[Question] WvW Hackers: Has ArenaNet done anything?

[Question] WvW Hackers: Has ArenaNet done anything?

in WvW

Posted by: Nokaru.7831


Are there any actual reports of hackers getting their accounts terminated for using noclip flyhacks for Orbs of Power? I’m really curious. Members of the hacker communities and their friends are under the impression that they are untouchable. I’ve noticed the amount of hackers has been growing in frequency, especially on Tier 1.

It seems like economic exploitation is the only thing that is quickly addressed in this game in a timely manner.

[Question] WvW Hackers: Has ArenaNet done anything?

in WvW

Posted by: aetherseed.5609


Not that I can find. Not even a sticky acknowledging that they’re working on it. Pretty disappointing.

(edited by aetherseed.5609)

[Question] WvW Hackers: Has ArenaNet done anything?

in WvW

Posted by: Awka.4593


It’s very hard to report a hacker sometimes because, as seen earlier on JQ, the hacker was underneath a keep destroying an altar and you could only report him if you were lucky enough to hit tab enough times in the right area to actually target him. The fact that all you really see is “<Server Name>” and you right click and report them, but if you can’t see them at all, or they are fly hacking you can’t see them either, then it’s almost impossible to actually do anything except notify through a “bug” on the support or on the forums (and hope the thread doesn’t get locked).

[Question] WvW Hackers: Has ArenaNet done anything?

in WvW

Posted by: Nokaru.7831


You can easily get the name of the hacker by spamming abilities with auto-target. We’ve gotten multiple hacker names this way, but nothing is ever done.

If you don’t actually punish these people who have been repeatedly reported, you’re sending a message that it’s “OK” to hack.

Did you know: On the Red Borderlands is bugged, whereby the Altar of Power cannot be repaired, so the home-team hackers just noclip flyhacks through the ground and smash the Altars of Power in enemy keeps while they house an Orb of Power. Eventually, all Altars are destroyed and the Orb is defaulted to the Cradle of Power. This makes playing on the Red Borderlands completely pointless for most people.

[Question] WvW Hackers: Has ArenaNet done anything?

in WvW

Posted by: TLSolomon.6083


Im honestly not even sure what we are supposed to do here. “Questionable actions” – yes Im trying to be nice here- are happening way to often in WvW. We can report them in game, but get no response and the questionable actions are still going on weeks later. I would love to hear some kind of response from Anet about what they are doing/plan to do. Hopefully something. I see posts saying something along the lines of " Here on XX server we dont condone those type of actions. If you have a name we will make sure its not a guild member blah blah blah". These posts get deleted. It honestly just seems like its the “hey if we dont talk about it, it isnt happening” syndrome. But its happening, and your players are getting frustrated.

[Question] WvW Hackers: Has ArenaNet done anything?

in WvW

Posted by: Nokaru.7831


They aren’t questionable actions anymore. The hackers aren’t even hiding it because they think (know?) they are untouchable.

[Question] WvW Hackers: Has ArenaNet done anything?

in WvW

Posted by: TLSolomon.6083


I know =( I figured if I kept the word hack or cheat or exploit out it might not get deleted?


[Question] WvW Hackers: Has ArenaNet done anything?

in WvW

Posted by: AnthonyZdravko.2051


bots in the open world and hacks in WvW are getting tiresome….

[Question] WvW Hackers: Has ArenaNet done anything?

in WvW

Posted by: chars.4093


I was there on JQ , the hacker underground, I saw hacker’s tag, SBI <WM>
War Machine guild, shame on them.

[Question] WvW Hackers: Has ArenaNet done anything?

in WvW

Posted by: Jabtangs.9251


I was there on JQ , the hacker underground, I saw hacker’s tag, SBI <WM>
War Machine guild, shame on them.

lol ss or never happened

Jophiel Jabtangs – Mesmer
War Machine [WM] | Stormbluff Isle

[Question] WvW Hackers: Has ArenaNet done anything?

in WvW

Posted by: AnthonyZdravko.2051


oh look, people from blackgate are here trolling now.

[Question] WvW Hackers: Has ArenaNet done anything?

in WvW

Posted by: Omega.8573


Don’t expect a non-subscription game to have the same customer service as a subscription game….

You can’t have your cake and eat it, too.

[Question] WvW Hackers: Has ArenaNet done anything?

in WvW

Posted by: Ricky.4706


I’m sure it’s important to them though, especially if they plan to do e-sport. im quire certain there is more on the topic behind the scenes at anet than we can see on the forum.

One Wish – when they do paid transfers, Please Anet, do it without any notice. It would be hilarious for any guilds caught out there spying / harassing other servers to have to pay to transfer back. You deserve their money lol

IBM PC XT 4.77mhz w/turbo oc@ 8mhz 640kb windows 3.1 hayes 56k seagate 20 meg HD mda@720x350 pixels

[Question] WvW Hackers: Has ArenaNet done anything?

in WvW

Posted by: Moderator.9532


Due to the inflammatory tone of this thread, it will be closed. Please keep in mind that if you want to discuss issues on our forums, you have to do it in a constructive way.