Q: New WvW map?

Q: New WvW map?

in WvW

Posted by: Bob.1039


I know this is too early to ask,

But as the game matures, do you think/hope Anet would introduce a new WvW map to replace the current one?

For me, I do hope to see a change in WvW map in the future, or probably even a monthly/quarterly map rotation.

What do you think? Should Anet just stick to and improve the current map, or would you like to see some variety in the future?

Q: New WvW map?

in WvW

Posted by: Enenion.8127


I wouldn’t mind a new map, but they can’t introduce too many new maps without spreading the WvW population too thin on the lower tier servers. What I think would be cool is if they reworked the borderlands maps to have thematic differences between them. Eg, instead of all of them being plains with snowy mountains up top, one could be desert with a mesa and a jungle instead of a forest at the bottom. The map layout would still be the same but the variety in terrain type would make the borderland maps more interesting.

Fort Aspenwood

Q: New WvW map?

in WvW

Posted by: Xyanide.8650


i hope so. and i also hope that the specific borderland can using similar terrain and environment that used in tyria map, for example crystal desert borderland is more desert like and stormbluff isle borderland more tropical like, not just duplicates of 3. this would make defenders in the map more home feeling.

[NöPë] from Stormbluff Isle
In morte ultima veritas