Read This: Simple
AGREED. Lets fight for what we want and keep pressuring the Devs
GvGs!!!!!!!!!!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!
PvErs Farm Gold. WvWers Buy Gems.
Often, PvErs and WvWers are some of the same players. I can guarantee you that the hard core WvW community doesn’t even touch 10% of the gems that PvE only players purchase.
PvErs Guest. WvWers Transfer.
This is true
PvErs are Casual. WvWers are Loyal.
If your a “loyal” WvW, how do you claim to tell us, or anyone else what PvEr’s do?
If WvWers are so loyal, why do we have thousands of post and thread after thread crying about extreme server under population?
1 Simple change would make you alot of money. 20v20 Death Match with rankings/ GvG.
So, with such a small percentage of the player base playing WvW regularly, how do you come to this conclusion? Do you have any metrics or evidence, or are you just making random statements and implying they have some factual bases? WvW is a small percentage of the over all player base. GvGers are a small percentage of WvWers.
Why? WvW Guilds are the life blood of this game they are constantly buying gems and transferring, always buying make over kits and the new skins, because WvW rewards are low we use gems and pay real money.
I do not think you have your understanding of the player base, set in reality here. Anet has tools to measure where the money comes from. I suspect WvWers who almost never touch PvE barely bring in 5% of the gem purchases with actual cash.
Two WvW Guilds just transfer to my server this week, over 50 people they said they had to buy 1800 gems to transfer since you cant buy 1800 gems (sneaky tactic to make more money) most would of bought 2800 as the next one up, costing £30 over 50 people that makes £1500 in a week, on one server, with just two WvW guilds. They are over 20 WvW Guilds on my server alone and we are low tier server.
Wow, what are they doing? I have never seem a guild use gems to transfer before. I have only known them to exclusively to by gems with gold.
I suspect that your example is a rarity, but I would have know way to know.
A 20v20 Death match mode would bring a huge population back not to mention new guilds coming to guild wars as it appears more PvP friendly increasing the chance of becoming an ESport.
Got a single example of a successful esport with groups that size? I suspect you haven’t the slightest idea what type of coordination cost are involved with coordinating that size of group. As well, I feel you grossly overestimate how many players will care. I doubt it will bring back very many players to be honest.
Any Thoughts?
I think you likely have little real knowledge of what players as a whole actually do or want.
Personally, I am all for a GvG Arena, because we already have arenas that would work, all they would have to do is change the cap. I am all for GvG,
PvErs Guest. WvWers Transfer.
PvErs are Casual. WvWers are Loyal.
WvW’ers are loyal yet they transfer off servers when times get rough? Bahahaha
Wheres the loyalty for your server when you transfer? Only thing you are being loyal to is the gem store to buy all them transfers
Off topic: I love the first two posters names … Warrior and Mage. You know you been gaming a long time when you lockdown the old school names.
On topic: I support any style of GvG that comes in the form of 10v10, 15v15 deathmatch. Even if it has lords and heroes and the other irrelevant items that we will grow to overcome. I still have hope for the Stronghold map to grow in scale and other deathmatch maps to come later if popular.