Quit the QQ PLEASE!
If I’m stumped by a class and keep getting my lunch money stolen, I make one of that class myself and learn it so I can counter it better.
If I’m stumped by a class and keep getting my lunch money stolen, I make one of that class myself and learn it so I can counter it better.
This is the forums. Please direct your common sense somewhere else. Forums are for DRAMA.
4 Warriors, 3 Rangers, 3 Mesmers, 2 Engineers, 2 Guardians, and Necro, Thf, Ele
-Beastygate Beast Milk, OG BG Veteran Native
This is the forums. Please direct your common sense somewhere else. Forums are for DRAMA.
Ugh…logic sucks.
…guess I have to grow my baby thief…he’s only a young little guy …level 22.
JQ Ranger
Ugh…logic sucks.
…guess I have to grow my baby thief…he’s only a young little guy …level 22.
You don’t necessarily HAVE to grow him – just hop over to the Mists and play around with the practice NPC’s and different builds. But I will say, I’m leveling a thief now and I love it. They’re not just dastardly in WvW, it’s very useful in PvE too – especially Shadow Retreat for those long runs, stealthing to rez fallen allies and the amount of CC you can achieve – Bosses don’t seem so bad if they’re always blind ;-). One lesson I learned in PvE (and felt like an idiot) – If you’re stacked and someone is pulling… don’t stealth them to “protect them” on the way back… the mob will just reset and everyone will say “awe”.