going to spread the word a bit because we have players saying they won’t play WvW against NSP because of Friday night and tonight. Yeah I was at that fight as well and I tried in vain to get people to keep running toward Ask Hills because I knew the orb was still in play because of what happened Fri night. But more than half just assumed it was resetting lol

The big picture with AR is we got paired with Yak’s a couple pairings ago and lost a lot of players due to the huge imbalance. It was kind of a fluke but we bled a lot of players due to that pairing and server morale has been pretty low since then. This bug isn’t helping.

We realize NSP is more organized and we’re basically trying to re-build server population from three weeks ago but it only takes a few players crying ‘Hack’ to make things worse.

I really wish we could have done that fight legit because we like fighting you guys and we learn a lot from fighting you. The way you guys held the Orb platform until it respawned kinda gives you the right to the orb anyway lol

Violator Xx

Props to Anvil Rock

in WvW

Posted by: MasterofKhaos.8903


15 mins of holding just north of your spawn at the orb pedestal was a lot of fun.

My advice: We couldn’t hold that supply camp. 2-4 trebs would have wiped our siege and then you would have been free to hit us as hard as you want. Instead you built arrow carts at the bottom of the stairs and just let us chill up there.

Definitely don’t forget about trebs as counter siege.

While we definitely outnumber you during off peak hours, peak fights can be a lot of fun. Loved that fight for garrison earlier tonight.

WvW Leader and Co-leader of [TBH]
Co-Founder of Northern Shiverpeaks Council [NSC]

Props to Anvil Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Hadan.2841


Borlis pass has had the same problems as well. We were paired against yaks near game lauch and they beat on us for a while. Then we were paired against ehmry bay for a week and alot of people have transfered or only do pve and stay out of WvW. Im not sure if you remember, but a few weeks ago Anvil rock beat the crap outa of Borlis pass as well. I also beleive NSP beat on us a few times before. My guild is a fully dedicated WvW guild. It’s all we do from the time we wake up to the time we go to bed. Last few weeks i took the time to gather the other WvW focused guilds and for the first time we are some what organized(first server match working together) and I personally have seen much improvement over the last few days. We may b losing this matchup against NSP but the fact we can sort of hold our own against them is a +. Player one, Starting tonight lets have our servers work together. I will try to let everyone knw to just focus green and i hope you can do the same with your server.

Leader/Driver of Krew/MR

Props to Anvil Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Player One.4932

Player One.4932

@Hadan, I agree we should find a way to split up the maps a bit and avoid fighting each other aggressively. The original theory for WvW was that this would happen naturally but it really isn’t. The two weaker servers go after each other because people need that XP and Karma lol. Maybe over time, servers will begin to realize the merits of teaming up against the stronger server.

I have some influence in AR WvW but not enough to make anything happen at that scale. But I can talk to some others about it and at least get the idea floating around a bit. So I will try.

Violator Xx

(edited by Player One.4932)

Props to Anvil Rock

in WvW

Posted by: MasterofKhaos.8903


Haha bring it on. I’ll gladly defend against Borlis Pass and AR split pushing on the same maps or on different maps. Lets keep up the good fights throughout the week!

WvW Leader and Co-leader of [TBH]
Co-Founder of Northern Shiverpeaks Council [NSC]

Props to Anvil Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Telmae.5720


Well whatever happens TFO ain’t going anywhere Don’t know what borlis was thinking pushing us (AR) in Eternal though… they should have been pushing NSP then we might not be looking at a sea of green on eternal right now.

Props to Anvil Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Player One.4932

Player One.4932

@ Master We actually did get a trebuchet up near the end there but it was too late.

And I don’t want to knock my own server but when a couple specific players aren’t online, it seems to take an act of God to get players to use siege correctly. AR players, I’m not knocking us but I think it speaks to the fact that we have been experiencing major fluctuations in our population as more experienced players get frustrated and leave and we get new players regularly. We’ll get better we just need to keep playing through the frustration until we all get the experience to be more competitive.

Also, I tried in vain for 3 minutes to get a 10 man strike team to go up that east side of the platform where the ramp meets the cliff, that exploitable terrain, and take out a few siege operators to get some breathing room. No one showed up so I went up by myself and took out one of your ballista operators before I got whacked lol

Violator Xx

Props to Anvil Rock

in WvW

Posted by: GavinGoodrich.1382


Thanks for the kind words. It was one of the most interesting sieges and by far the most entertaining 3-way I’ve seen yet. That keep flipped every 5-10 mins for about 30 minutes. Every team held it for a while.

Beware, epic long battlereport inc…

AR general perspective: One of our guys begins a ram siege on northwest bay gate. Didn’t work given it was reinforced and backup came soon. Fights were in the 30s vs. 20s but all progress on the gate stopped.

We backed up, put trebs down, defended those. Added more defensive siege. It worked, given we were so close to our camp. We rotated groups (sorta) for guard duty—attacks on camp were repelled. We even avoided the wurm event 90% of the time!

Mid-siege, Here comes Borlis from behind (NSP was holding keep at the time). Supplies cut off, reinforcements cut off, borlis “bores” in hard from the south, flipping the keep…

…which is now being pummelled with no upgrades by our treb team up north. Nice timing!!

We plowed in…got the plateau to the north. More trebs n’ defense. Multiple attacks repelled. We took down the wall but…

…well crap, we couldn’t get past the deathtrap borlis laid for us. To make matters worse, shiverpeak got back in, and they’re busy duking it out repeatedly, but anvil, as secure as our siege is, can’t plow directly into 2 teams either! Anvil starts adjusting trebs to clear siege. Yay, it works. Fortunately, no countertreb attempts this time (no supply, really.) Btw borlis now has the keep and the orb. But eventually they break with NSP hitting them from the south, putting them in the SAME position borlis just put ’em in 10 minutes ago. All teams are in the 40+ range for people now. The rest of the map is silent. EVERYONE wants in on this brawl!

NSP pushes in, but can’t fully capture, form the south. So somebody BREAKS THE ALTAR and runs with the orb! All the way to the LAKE! Massive 3-way panic ensues! I send some of my guys to cut ‘em off, but saw borlis split their people (or the zerg just broke off on it’s own to chase) and I decide to take the keep instead, breaking anvil off. We just BARELY got it, and start mopping up.

i’ll split this into two posts, holy chripes

Resident Zerg Idiot
Isle of Janthir

Props to Anvil Rock

in WvW

Posted by: GavinGoodrich.1382


Part 2:

Borlis and NSP are playing cat and mouse with the orb in the LAKE, and finally borlis catches it. But they have no keep to place it on! The timer’s at about…9-10 minutes left.

I have two choices: Dig in at the bay, or prepare for the imminent blitzes on the orb from BOTH teams. This is anvil’s map, and we have the garrison, so I call for us to get north.

AMAZINGLY, borlis manages to hold onto the orb the ENTIRE time on the field. NSP disengages to prep for a northern reset blitz, and anvil prepares on defense. BORLIS, on the other hand, says “hey, un-upgraded keep and barely anybody in. And we have an orb for it. GO GO GO RETAKE THE BAY!”

To which I go “holy christ” and send EVERY available body except for 1-2 groups to the bay purely to stall ‘em before the reset. We’re at about 7-minutes left now, they clearly have enough time and are very quick about dropping rams.

What follows is one of the most desperate stalling rushes I’ve ever seen. Scraping together 1 arrow cart at the south gate didn’t do anything, so I literally call for every available body to get INTO the circle and run the timer down. By the time they get through the inner gate, we’re talking 90 SECONDS LEFT. If they can’t capture and put the orb on, we get it back, up north! We have 10…15 people tops. They have about 30+ It’s a suicide mission.

60 seconds….they come piling in…bout 5-10 of us left hiding behind columns trying to stay in the circle when possible.

40 seconds…bout 5 left…I start taking hits and begin running around like a moron.

30 seconds…just a few left, but SO CLOSE!


10…still alive but outside the circle. they’re capturing!

at SIX SECONDS LEFT they captured. However, the orb wasn’t placed on the altar in time so anvil managed to suicide hold long enough for the reset!

What followed was a series of successful ambushes north of the citadel that failed due to a bugged orb typically dissapearing after 1 from their team and 1 from our team dying with it. After that I had to go. But that was the most exciting 3-way I’ve ever had, and props to NSP and Borlis for bringing the pain!

Regarding teaming up on NSP—I’ve always focused on purely NSP…even pushing into NSP-controlled borlis territory mainly to send a message that yes, NSP overextended. they can’t hold all of that with you pushing hard. But when Borlis regains a foothold we get way too much double-team pressure, so i’d need to see a much more commited thing from Borlis to push NSP harder before I leave my flanks open

Resident Zerg Idiot
Isle of Janthir

Props to Anvil Rock

in WvW

Posted by: MasterofKhaos.8903


That’s a pretty decent battle report. The two biggest things I can contribute from a leader on NSP side.

At Bay we took the orb because the Lord was bugged with Determined (Invulnerable due to Orb /Pedestal) So we took the orb and high-tailed to Hills. We got stopped at the edge of the lake, the orb dropped but we couldn’t see anyone with the orb. It also wasn’t on the map. So we thought it bugged out and we headed north to prepare for the reset. Totally didn’t realize that Borlis Pass had the orb, or they would have never gotten that close to taking the bay.

But truly was a good fight for a few hours tonight. We knocked most of AR out of the fight after we finally capped the orb, which let us shift our focus to Borlis Pass.

WvW Leader and Co-leader of [TBH]
Co-Founder of Northern Shiverpeaks Council [NSC]

Props to Anvil Rock

in WvW

Posted by: GavinGoodrich.1382


We got stopped at the edge of the lake, the orb dropped but we couldn’t see anyone with the orb. It also wasn’t on the map. So we thought it bugged out and we headed north to prepare for the reset. Totally didn’t realize that Borlis Pass had the orb, or they would have never gotten that close to taking the bay.

I feel your pain. It’s just as bad here. We usually have to frantically ask WHO GOT THE ORB when it drops. It needs some serious UI overhaul for something so critical to over 100 players across several teams during the most critical times…and they can’t even find it.

Resident Zerg Idiot
Isle of Janthir

Props to Anvil Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Hadan.2841


Pretty good recap of the fight last night. Just to clear something up. after the orb was dropped near the lake Borlis pass did not have the orb. When we hit the bay we knew we had only 8mins to take the keep and try for the orb. We already saw green up at the north camp fighting over the spot. Once the orb dropped it auto reset. No one had time to pick the orb up.

Leader/Driver of Krew/MR

Props to Anvil Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Crawford.4135


I have yet found a company within the United States of America that hire employees based on their leadership within an online game.

There for, I do not care who props who. It’s just a game to me.

Props to Anvil Rock

in WvW

Posted by: yertle.5837


@Hadan I’m 99% certain I spotted a Borlis guy holding the orb at the guard just outside the supply camp south of Bay, before he went into the camp with it.

GG fun fight, I’m happy its 3 way fight and not 2 way this week

edit: pretty irritating how the orb vanishes from map after carrier dies – seems like half of the attempted caps end in an MIA orb. Never know if it bugged or someone ( whether friend or enemy) walked off with it.

Acenn (Thief)
also L80 Ele/Necro/Mesmer

(edited by yertle.5837)

Props to Anvil Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Hadan.2841


IF in fact some1 on Borlis did have an orb, then they did a great job not only hiding it from you guys but from their own server lol. We didnt start the seige until 8mins hit on the reset. I remember 8mins because i sent tells to the alliance guilds telling them we had less then 8mins to get the keep and rush the orb for reset. If we would have known we actually had orb we would have started seige right when it started at 15mins. I think overall we can agree the orbs atm are stupid and all bugged to shiit.

Leader/Driver of Krew/MR