Question: Portals were never meant to bypass walls?

Question: Portals were never meant to bypass walls?

in WvW

Posted by: Kracin.6078


in light of seeing this quote from a game designer who posted on the forum to help answer a question about mesmer portal ability and rendering issues associated with reloading character models on player screens.

Game Designer

Hey all we have some plans to fix some of this. It is currently being looked at so expect a fix in the next few weeks. Basically we like that Portal has this power, but it shouldn’t be able to bypass walls, etc.

As for the problems with players not appearing this is a more difficult engine problem to solve. While we would like to solve it there are definitely counters to this strategy, because anyone doing it has just clumped up their entire team for AoE nuking. Ultimately if they outnumber you by a lot there are much more effective ways for them to kill you.


are we really supposed to believe that portals were put in the game, designed to move players from 1 side of the portal to the other… and they never really thought people would use it to bypass walls by hiding inside the keeps and towers, waiting until the enemy leaves and then letting them in by being sneaky sneaky?

im not completely against portals being able to do this, as long as we are absolutely certain there are no ways to glitch into keeps and towers.

maybe im just reading it wrong… am i? it just seems….wrong…. that a designer would claim that portals shouldn’t bypass walls… except that… its a portal, and the entire focus of WvW is getting through the doors and walls.

Question: Portals were never meant to bypass walls?

in WvW

Posted by: Kreedz.8127


Easy Counter to this is check your keeps after capturing them.

Puggers are like the Greeks.

Mesmers are the Trojan Horse.

Question: Portals were never meant to bypass walls?

in WvW

Posted by: Slamz.5376


The developer was talking about the ability to be outside the keep and drop a portal that gets you inside with no help from anyone on the inside.

If you are already inside, then getting your 50 friends in to join you is no problem. As Kreedz said, you just have to sweep the place after you take it. Some towers and keeps have a lot of hiding places.

Camelot Unchained – from the makers of DAOC
A game that’s 100% WvW

Question: Portals were never meant to bypass walls?

in WvW

Posted by: Wildclaw.6073


maybe im just reading it wrong… am i? it just seems….wrong…. that a designer would claim that portals shouldn’t bypass walls… except that… its a portal, and the entire focus of WvW is getting through the doors and walls.

Seriously, try using kitten Lightning Flash. You can’t even teleport over the smallest gap.

In all fairness, portal should work exactly the same. That it doesn’t currently is pure bullkitten Mesmer favoritism.

Question: Portals were never meant to bypass walls?

in WvW

Posted by: hunTShoo.1247



this has been a situation where there couldnt be a trojan horse, cause the inner ring never where even dmged.
the mes just manage to glitch the wall to open the portal.

but as anet didnt comment, this seems to be legit, like everything else mesmer or thiefs do.

Question: Portals were never meant to bypass walls?

in WvW

Posted by: Papaj.9035


Don’t even need Mesmer portals, just walk thru like Blackgate did to Dragonbrand’s garrison. This is out of god kitten control. I still see the same bots in Orr from 2-3 weeks ago, people are still speed/teleport hacking, and the slow rendering issue is something else entirely (you might as well give thieves perma-stealth).

80 Norn Elementalist
Violent Impact [VI] Guild Master (Blackgate)

Question: Portals were never meant to bypass walls?

in WvW

Posted by: Casia.4281


Maybe this is why engi’s have never had mortar fixed to work like it supposed to.

Everyone is supposed to be completely homogenized and offer no unique gameplay opportunities. :/

Very disappointing, and just sounds crazy.

Question: Portals were never meant to bypass walls?

in WvW

Posted by: MrPicklez.6473


I just watched the video in Papaj’s post where the guy walks through the wall of the keep. I think the problem is that Anet forgot to put he graphic in for the sliding bookcase secret door.

Question: Portals were never meant to bypass walls?

in WvW

Posted by: Kracin.6078


Easy Counter to this is check your keeps after capturing them.

Puggers are like the Greeks.

Mesmers are the Trojan Horse.

this is true, we already do this, and i’ve hidden numerous times on my mes to get people back in.

but the quote itself kind of throws you off because he states that portals shouldn’t bypass walls…..

Question: Portals were never meant to bypass walls?

in WvW

Posted by: Sisho.5431


The dev means that portals are not meant to bypass walls by glitching. There are ways for a mesmer to get over a wall without it ever having been broken. That is what he means.

Level 80 Elementalist/Warrior/Ranger/Mesmer
Leader and founder of [BIO] on Sea of Sorrows

Question: Portals were never meant to bypass walls?

in WvW

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


How could it not be intended? It’s a pretty legitimate strategy and it’s a shame it’s likely to be made into a pretty useless ability as a knee-jerk reaction to people complaining.

On that note, if portals aren’t meant to bypass walls then why do I get hit by AoE that goes through walls and gates? Is that unintended as well?

Please don’t go down the route Blizzard did and end up eroding away every trick that makes each class unique.

Question: Portals were never meant to bypass walls?

in WvW

Posted by: Nuitaran.3608


How could it not be intended? It’s a pretty legitimate strategy and it’s a shame it’s likely to be made into a pretty useless ability as a knee-jerk reaction to people complaining.

Please don’t go down the route Blizzard did and end up fixing every exploit that makes baddies like me win.

Fixed that for you.

Question: Portals were never meant to bypass walls?

in WvW

Posted by: mulch.2586


I just can’t see any use for the portal that isn’t to move people from one place to another that they couldn’t just easily walk there themself.

If not to scale walls, what’s it for? Helping non-jumpers get vistas?

Why create this tool, if not for this?

I’m afraid that ANet’s response to fixing bugs and bad design is instead of fixing the actual problem, put in some other thing to block it.

Question: Portals were never meant to bypass walls?

in WvW

Posted by: Kracin.6078


I just can’t see any use for the portal that isn’t to move people from one place to another that they couldn’t just easily walk there themself.

If not to scale walls, what’s it for? Helping non-jumpers get vistas?

Why create this tool, if not for this?

I’m afraid that ANet’s response to fixing bugs and bad design is instead of fixing the actual problem, put in some other thing to block it.

the best use for mesmer portals by far, is transporting golems.

we took the whole of EB in around 1 hour with 10 golems and a mesmer chain portal train. the entire group was getting from objective to objective in a matter of second instead of minutes. very useful if you ask me.

but as far as the real intent of what the dev meant, i wouldn’t think they would do something like add a portal an dnot realize that people will go through walls with it. on the other hand, he may have been mentioning something else, i couldn’t really tell what he was talking about when he mentioned that statement aside from portals going through walls… i’ve never seen a portal glitch through a wall that th emeser wasn’t on the other side of either

Question: Portals were never meant to bypass walls?

in WvW

Posted by: Vayra.3290


Using portals when a mesmer has hidden inside is valid. Using the portal itself to glitch through the walls is not (this is possible in several locations) and will hopefully be fixed.

The Unnamed[ThUn] – Desolation
Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer

Question: Portals were never meant to bypass walls?

in WvW

Posted by: Nevron.9413


I don’t think that quote has anything to do with using a portal after gaining entrance through a downed gate or wall that was repaired with the mesmer still inside.

Guild – Shadow of Apophis [SoA]