Hi all!
There is problem which blocks organized mass pvp and mass pvp at all: queues in primetime. When somebody plays only in primetime after work he completly unable to participate in WvW and for pvp player it means he unable to play Guild Wars 2.
Something must be done about it for sure.
I propose one possible solution but ther may be multiple (feel free to suggest your own):
when on any 3 servers queues reach 100 people make mirror WvW zone for these 3 servers. Of course WvW score must be separate from main server ranks.
Also i want to hear what game developers think about WvW queues and what are plans about fixing them.
Right now i have to use League of Legends match making system when queues in Guild Wars 2 are too long, more than 2 hours. It works perfectly. But i suppose match making system in game must attract more players instead of sending them to another game as it is right now.