Ranking / Rewards: Gold League US vs EU

Ranking / Rewards: Gold League US vs EU

in WvW

Posted by: DickerKoenig.7895


So, apart from the fact that I can hardly understand why a 6th place in GOLD league is worth less that 1st-5th in SILVER (compare that with sports?), isn’t it worth questioning why the US Gold league 6th gets the same reward as the EU 6th – a league which has 3 further spots? This reward system is so really not that convincing, nor is the ranking system: After 9 weeks 2×3 Servers have exactly the same amount of points. Great way of measuring success and differentiating between the servers! GJ!

Ranking / Rewards: Gold League US vs EU

in WvW

Posted by: Dhampyr.2104


While your points are completely valid, this has all been discussed before – like before the season even began. xD

Eve Morrow, Mesmer, Eve Flamescythe, Ele
Tarnished Coast

Ranking / Rewards: Gold League US vs EU

in WvW

Posted by: Exami.2509


You just dont get it do you? Anet dont care, they do what they want they dont think about these things they just put some coder to work and end result is what 1 guy tought would be ok.

This tournament is a joke. The scoring is off, moderation is off regarding the hacking happening in wvw.

Its like a 15year old got an idea and went trough with it without asking anyone is it ok or not

Ranking / Rewards: Gold League US vs EU

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


The whole scoring and ranking in this season are absurd, and dont at all indicate the challenges a server had to face. Or the strength of a server. And thats without even considering the double-teaming and hacking thats been going on abundantly.

This tournament illustrates so many problems in wvw that arenanet is unable, unwilling to fix or even purposely responsible for. From the overstacked servers, to the vulnerability for cheating.
And all arenanet does is announce in advance that the top servers get best reward, so migrate now and buy your top wvw reward.

Ranking / Rewards: Gold League US vs EU

in WvW

Posted by: Valdemas.4960


For some reason this thread made me incredibly sad. Remember how pumped up we all were before Season 1? Now look at this..

Vinita Rush, ZDs Officer

Ranking / Rewards: Gold League US vs EU

in WvW

Posted by: bob.8632


So, apart from the fact that I can hardly understand why a 6th place in GOLD league is worth less that 1st-5th in SILVER (compare that with sports?), isn’t it worth questioning why the US Gold league 6th gets the same reward as the EU 6th – a league which has 3 further spots? This reward system is so really not that convincing, nor is the ranking system: After 9 weeks 2×3 Servers have exactly the same amount of points. Great way of measuring success and differentiating between the servers! GJ!

git rekt.