Hi Guys,
since there is no Balance forum anymore, i am mostly relating to WvW and dont want to post it in the ranger forum where everyone is just PRO ranger i have to post this in here.
With the last balance patch the power ranger got buffed. Among other things both the Longbow and the Greatsword damage got increased.
PvP: You now see some power rangers in unranked and even some in ranked matches (mostly solo Qs). But there are no power rangers in the top teams.
Most power rangers just feed the enemy team. And it is no coincidence that most people hate to see a ranger in their team (There is right now a Thread up “which Class you hate the most in your team”). Since there is no big open field on most maps Rangers cant benefit that much from their Longbow Damage as in WvW.
PvE Dungeons: Since i dont play many dungeons i cant really say something about this gamemode. I think rangers do decent melee damage and can contribute some Precision for their team.
WvW: Now you see a lot more Rangers in this gamemode than before. Since Rangers aint got much AoE they are pretty useless in WvW Zerging but they are present in Roaming. And with present i mean there are at the moment more Rangers running around than any other class. And they are all power rangers.
In WvW most Power Rangers use Longbow as one of their Weapon Sets. Traited it has a range of 1500. When u face a power ranger u already lost half of ur life before u can get to him or even see him except u used some big cooldowns or at least 2 dodges and some gapclosers. Stealth wont help since their biggest Damage skill “Rapid Fire” is a channeling Skill.
Although a ranger buff was really needed before the patch i think it went the wrong way. At the moment we have a class that does not have to set up their burst.
With one Skill they can kill anything while there is no skill rotation or CC needed.
When you finally get to the ranger he could still use his Knockback or he just uses his now pretty decent melee Weapons which aint got any disadvantages anymore to those from other classes.
So now you`re in melee range, used many skills to get there and the actual duel starts. I wouldnt say a ranger now definately wins the fight but if the two players are on the same skill level he at least has some advantages.
In my experience you have pretty good chances to win against a power ranger when u play very aggressive. If you dont attack the ranger or if you cant get closer you are dead.
Since there arent many 1on1´s or even fair fights in WvW the Problem gets even bigger.
While you can avoid the most damage from other zerker classes with 1 dodge or 1 defensive skill in the right moment the ranger´s rapid fire just laughs about your few defensive abilities.
Oher classes need to get close to do much damage. They need to set up combos, bait dodges, use CCs for burstskills etc.
People dont like Rangers in their Group cause they have to stay far away to do damage
-> not close enough for Any Combos or a fast rez
People dont like Rangers as enemies cause they do such insane damage from far away
-> totally destroys high risk high reward
I think the way the Longbow works has to change. The Autoattack shouldnt increase in damage so strong with a big range and shouldnt decrease in that amount while being close to the enemy. Also the rapidfire skill shouldnt be such a long channeling skill while moving. Either you change it to one very hard hitting visible arrow or the ranger has to stand still. And the 1500 range is definately the wrong way to go!
The fact that Power Rangers arent in the PvP meta or close to that even though the damage got increased massively shows us that the Rangers arent as effective as other classes in other areas and for future buffs anet should maybe focus more on group support or Synergy. You cant just increase the damage on some Weapons to put the class in a better spot cause it wont help and just destroys other gamemodes like in this case WvW roaming.
I know WvW Roaming is just a small area in gw2 but after the white swords change it´s even more important and i see many people moaning about the current state.
Even some main rangers aren´t pleased about the faceroll changes!
What are you´re thoughts about Ranger in WvW?