Rank Chests Extremely Dissapointing
killing veteran guards give a higher chance of exotics than the chests imo.
20 chests 20 greens. I’m superlucky.
What, was OP expecting anything better than every other chest in the game?
WvW chests contain EXACTLY what people need for WvW; Badges and Blueprints. Anything else is just free $$$.
If a chest doesn’t give you the Legendary Weapon of your choice the first time you open one it’s KITTEN CRAP!
j/k Chests are just a small reward for the Level up, take it for what it is and be happy. A couple of days ago we didn’t even have that. I look at it like a scratch ticket with a chance at a Precurser
Vol I – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9klT6bLDew
Vol II – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqgHkV327sM
What, was OP expecting anything better than every other chest in the game?
WvW chests contain EXACTLY what people need for WvW; Badges and Blueprints. Anything else is just free $$$.
I think their big complaints is that, yes we get a new free chest, but 1) the devs talked it up a lot about lots of globs, good rewards, etc when so far it seems to be a standard JP level chest, and 2) that dedicated WvW people get left out in the dark when it comes to rewards. I’m not saying I agree, just summarizing. There is nothing wrong asking to be equally compensated for your work as someone else who spends the same time in the game. WvW people saying “we don’t want PvE’ers in our WvW playing for rewards!” is just silly.
Look at this new patch, when it comes to rewards:
PvE: southsun people can farm the mobs to get better rewards (at least ones they can sell for for more) than WvW people farming mobs (which you shouldn’t do anyways!). They got 2 chests they can farm every 5-10 minutes: the crab toss game, and the instigator. I’ve seen several bots in the crab toss game already farming it! And these are the same level of chests for the most part as the ones we get in WvW (mostly green).
WvW: Introduced a new chest that some people can only get once a day after lots of hard work, and get only a green and a siege (the badges I ignore since 5 badges isn’t too much).
So, you can see why people would feel bad. They’re not being selfish, they’re only asking the devs that if they put in equal time as PvE people, who bought the game same as them, to be rewarded equally. There are quite a few “hardcore” WvW people who do it more as an esport than as a casual fun thing to do. However, that is not everyone, and so coming on the threads when they ask for equal rewards for equal time telling them to get out of WvW is only making things worse. I can’t say I totally agree with the chest issue, but I can definitely understand the issue (especially after the dev’s said there’d be plenty of globs from the chest! His words, not theirs!) So, lets cut out the talk of “get out WvW you PvE’er!”!
Mesmer – FURY
Rank 55 – Bunker Engi, Top 300
(edited by Handin.4032)
To those comparing to world event daily chests, you don’t get a guaranteed 20s from those. So weigh it up: a guaranteed rare + less than a silver; vs a chance at a rare + 20s (which is the cost of a rare) + some badges + a siege blueprint (worth from 6s to 1g). We’re getting a a hell of a lot more from these chests than from world events.
QFT. Though I would like to see more prints since they nerfed the JP to once per day account wide.