[Q] Building Superior Siege / Guild Siege

[Q] Building Superior Siege / Guild Siege

in WvW

Posted by: Huyzee.4013



I’m primarily a solo player playing in WvW and I frequently command on my own especially EotM which I have to buy / build my own superior sieges. My questions are as followed:

1. Buying Siege Masters Guide: Previously, I could purchase as much as I like without a confirmation window. Now I’m forced to confirm if I really want to buy the Siege Masters Guide. It’s been like this for a while now and I absolutely HATE it. Will there be a change again to where I can just buy without confirmation?

2. If NO to the first question, will there be a new option to buy in bulk such as 10xPhilosopher’s Stones, 5xMystic Cryatals, etc.?

3. If NO to this question then the Developers really are not focusing on WvW content.

4. Will superior siege be craftable one day? There is now the Scribe Crafting Discipline. Forging is so stupid.

5. I used to be able to build my own Guild Sieges pre HoT. Again, I’m a solo player. I don’t own a Guild Hall nor do I have any players in my SOLO guild. Am I just SoL?

TY in advanced.

[Q] Building Superior Siege / Guild Siege

in WvW

Posted by: Fellfoot.8156


4. Would be awesome. I have hope that will actually happen.

5. I’ve got a SOLO guild I was going to use for storage. I think we’re SoL.

[AIR] Henge of Denravi aka Pink Abu, [BAMA] RollTide
chopping wood one day, dropped a piece,
all I could say was, “…fell…foot…”

[Q] Building Superior Siege / Guild Siege

in WvW

Posted by: Fellfoot.8156


@Huyzee. Heh, just realized you’ve been in my friends list a long time, so you’re most likely someone I followed and supported in WvW. I’m on a different server now… Anyways, there’s a place in Lion’s Arch where us solo guild/storage guild folks can operate out of. I haven’t investigated it yet, but it is there.

[AIR] Henge of Denravi aka Pink Abu, [BAMA] RollTide
chopping wood one day, dropped a piece,
all I could say was, “…fell…foot…”

[Q] Building Superior Siege / Guild Siege

in WvW

Posted by: Catalin.5341


Here’s a quick tip to buy in bulk, sort of.
Make sure you align the Confirm “yes” option with the item in the list. This way you don’t have to move your mouse just click once for the popup and then click again for the Yes, and again and again. You do have to click twice for one item, but there’s no mouse movement needed.

EU Seafearer’s Rest, Guilds: [AR] [tD]
Catalin Puf (Human Elementalist)
Catalin Elf (Sylvari Thief)

[Q] Building Superior Siege / Guild Siege

in WvW

Posted by: Downwood.3192


4: Superior Siege isn’t one of the unlockable scribe schematics, but guild sieges are.

[Q] Building Superior Siege / Guild Siege

in WvW

Posted by: Huyzee.4013


@Fellfoot: Hehehe. I was looking through my list as well and I saw you on there! I’ve checked out the area and I don’t think I see a merchant / NPC that lets me build my own sieges atm.

@Catalin: I actually do that at the moment. I also use Scroll Keys and just move my mouse and not have to use my mouse click to click and just rapidly press my + button for quick click. I can get 100 stacks pretty fast just it is a hassle.

@Downwood: I know. I’m just saying it would be beneficial to add it as a “craft-able” recipe in the Scribe schematics since Scribes now craft WvW-related things for their guild anyways whether automatic, a dropped recipe, or even discover-able.

[Q] Building Superior Siege / Guild Siege

in WvW

Posted by: Nate.3927


I don’t know about craftable but you can buy superior siege using proof of heroics combined with badges

[Q] Building Superior Siege / Guild Siege

in WvW

Posted by: Huyzee.4013


@Nate: Yeah I’ve noticed that as well. It’s only used as a sink. I would not even think about using my proof of heroics until I can fully obtain all my Hero Challenge in HoT and even then I’d hold onto my Proofs just in case of new content.