PvE Patches Killing WvW
It is disappointing, patch after patch, to see tons of new PvE content and no new WvW content. Maybe a tweak or two to existing mechanics but no new mechanics, no new content with existing mechanics; just subtle tweaks. And, of course, new PvE items that can’t be obtained through WvW (“oh we wanted to add that but ran out of time”, gee, thanks).
WvW needs content too!
I hope the expectation isn’t that, 1 year from now, the PvE game will consist of double the material it has today while WvW is basically the same as it was on launch.
A game that’s 100% WvW
WTB WvW daily/monthly achievements. Simple daily achievements can consist of getting 10kills 2 tower caps 1 camp cap 1 keep cap. Monthly can consist of more caps of each things. Just an idea. Would be cool to see a ranking system added to WvW as well. Start giving WvW some sort of meaning to it. Add some ranks to it so ppl can see who are the dedicated WvWers to those who just join for map completion. It may be hard to believe but there is a group of us who ONLY do WvW. We need new stuff as well ANET!!!
Leader/Driver of Krew/MR
Well that is one of the upsides of creating PvP content. It may take longer to make but it pays off because it’s essentially a sandbox environment and never gets old. Take Warsong Gulch in WoW for example. I don’t want to know how may bazillion hours have been spent in that BG and it probably took half as much time to make as a single raid-zone of which there have been dozens.
So yeah, PvP doesn’t necessarily require anywhere near as much new content as PvE.
That said, the next patch should contain some changes that will hopefully make WvW more interesting.
And don’t get too worried about WvW participation. It will rise again once people have become accustomed to the new features, which typically only takes a week or so. If there had actually been any significant balance changes Wvw might have never taken a dip.
Incidentally, I’m not sure I like daily/monthly achievements that frequently run counter to playing a good, smart game.
I often find myself doing something silly or something I don’t really want to do just because it’s a daily. (“Oo an arrow cart! Let’s all run into his range and dodge around until we hit our daily.” Or, “Noooo, let the ogres die! We need to rez them!”)
Dailies are fail.
Just in general.
A game that’s 100% WvW
Incidentally, I’m not sure I like daily/monthly achievements that frequently run counter to playing a good, smart game.
I often find myself doing something silly or something I don’t really want to do just because it’s a daily. (“Oo an arrow cart! Let’s all run into his range and dodge around until we hit our daily.” Or, “Noooo, let the ogres die! We need to rez them!”)
Dailies are fail.
Just in general.
yea i am not too big on the daily/monthly stuff as well. i still havent finished a monthly since they made fractels a requirement lol. But ive heard alot of ppl say they would be more inclined to do it if they had some sort of purpose. I Dont want to see pointless dailes added like dodge thru ACs lol. But rather make it so people look at it as a challenge, join in and work towards capturing that keep/tower/camp or w.e it is. This may get the interest of pvers/new players to join and see what WvW is all about and in some way it can possibly teach new WvWers about WvW. make it so it takes them to all the aspects of WvW. If they fail to capture that keep maybe it will motivate them to come back in a few hrs when they’re back on to try to take it then.
Leader/Driver of Krew/MR
(edited by Hadan.2841)
Incidentally, I’m not sure I like daily/monthly achievements that frequently run counter to playing a good, smart game.
I often find myself doing something silly or something I don’t really want to do just because it’s a daily. (“Oo an arrow cart! Let’s all run into his range and dodge around until we hit our daily.” Or, “Noooo, let the ogres die! We need to rez them!”)
Dailies are fail.
Just in general.
That’s exactly how I felt last night on my first daily for the new currency, not so much myself, but what it felt like everyone around me was doing. It almost felt like people were taking dives so everyone else could revive them. I wouldn’t mind so much since it is mostly doing stuff we do already as it is, I’m just a bit upset that people I know who don’t work and will probably have their children taken away by CPS someday can crank out Fractals and get their monthlies and gain the new currency at a far better rate then someone like myself who only does w3.
It’s edging towards what Age of Conan pvp ended up being. It was a handful of dedicated pvpers holding siege defenses for their guild and alliance being fried by pvers in raid/dungeon gear obtained in a month because the pvp gear took ages to get legit and getting a full raid or dungeon set as a pvper was brain numbing. I’m not looking forward at all to the Laurel grind to get the amulet, rings, and slots filled as a non pver. The hour or so I get after work on a weekday will be used ensuring I get my daily done since this grind will stretch out over four or five months.
I really like WvW but it’s stale, nothing has changed that much since release. I want a new feature that makes the content interesting again, like titles you can work towards similar to what WoW vanilla had, Knight, Private ect. This is just an example obviously, but I want something new.
The sky is falling… again.
Overused turn-of-phrase is overused. I don’t believe WvW is on its deathbed, I do however wonder how long people can be expected to keep playing it when ANet keeps churning out incentives to PvE all the time.
The PvEr’s are sucking up all the interwebs and now I can’t play WvW.
Last words – “I’m going to jump off this cliff
and pull all those guys down cuz they’ll die.”
WvW isnt on its deathbed, its just sick and needs some tender loving care from Anet, which its gonna get in a month
The new currency sucks for players who only do wvw. Seems like I can only have 1 laurel per day irregardless of how many hrs I played in wvw. To get e monthly, I have to do fractual – wtf. Basically it is encourage pugs to go into wvw, take up valuable wvw slot, spend 15 min, get e daily, n get out.
WvW needs content too!
CS 1.6 hasn’t had new content for years.
Still alive and kicking. Something designed for infinite replayability doesn’t need a constant infusion of new content. That simply serves to upset the state of balance at regular intervals.
[CoSA]/[WWGD] // Sorrow’s Furnace (since August 2012) US West Evening Shift
WTB WvW daily/monthly achievements. Simple daily achievements can consist of getting 10kills 2 tower caps 1 camp cap 1 keep cap. Monthly can consist of more caps of each things. Just an idea. Would be cool to see a ranking system added to WvW as well. Start giving WvW some sort of meaning to it. Add some ranks to it so ppl can see who are the dedicated WvWers to those who just join for map completion. It may be hard to believe but there is a group of us who ONLY do WvW. We need new stuff as well ANET!!!
I do totally agree with you…
Guild : [HB] (www.hb-eu.com)
WvW is always last. I’d just be happy to be able to right-click on a ally in WvW and have the same drop menu items as in PvE. Unfortuntely the only option you have is “report”.
How about fixing the basic things in WvW before adding new content… things like being able to “invite” or “whisper” in WvW without typing it out everytime. Being somewhat sarcastic here but let’s put some focus on basic WvW polish. Don’t even get me started on the Commander and Squad system… the same one they have been using since BW1… in spite of all the feedback on it.
I sure hope that WvW patch coming fixes some of this stuff.
Uh. If people pve, it is less zergy, more fun for smaller groups of player. Hardly would say pve does anything real bad to wvw. Unless of course you are on a server who only relies on #s.
be glad no one touch www yet, I see the way they ruin everything they touch
A Skritt is dumb. A group of Skritt are smart.
A Human is smart. A group of Humans are idiots.
Guys, they just fixed the 10 to 15 supplies bug, they can’t do everything!
Guild : [HB] (www.hb-eu.com)
Haven’t completed a monthly in an extremely long time because the remaining task is Fractals. Kitten that.
Looney vids at http://www.youtube.com/feed/UCRhCtfrF9GhxU1CoeZSN0kQ/u
Midnight Mayhem
Honestly I wouldn’t mind some Monthly/Daily’s for WvW only.
(Anet needs to realize they have players who ONLY play WvW.)
Meaning some don’t give 1 thought to Dungeons, especially Fractals.
Though over top ANYTHING I would rather Anet take time, and think before making patches.(Or even stated nerfs/buffs, ect…) So they make a calm, collected, informed decision, instead of just pulling a decision out from where the sun doesn’t shine.
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu
Please, no dailies or monthlies in WvW. The objectives of such things are often silly, and counter actually smart play.
What would they have you do? “Build 4 siege machines”->R kitten spamming siege in illogical places, wasting supply and hitting siege caps.
“use 20 supply”->idiots taking supply from a Keep, which they shouldnt cause its being upgraded, to repair a wall which is being trebbed anyway. Wasting supply.
“cap a keep”-> really? An upgraded and sieged keep is very hard to take. This isnt something i can simply get done on a schedule that involves work during the day.
“escort a dolyak to safety”-> well, atleast people are escorting the dolly. But i think he doesnt need a 40man escort to a fully supply capped tower, while our keep is under attack…
So for the love of Grent, don’t. I think we need to look into making WvW rewarding first, and actually make it possible to get proper gear from playing WvW. Invader’s is just p/t/v, any other combinations involve basicly doing pve. And the cost of WvW pieces are completely out of balance. Requiring a great deal more effort.
(edited by Terrahero.9358)
On a server that has a low WvW population it very may well be killing it however on higher population servers anything that draws people away from WvW for a while is a godsend to ease the unbearable Queues experienced.
It is disappointing, patch after patch, to see tons of new PvE content and no new WvW content. Maybe a tweak or two to existing mechanics but no new mechanics, no new content with existing mechanics; just subtle tweaks. And, of course, new PvE items that can’t be obtained through WvW (“oh we wanted to add that but ran out of time”, gee, thanks).
WvW needs content too!
I hope the expectation isn’t that, 1 year from now, the PvE game will consist of double the material it has today while WvW is basically the same as it was on launch.
Remember they took out the orbs… that’s less content ^^
Ranger charr 80, Guardian asura 80
ANet has said that next month’s patch will be a WvW patch so hopefully we will see more incentives to do WvW then. Of course, it might also mean (for better or worse) that a lot of new people will join WvW
Regarding the daily/monthly achievement:
1. Daily used to be easiest/quickest done in WvW, now it will probably depend on what the requirements are for any given day since they’re supposed to change daily.
2. Monthlies will also change, hopefully on a rotating system as well.
3. A system is coming which will let you chose to do X things out of a list of Y alternatives.
4. There are about as many people who used to complain that WvW kills were part of the monthly as there were people complaining about fractals. The thing about the monthly (and to some part daily) achievement is to encourage players to try out various aspects of the game. I’d guess the upcoming change I mentioned in 3. is because there are now actual, useful rewards from the achievements so they are trying to make some middle ground between encouraging new things and letting people play how they want.
The new daily seems to be a little more wvw oriented.. they still need to add a little more to it. Maybe add like capture 3 towers or something like that.
Pve always will be a requirement on any game(if you want top of the line gear). I know anet said.. you won’t farm dungeons for hours.. Which is truth.. With 2-3 runs a dungeon a day.. you can easily get any piece. It’s not like in other mmo’s where you sitting to wait for boss spawn and kill it 1351513515 times to get a one in a lifetime loot.
What wvwvw really needs.. Its quite a lot of things. For the most part it start becoming repeatitive specially for people that been here for a long time. Maybe add new king of the hill events where all 3 servers go for it and achieve something.. Something like the orb. But instead of a permanent buff maybe an 1 hour buff. Which i think it should be fair and would bring a big fight out of the.. I sit in tower while you treb/golem rush.
Add orbs back, however give them the current “outmanned buff”, and add the old orb buff as the “new outmanned” buff.
Thats been suggested for months, even well before removal of orbs. Will it happen? Doubtful.
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu
Right now they just need to polish up the system they plan to add in February and then change monthly so pve’rs don’t need to wvw for completion and I don’t need fractals for completion. Solid (till they get around to makeing maps way bigger)
It was 2 vs 20 but its ok we got’em both!
more and fun gameplay, not bribes… you have until ESO at latest.. but who knows if you get that long.
the Reset and us having a 80k lead in tier 2 has made us take a break so im not playing for a few days..
[IRON] Gaming
WvW participation is only disappearing from the groups who play WvW because they’ve run out of PvE content.
WvW needs content too!
CS 1.6 hasn’t had new content for years.
Still alive and kicking. Something designed for infinite replayability doesn’t need a constant infusion of new content. That simply serves to upset the state of balance at regular intervals.
I think the critical difference here is that CS is a shooter — shooters have a very long lifespan because there’s always something tactically interesting about having to react, aim and shoot.
For example, baseball players don’t get bored of swinging at baseballs any more than basketball players get bored of shooting hoops. They might get tired of having to trek out to the gym and find parking but the physical activity can entertain for decades. “Muscle memory” tends to strengthen over time rather than “get boring”.
Thinking games, which RPG combat tends to fall under, requires enough depth to keep it interesting, which I don’t think WvW currently has. It’s not exactly chess out there. We aren’t trying to think 5 moves ahead with a myriad of possibilities because there just aren’t that many options that the mechanics or maps support.
WvW gets old where Counterstrike and Chess don’t, because WvW lacks the “muscle memory” of a sports/shooter type game and lacks the depth of a proper strategy/thinking game.
That’s why WvW needs more content — specifically it needs more mechanical depth.
(Also, most Counterstrike servers run a variety of new maps, or periodically update/rotate them. New maps put players in new situations and keeps it interesting. WvW may be stuck with 4 maps for a long, long time.)
A game that’s 100% WvW