Question: Intent of WvW update..

Question: Intent of WvW update..

in WvW

Posted by: Dradiin.8935



My Question: Are you, the developers wanting us to move to servers with larger zergs ?
I am very serious about this question, i feel that this is the intention of this patch to encourage players to move off of lower pop servers to the ones that field 5+ 30 man zergs, at the same time.

I am seriously at a loss as to the intent of the WvW update. I played it for a few hours but could not get over how slanted this patch is in favor of the server with the largest zergs.

I play on Borlis Pass, we are currently matched with SBi and they undoubtedly have a huge number advantage over our population. I do not begrudge SBi for there numbers, not in any way. In fact i know if BP could field that many zergs i would be pleased as a peach. We can’t and we probably never will.

Now with the bloodlust buff SBi now has almost +150 to there stats at all times, so not only does SBi have massive numbers, all of there zergs are superman armies that crush us with barely any effort. I know that this might come across as whining, i agree it has a definite whine aspect, but its a serious issue. Before we had a semi decent chance to outmaneuver our opponents with the number advantage. Now its takes 5 or more of us to kill off just a 3 man group, and dont even talk about even numbers of zergs, its like our attacks are hitting brick walls and SBi’s are hitting naked babies.

Is the intent of WvW to just zerg ? Are numbers the only thing that matters anymore in WvW ? Was this really the vision that Anet has decided to move towards ?

Please, i really want to know so i can decide what server i should move to.

Question: Intent of WvW update..

in WvW

Posted by: TheAmpca.1753


I find your post rather ODD, seeing as I am on FA which has a MUCH higher population than your match up we haven’t really seen zergs controlling the bloodlust. Often times there is only about 10 people from one server rolling around the bloodlust while the main forces ignore it and just go for PPT. The other servers don’t really seem to care too much about it either to send more than 15 people ever.

Question: Intent of WvW update..

in WvW

Posted by: Dradiin.8935


I find your post rather ODD, seeing as I am on FA which has a MUCH higher population than your match up we haven’t really seen zergs controlling the bloodlust. Often times there is only about 10 people from one server rolling around the bloodlust while the main forces ignore it and just go for PPT. The other servers don’t really seem to care too much about it either to send more than 15 people ever.

While i appreciate that you do not have this issue on your match up, with ours it is a glaring advantage for the server with the larger and more numerous Zergs. If you can field 3-5 30+ man zergs and you know if you hold all three borderlands bloodlust zones your entire realm will get +150 to there stats, don’t you think it would be simple for that server to do just that ?

I know i would take advantage of those lopsided zerg numbers and compound it with even more lopsided stats.

Again, i am not blaming SBi for doing just this, what i do not understand is that Anet has in the past been more on the side of less zerging, now it seems like a huge shift towards “Zerg more and we will reward you”.

Question: Intent of WvW update..

in WvW

Posted by: AphoticEssance.7592


I am hoping that Anet realizes how slanted the PvP aspect of WvW becomes when A server controls all the buffs.

It is to early to tell if WvW as a game mode is broken atm. However, the PvP aspect of it is not very fun after the patch in my opinion. I really like receiving points on stomps but I feel that the buffs are a bit too much of an advantage to give to an entire server.

Question: Intent of WvW update..

in WvW

Posted by: Dradiin.8935


I am hoping that Anet realizes how slanted the PvP aspect of WvW becomes when A server controls all the buffs.

It is to early to tell if WvW as a game mode is broken atm. However, the PvP aspect of it is not very fun after the patch in my opinion. I really like receiving points on stomps but I feel that the buffs are a bit too much of an advantage to give to an entire server.

Yeah would be great to even just get a kill now, even better if one leads to a stomp, but alas, with greater numbers and greater stats staring us in the face its basically a morale destroyer for my server.