Quick question about WvW (new)

Quick question about WvW (new)

in WvW

Posted by: rangin.4590


Hello. I just started GW 2 and want to try WvW. I saw that you get boosted to level 80 when going in the battlefield. How much does being low level and have low gear affect when being boosted? Will I still be on a severe disadvantage or how do things balance out?


Quick question about WvW (new)

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


Yes you are at a disadvantage because your weapons/armor will still have sub lvl 80 stats.
Unless you know exactly what you are doing (positioning wise) you will also be a liability to any allies you follow. You will be an easy target or what most people call it, a rallybot.

Quick question about WvW (new)

in WvW

Posted by: displayname.8315


You will have less stats overall and it is best to focus on a vitality / toughness build for pretty much all equipment if you plan to play in WvW mainly. Matching runes sets of 2/2/2 in your armor ect.. its all pretty cheap on the trading post.

JQ subsidiary

Quick question about WvW (new)

in WvW

Posted by: Eggyokeo.9705


Welcome to gw2 and i hope you enjoy your time here.

WvW is highly volatile at the best of times being under-leveled will make it even more difficult. I would hate see you loose your enthusiasm for the game because you feel that you can not do anything in wvw because you are underpowered.

I would suggest you take the time to play through the game, learn how the class you have chosen plays and get to level 80. before adventuring to far in to wvw, but pop in some times a say hello!

When you get to level 80 the real fun can begin.

Quick question about WvW (new)

in WvW

Posted by: McWolfy.5924


A lot of new players pop in wvw and dissapoint in the game mode because constantly killed by others. There are a lot of players who focus on low lvl players, because they are a free kill

Just the WvW

Quick question about WvW (new)

in WvW

Posted by: Shadow.3475


Better go eotm until your 80.

Quick question about WvW (new)

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


Welcome to gw2 and i hope you enjoy your time here.

WvW is highly volatile at the best of times being under-leveled will make it even more difficult. I would hate see you loose your enthusiasm for the game because you feel that you can not do anything in wvw because you are underpowered.

I would suggest you take the time to play through the game, learn how the class you have chosen plays and get to level 80. before adventuring to far in to wvw, but pop in some times a say hello!

When you get to level 80 the real fun can begin.

ditto. this is my approach, but just personal preference. it does seem to keep me enjoying the wvw experience. but i know plenty of wvw specific guilds that encourage going in as low levels. so its a matter of personal preference and who you typically play with.

Quick question about WvW (new)

in WvW

Posted by: Dyno.9467


Do eotm to level up, probably be quicker for you anyway, then go to WvW

“And now, to destroy you”

Asura – Desolation

Quick question about WvW (new)

in WvW

Posted by: Blanger.3162


Hello. I just started GW 2 and want to try WvW. I saw that you get boosted to level 80 when going in the battlefield. How much does being low level and have low gear affect when being boosted? Will I still be on a severe disadvantage or how do things balance out?


Since you said you just started the game I would agree with everyone else play the PvE portion of the game to gain Xp and learn the mechanics of how your class is played and get comfortable with your build, make trips to EotM along the way to level 80 gaining Wxp, WvW rank and badges (the rewards in EotM are great as you climb levels and the first 100 go really fast) you can learn a little in EotM and it’s much more forgiving running with the K-Train for a up-level. As you gain confidence on your way to level 80 pop in WvW every now and then run with the zerg or roam however you choose but don’t be discouraged when you die easily because dieing is a part of WvW that can’t be avoided even once you reach lvl 80.

Along the way concentrate on your build so by the time you reach lvl 80 you have laid the groundwork or foundation for the proper build you want to run in WvW, but most of all have fun, take your time, and don’t stress out about dieing, try to learn from each encounter and take something away from the fight that makes you better and stronger as a player, PvE in this game is reality easy once you reach lvl 80, but playing against real players in a PvP environment like WvW is totally different the skills you learn in PvE kinda’ carry over but tactics do not and you have to be prepared for battling real players who are not programmed to make choreographed moves with every encounter.

But the bottom line is take you time, have fun, and enjoy what the game has to offer.

Quick question about WvW (new)

in WvW

Posted by: Johje Holan.4607

Johje Holan.4607

You will be at a disadvantage. You’re not going to 1v1 anyone. And you will die easier. And thieves will focus you, the kittens.

But don’t let that stop you from coming in to WvW as long as you know what you’ll be facing – like what others have mentioned previously. And as long as you don’t get frustrated by it.

If you like PvE do that. If you like ETOM do that. Me personally I can’t stand either so I’ve brought toons into WvW at level 2 before.

Quick question about WvW (new)

in WvW

Posted by: lioka qiao.8734

lioka qiao.8734

The scaling system works based on the quality of gear you have vs what is available for your level. Up until lvl 60 you are also missing a third stat off every gear piece which is the primary source of disparity between upleveled power and a true lvl 80 power. First the note on the quality of gear:

An uplevel player at lvl 20 has access to at best Green level gear. This will make him scale to roughly yellow level gear at 80 assuming he equipped gear correctly. This is: ALL gear of the same stat set, runes in the gear, gems in the trinkets, matching weapon. Uplevels until 40 are also at a trait disadvantage (Thanks for nothing ANET, give us back lvl 10 traits!). Traits factor into the scaling as well.

At lvl 60 you get access to exotic gear. This means that your lvl 60 uplevel must equip that gear to gain equivalent stats to lvl 80 in such gear.

Uplevel is still at a disadvantage to a pure 80 due to:
gear cost vs income,
missing stats on some gear,
access to runes
access to traits

Due to the competitive nature of pvp and wvw the suggestions to do Edge of the Mists are valid. You should also do some sPvP to get used to how pvp mechanics work in GW2.

Little red Lioka

Quick question about WvW (new)

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


pvp has been very helpful for me. need thick skin in there most of the time though.