Question about UnManned Buff on WvwVW to Developers, Community - Discuss

Question about UnManned Buff on WvwVW to Developers, Community - Discuss

in WvW

Posted by: Capricornus.6157


Why UnManned Buff : Giving Magic Find ,Exp ,Karma ?

So you forcing us to makin PVE on Unmanned Land ?

Why UnManned Buff can’t give POWER , TOUGHNESS , VITALITY ?
You gonna ask me , why those ? simple reason : you are less on borther lands so give us power to fight with zerg

It would be bad idea ??

Let’s discuss

Question about UnManned Buff on WvwVW to Developers, Community - Discuss

in WvW

Posted by: Unfortunately.5940


Switch Orb buff & Outmanned buff. Problem solved.

Differently/Sixtysix Sixes – Fort Aspenwood

Question about UnManned Buff on WvwVW to Developers, Community - Discuss

in WvW

Posted by: Capricornus.6157


Than Orbs would be uselss.

It should be some compromise and “TEMP. BUFF” for lands where you should get help fighting with zerg like 5vs50 or something… but it’s only my small opinion .

I would like to get official response what Developers thinkin about that

Question about UnManned Buff on WvwVW to Developers, Community - Discuss

in WvW

Posted by: zastari.1730


Actually, it would encourage people who have orbs to go PvE more. That’s exactly what you want the winners to do, in my opinion. If they go beat up on monsters everyone else has more time to capture WvW territory.

I’m in the same boat as you on wanting an actual Dev response on this. I just put up a thread with a list of questions for devs, and Orb / Outmanned bonuses is on the list. Show your support and let’s see if we can rally up enough people to get them to respond:

Tsarazi – 80 Asuran Mesmer [DERP]