Queue timers - How do they work?

Queue timers - How do they work?

in WvW

Posted by: The Scarlet Raven.5416

The Scarlet Raven.5416

Ok, i’m sure i’m not the only one to have this question, so if there’s already a nice long thread on the subject I’d appreciate a link. I searched around a bit and didn’t see anything but I also wasn’t sure which forum was best for this thread. I’ll start here.

I play casual WvW. I’m not much of a PvP’er but i do enjoy an evening helping out my server in the Eternal Battlegrounds from time to time. Here’s my issue: The wait queue to get in.

Now, I understand that I need to wait my turn. If the map is full and 100 more players want in then i’ll have to wait. What I don’t understand is how the game decides priority. Logically, I would think it would be first queued/first in, but it doesn’t work that way. I’ll queue up with 5 of my guildmates and they’ll travel in 10 minutes and I’ll still be waiting an hour later. (Insert “Wahhh!! It’s not fair!!!” here).

So, how does the queue decide who to let in? Are commanders prioritized? Does it depend on your WvW rank with higher ranks going in first? If so, that kinda makes sense but usually my guildmates are even lower rank than I am so I don’t think that’s the answer.

Queue timers - How do they work?

in WvW

Posted by: Chiolas.1326


It’s random. Welcome to WvW, the forgotten part of GW2.

Quit WvW and Gw2 in August 2013

Queue timers - How do they work?

in WvW

Posted by: Urrid.4593


It’s random. Welcome to WvW, the forgotten part of GW2.


Coral -Mesmer- Omnomnivore and TC’er.

Queue timers - How do they work?

in WvW

Posted by: Zikory.6871


Heres a few bullkitten rumors that I have heard. People tell me if you use the portals in LA (rather than queuing in the menu) it will go faster. I never do it so I don’t know but I doubt it matters. Queuing in the Heart of the mists will get you in faster. This I do do because I’ll mess around in there while I wait and it does seem to be faster but I really have no way to judge the queue time either way so it its probably bullkitten. Lastly if you just requeue over and over again, now if its really a random lottery pick to get your queue to pop then it might be faster if you get lucky I guess but that seems like to much work imo.

Either way i don’t remember a post from a Dev confirming the way the queue really works so maybe Devon can jump in here real quick and knock that out? eh?

[KnT] – Knight Gaming – Blackgate
Zikory – Retired Thief
Zikkro – Zergling Necromancer

Queue timers - How do they work?

in WvW

Posted by: Cactus.2710


There is no priority whatsoever. ANet has already admitted that it is random.

D/D Thief who prefers mobility to stealth … so yeah, I die a lot
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]

Queue timers - How do they work?

in WvW

Posted by: zerospin.8604


RNG everywhere. If your luck is bad, you will never enter WvW when a queue is on xD Just like you’ll never get a jade weapon ticket, or a precursor :P

Gave up months ago to try to explain why queue should be account based and not lost upon character switch, and yada yada like that. Had no idea it wasn’t even a FIFO queue. WvW is the forgotten part of GW2 – that is correct.

Queue timers - How do they work?

in WvW

Posted by: MagiKarp.8201


Well what I find, is I bring magnets, put them either side of the LA portal, queue up and usually within 2 minutes I’ve pulled some Asura’s out of the gates (meaning they are out of wvw so my queue pops)

Magikarps Norn Ele – becuz leopard
Blackgate WvW Commander
Vanguard of Exiled Mercenaries [MERC] voem.enjin.com

Queue timers - How do they work?

in WvW

Posted by: Clockradio.3257


Don’t forget about the Commander Tag rumor… that is, if you’re tagged up you get put in a “priority” wvw queue… lol

Clockradio | [TSYM] | Sanctum of Rall

Queue timers - How do they work?

in WvW

Posted by: Wompage.4586


Heres a decent explanation of how queue timers work for WvW

Soulorai – http://www.youtube.com/soulorai