Queue bug?
To add a bit more information, my position was #2 for several minutes and then the queue just popped. I don’t recall seeing 1 at all.
There should be some form of memory of the queue list. And, if it has issues as it did for me, it’s only just to remain at the front of the line still.
(edited by DeWolfe.2174)
I went from 22, down to 6, now back to 39.
According to the dev’s the Queue isn’t actually a Queue, its more of a guestimate of where you are, and when it updates ( note they said it doesn’t update right ) you change numbers, sadly if the “Queue” states your number 5 it could actually mean your number 45, again you shouldn’t really relay on this, alas its broken, but according to the dev’s its not “broken” its just not updating correctly, hence broken.
Don’t worry guys, it’s not broken, it’s probably just a build day and you’re probably just confused. It’s not broken, the numbers just aren’t always accurate because of high login numbers. But just because it’s not working right doesn’t mean it’s broken, because its not. Just to clear things up. OK?
Not broken.
Lorynne – 80 Guardian
[PB] – NSP
wait… wait… wait… the main reason why I was so ticked off was that the queue popped and I clicked to enter the borderland. Yet, instead of going to the loading screen for entering the map, I was once again greeted by the borderland is full message. Having to start the queue all over again from the back of the line. That’s absolutely broken!
This thread isn’t about the number shown. I just added that to give more detail of what I experienced.
He he, I was just poking fun at ANet’s poor word choice, while they were right in the thread they posted the way they went about talking to us was awkward at best.
I’d definitely click on support up at the top of the page and submit a ticket with as much detail as you can, what you described is completely different, I’m sure they’d appreciate any details you can give them to help them iron out this bug.
In the mean time, back to some fun.
We’re sorry you find numbers confusing DeWolfe, we understand how hard it can be on build days with our not broke high login numbers. We have confirmed the que is not broke though, it just doesn’t always show the right number, which doesn’t mean its broke, cause it’s not, it just means it’s not showing you you’re actual position. The actual que, that isn’t broke, that you don’t see, that works right, is working right, FIFO is how it works. We’re sure when using the que you’ll find this to be true. Wait, what? You got a question pop, a message the BL was full, and then had to re-que? We’re going to lock this thread now to avoid any more confusion due to high login numbers on build days.
Lorynne – 80 Guardian
[PB] – NSP
The q system got still some errors.
Like you are in q you are like position 10 and like 1 minute later you are 45 or something like that for no reason at all.
And since this new q system is up more and more people are getting disconnected (dc’ed) from the map. and its not only 1 that got disconnected but more people at once.
Prepare To Die!! Never Stop Fighting!!