QOL improvement due to queues

QOL improvement due to queues

in WvW

Posted by: EremiteAngel.9765


I think it will be great if we can implement a QOL improvement due to the queue.
I think many people, like me, don’t do PvE or PvP with their WvW toon.

The current situation now is, if we want to play WvW with our WvW toon, we have to log in and queue with the WvW toon. If we log out and choose another toon to do something else, we get forced out of the queue.

But given the queues, sometimes we have to queue 1-2 hours to get in!

Why not implement such that once we start queuing, we will not get forced out of the queue even if we log out to the character screen to choose a PvE toon to play while waiting. And then when we do finally get into the WvW map, we have a freedom to go out to the character screen again to choose our preferred WvW toon to login and play without getting forced out of the map.

Something like what PvP has now, when they log in to PvP match, they can logout and re-choose their toon depending on their team composition and the enemy’s composition.

WvW needs a QOL improvement like this. It allows us to do other things like PvE or PvP on other toons while waiting for the long queue to reach our turn!

As things stand now, if we want to WvW, we have to log in with our WvW toon and queue and stand in Lion’s Arch doing nothing for 1-2 hours until it is our turn.

Scourge Demo Weekend Roaming Video:

QOL improvement due to queues

in WvW

Posted by: Flamealchemist.2681


What will queues help in?
In my opinion scoring is the issue which has been getting thrown at the back of the table again and again. What help would queueing do, if the matchups dont matter.
I don’t think they mentioned the queueing issue in the voting, I might be wrong. But let the best option win

By the way WvW Scoring Improvements FTWin!

QOL improvement due to queues

in WvW

Posted by: EremiteAngel.9765


I think I didn’t write it clearly. What I meant was, since we are having to queue for so long, why not give us the option to log in with another character without getting kicked out of the queue so we can play PvE or PvP with our PvE or PvP characters, then log back in to our WvW character when the queue reaches our turn.

Scourge Demo Weekend Roaming Video: