Punishment/Price for Anti-Stealth trap

Punishment/Price for Anti-Stealth trap

in WvW

Posted by: deviller.9135


next trap will prevent the use of a 2H weapon for 30s ….
fair ?

Funny if you make this trap, which clearly cripple a class as a whole.

Anti stealth trap do nothing to thief. (If you clever). It will cripple bad bad bad bad thief. But not a good one. (or average one). Thief should not rely only stealth for escape. If you rely stealth only for escape, you also a bad thief.

Punishment/Price for Anti-Stealth trap

in WvW

Posted by: Mattargul.9235


I want a trap that strips all boons and prevents them from being reapplied. And one that drains all life force off of necros. Another one that prevents any minions or clones or turrets from being created.

And one that disables all skills for 30 seconds. Then we can get down to the real hardcore PvP: emote dance off!

Dances with Leaves – Guardian – Sanctum of Rall (SoR)

Punishment/Price for Anti-Stealth trap

in WvW

Posted by: Haz.9864


Traps are a step in the right direction i suppose, but implementing them like this as an expensive item that gets drawn from your backpack and channeled is silly.

Rangers should have been given a flare trap and engineers a flare turret that did what these things do since launch.

Akue – war, Duck Dogers – eng (Splt) (NSP)

Punishment/Price for Anti-Stealth trap

in WvW

Posted by: Florgknight.1589


Anti-Stealth is a counter to veils… not thieves


Punishment/Price for Anti-Stealth trap

in WvW

Posted by: Swamurabi.7890


If that’s the case, give all classes some stupid ability that others need to pay for to counter.

I would just like to say that giving people the ability to pay badges and karma to straight counter someones class specific type abilities would be hilarious. Can you imagine being able to drop 15 badges to strip an ele or grd of the ability to apply boons for 30 seconds? How fast do you think theyd die at that point? How about 15 badges and some karma to remove an engineers access to turrets, potions and kits? Or better yet! 15 badges and some karma to remove a mesmers ability to summon clones or phantasms or apply any amount of confusion? We could make one for necros too that remove minions and dont let them apply any conditions to anything. After that we can move on to warriors, and remove their ability to use any CC and makes their max HP total half of what it naturally is.

You guys all know that this is exactly what youre asking for right? A money sink to hard counter a specific class. That’s some BS, and you guys should feel ashamed.

You obviously don’t play a Necro. Ever see MM Necros running around WvW? No, because the minion AI has already nerfed this class mechanic.

Conditions? Give me a break. Everyone in WvW and sPvP has so many condition cleanses a condition Necro is also nerfed. On top of that you have a buggy Corrupt Boon skill with a long cast time of Epidemic to add extra nerf to the nerf.

DeathShroud? Oh yeah, having a “second life bar” that degenerates and once drained takes a long time to refill, that’s working wonders for the Necros, the masters of attrition.

On the positive side for Necros, because we don’t have an OP build, we’re constantly finding builds to improve our gameplay from average to good.

Punishment/Price for Anti-Stealth trap

in WvW

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


How about making those traps a Ranger skill so ranger will have another use?

Punishment/Price for Anti-Stealth trap

in WvW

Posted by: Gaiawolf.8261


How about a trap that…
…prevents all summons for 30s?
…disables all teleports for 30s?
…triggers all virtues not on CD within 2000 units?
…deals 10K damage if you have a staff stowed in your inventory?
…dispels all skill effects within the word “dark” in its tooltip within 20000 units?
…prevents carrying a bundle for 30s? (Die, engi! DIE!)
…prevents gaining adrenaline for 30s?
…destroys all equipped bows?
…disables all shout skills for 30s?
…disables commander tag for 30 minutes?
…prevents you from playing an asura for 300hrs? (floppy eared rodents )

This is fun. I’m gonna pop some traps. Only got 20k badges in my stash…

Lone Wolf Mesmer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief
Dissentient [DIS] ~Tarnished Coast

Punishment/Price for Anti-Stealth trap

in WvW

Posted by: Iruwen.3164


I’m gonna pop some traps
Only got fifteen badges in my pocket
I’m, I’m, I’m hunting, looking for a come up
This is f...ing awesome

Iruwen Evillan, Human Mesmer on Drakkar Lake

Punishment/Price for Anti-Stealth trap

in WvW

Posted by: Jacklo.4230


next trap will prevent the use of a 2H weapon for 30s ….
fair ?

Funny if you make this trap, which clearly cripple a class as a whole.

Anti stealth trap do nothing to thief. (If you clever). It will cripple bad bad bad bad thief. But not a good one. (or average one). Thief should not rely only stealth for escape. If you rely stealth only for escape, you also a bad thief.

Stealth is a major component of almost all Thief builds.
Stealth is needed not only for escape, but also healing, damage, initiative regen, condition removal, boons – just off the top of my head.

You say it does nothing to Thief “If you clever”. The only clever thing to do would be to run away for 30 seconds, by which time most fights are already over, zerg or not.

Punishment/Price for Anti-Stealth trap

in WvW

Posted by: Daemonne.5018


Quit gearing for glass canon and maybe you can beat/survive a stealth thief.

If you play solitaire with only one suit, your game is going to end faster and feel lacking.

Punishment/Price for Anti-Stealth trap

in WvW

Posted by: Silas Drake.8946

Silas Drake.8946

Ill trade you stealth traps for a outmanned trap that allows you to break up zergs by magicly forcing them to /dance while you thin them out.

Phorfiet - HoD O|O

Punishment/Price for Anti-Stealth trap

in WvW

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


I believe you are all missing how traps came to be. For me, I believe the supply one was created first as a supply sink. With the constant trolling complaints from a few Guilds over “Siege Wars”, something had to be created to cater to these Guilds. Thus, something to consume supply was created.

Next up, how would it be implemented. Of course whom better to task for this than the dev’s Golden Child Thus, the supply one was created expressly for thieves to use. Good luck doing this with any other class.

Afterwards, they came up with the counter to it. Only to consumer EVEN MORE supply and badges.

WvW is pretty much zero sum as it is. That is if you play hard and actually invest in upgrades as a good WvW’er should. The AC boost is trivial compared to making the JP’s once per day per account. Then introducing supply and badge sinks to boot!.

Gold sink, check!
Supply sink, check!
Badge sink, check!
Siege sink, check!
Fun sink, check!!!!!!!!!

As having an 80 Ranger, a pet should have “Guard” replaced (since it’s worthless) with Hunt. This would be an ideal utility to combat Thieves. Animals use different senses than just eyesight to track. Stealth shouldn’t be as Omnipotent as it is. As an example, in the water shark’s and other aquatic creatures don’t use eyesight to track. Thus a thief shouldn’t be able to shake targeting from them using stealth.

Gaiawolf that was a great list! I’m happy that I can completely avoid all of these

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

(edited by DeWolfe.2174)

Punishment/Price for Anti-Stealth trap

in WvW

Posted by: rmBossa.4621


If you need an “anti stealth trap” to have a chance at beating a thief, you wern’t going to win anyway.

Im pretty sure this trap was just to throw a bone at all the noob QQers with its concept and its real purpose is more for zergs veiling in and out of keeps etc.

Punishment/Price for Anti-Stealth trap

in WvW

Posted by: deviller.9135


next trap will prevent the use of a 2H weapon for 30s ….
fair ?

Funny if you make this trap, which clearly cripple a class as a whole.

Anti stealth trap do nothing to thief. (If you clever). It will cripple bad bad bad bad thief. But not a good one. (or average one). Thief should not rely only stealth for escape. If you rely stealth only for escape, you also a bad thief.

Stealth is a major component of almost all Thief builds.
Stealth is needed not only for escape, but also healing, damage, initiative regen, condition removal, boons – just off the top of my head.

You say it does nothing to Thief “If you clever”. The only clever thing to do would be to run away for 30 seconds, by which time most fights are already over, zerg or not.

Trap has 4 s channeling time. 1v1 with thief.
1. Are you sure you can still live when you finished channeling a trap ?
2. Are you sure thief will dumb enough to walk into your trap if he sees you placing a trap ?
3. Are you sure they will not interrupt you while channeling a trap ?

Anti-stealth trap will not work in 1v1. Unless you xv1 thief and your team-mate place a trap, it will work. But its xv1 not 1v1. And here: you waste 15 badges and 525 karma for a single thief which only give you 2 badges and no karma (maybe you will get a good item). In 1 v 1 case, thief can escape from you even without stealth.

Punishment/Price for Anti-Stealth trap

in WvW

Posted by: Jacklo.4230


next trap will prevent the use of a 2H weapon for 30s ….
fair ?

Funny if you make this trap, which clearly cripple a class as a whole.

Anti stealth trap do nothing to thief. (If you clever). It will cripple bad bad bad bad thief. But not a good one. (or average one). Thief should not rely only stealth for escape. If you rely stealth only for escape, you also a bad thief.

Stealth is a major component of almost all Thief builds.
Stealth is needed not only for escape, but also healing, damage, initiative regen, condition removal, boons – just off the top of my head.

You say it does nothing to Thief “If you clever”. The only clever thing to do would be to run away for 30 seconds, by which time most fights are already over, zerg or not.

Trap has 4 s channeling time. 1v1 with thief.
1. Are you sure you can still live when you finished channeling a trap ?
2. Are you sure thief will dumb enough to walk into your trap if he sees you placing a trap ?
3. Are you sure they will not interrupt you while channeling a trap ?

Anti-stealth trap will not work in 1v1. Unless you xv1 thief and your team-mate place a trap, it will work. But its xv1 not 1v1. And here: you waste 15 badges and 525 karma for a single thief which only give you 2 badges and no karma (maybe you will get a good item). In 1 v 1 case, thief can escape from you even without stealth.

Who’s talking about 1v1?
What about regular group play, where the thief is basically out of the fight until it’s over?