Puzzles in WvW shouldn't have rivals

Puzzles in WvW shouldn't have rivals

in WvW

Posted by: Lyah.9548


I think is unfair being close to complete the puzzle and be killed by 3 players from another server. THIS IS NOT RIGHT! Spending so much time trying to get to the end and then be killed in an unfair fight.

Since you pass through a portal to do the puzzle, all players from every server should turn equal, so fights like this don’t happen.

Puzzles in WvW shouldn't have rivals

in WvW

Posted by: Puzzle.8415


so you dont want pvp in a pvp zone?

sorry if i dont understand

Puzzles in WvW shouldn't have rivals

in WvW

Posted by: hobbes.6178


Nah, its a PvP area, PvP is expected. You can do the entire puzzle stealthed anyways.

Puzzles in WvW shouldn't have rivals

in WvW

Posted by: Lyah.9548


I keep trying everyday and keep being killed by 10 players —’

Puzzles in WvW shouldn't have rivals

in WvW

Posted by: BabelFish.7234


You need to pick a time when you know people will be more civil to do it then.
2-6am weekdays is usually a good time as most people on at that point aren’t out for ganking the jp.

If you try during peak hours and are getting ganked-well kinda your own fault.

Puzzles in WvW shouldn't have rivals

in WvW

Posted by: darkrequiem.6258


Occasionally you get players from other servers who pause for a moment and wait to see if you’re going to attack them before continuing. I’ve actually had players in there that will start jumping to lead you in the right direction for the JP in case you took a wrong turn (very rare).

In the end though there will always be somebody towards the end that thinks it’s fun to make you do all of this again. If you want to do the JP undisturbed, use the mystic fountains within that grant you 4 minutes of stealth (I’ve been told there are 3 but have only found 2 myself). If you’re not using these then group up with other members of your server and claim the JP for your server.

Also, if they knock you off the edge (had a previously passive warrior run up behind me and use “Fear Me”) show them your level of amusement by dragging their character down to your spot and making sure they have to start the puzzle all over again. The mesmer that uses “Into the Void” against me because I made the jump they missed is a dead mesmer.

Puzzles in WvW shouldn't have rivals

in WvW

Posted by: BabelFish.7234


Its rare that you see people lead another player in the right direction?
I always do that if we wave each other by. There’s no need to be a prick in the jp, most of us there are trying to get our legendary or invader’s gear.

Puzzles in WvW shouldn't have rivals

in WvW

Posted by: Governor Toothpaste.1582

Governor Toothpaste.1582

But……….. The puzzles are in WvWvW…….

Puzzles in WvW shouldn't have rivals

in WvW

Posted by: darkrequiem.6258


You’re making me jealous now Babel. Must always be up against the wrong servers.

Puzzles in WvW shouldn't have rivals

in WvW

Posted by: BabelFish.7234


You’re making me jealous now Babel. Must always be up against the wrong servers.

Try waiting until super early in the morning and weekends are never a good time for the jp unless your server is dominating and its peak hours for them.

And to be fair my server has issues with BP doing the problems you’re having. AR doesn’t do it nearly as often so I’ve figured out the best times to do the puzzle to avoid BP’s peak hours.

Puzzles in WvW shouldn't have rivals

in WvW

Posted by: Fiction.6418


Look this is my take on it, all of you jump puzzles people need to stay out of wvw, A-net can we remove JP from wvw.. they clog up the queue and then they whine about pvp. I am sorry that you guys come to a pvp zone to pve and then die.. fractals is ==> that way.

Evidence – 80Asura Thief | Skáldskap 80Human Guardian | Pirateking 80Human Mesmer
Pvp Inc. [PvP]
Ferguson’s Crossing

Puzzles in WvW shouldn't have rivals

in WvW

Posted by: CC Charles.3675

CC Charles.3675

Community Coordinator


Due to the fact that this discussion doesn’t bring any constructive feedback, I will now close it.

Thank you for your understanding.