I know it sounds very strange…as I’ve played WvW for a long and a topic like this will be shot down in a million different ways, but I feel I should be posting this because it has bugged me for a very long time.
How come there is a WvW bonus that applies itself to the whole server (mostly PvE) but there is no PvE bonus accumulated by PvE players which apply to WvW players? Before you all slam me down into oblivion, think about that for a second and why I make a mention to this.
When there is no PvE integration into WvW, it makes it so that WvW-Oriented Servers exist. Servers who have power simply because more and more players WvW in a 24-hour period. A server that can abandon its PvE completely just to remain in the top three.
What is more is that those servers get their PvE experience by actually guesting in other servers. For example. I am a Tarnished Coast player and more frequently I run in small guids. I try to support them a bit and they tell me that its usually five or ten of their friends in BG, SoR or JQ (Yes, I’ve seen all three so far) guesting on Tarnished Coast for its PvE experience.
I’m not saying meeting players from other server are bad, but I feel the PvE population gets mothballed a bit in the scheme of it. More and More WvW oriented guilds stack up a server to retain them in the top three at the cost of a worse PvE experience.
So I’ve always wondered….
What if there was a PvE buff that affected WvW itself in a certain way? Much like in the way of saying “You can’t have an Army without a Nation, and each server is a World, and without a healthy world, one cant really have that healthy of an army” in attitude.
In short, something that would force WvW and PvE players to depend on each other, to end the bickering that comes across the two populations that at times puts them on opposite ends of the stick.
I don’t like the idea that Exclusion is made and its done so in a way to make it look like PvE depends on the WvW to get their bonuses. I rather see Inclusion be reached by having PvE players do something to help WvW players (Outside of the obvious, join WvW)
I find this would force WvW populations to depend on their PvE populations to achieve things instead of simply electing to all join in a few servers that are majority WvW populations where they can freely throw everything else away.