Ready Up next Friday: Desert Borderlands

Ready Up next Friday: Desert Borderlands

in WvW

Posted by: coglin.1867


I am a little confused here. When did they state we were “forced” to do it?

It’s “forced” because the super weapon is gamebreakingly strong. Nothing should be that strong for starters, and rather lame PVE quests (killing mobs and fedexing items) is the kind of thing that belongs in <level 10 PVE zones, it should definitely not be the “IWIN” mechanic of a WVW borderlands map.

I feel you are confusing your subjective opinion with that of objective fact here. As I see it, it is simply a mechanic, with a long cool down on the event (I believe they said 3hrs) that I feel will possibly draw a nice, large fight to it. Hopefully like a good 3 way garrison fight.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

Ready Up next Friday: Desert Borderlands

in WvW

Posted by: Dondagora.9645


I am a little confused here. When did they state we were “forced” to do it?

It’s “forced” because the super weapon is gamebreakingly strong. Nothing should be that strong for starters, and rather lame PVE quests (killing mobs and fedexing items) is the kind of thing that belongs in <level 10 PVE zones, it should definitely not be the “IWIN” mechanic of a WVW borderlands map.

It’s not that strong. Upgraded gates will survive, and there’s always the chance of repairing the gate before the zerg arrives unless the enemy is just that organized[at which point, kudos]. If towers are in the way, the zerg will be delayed. If shrines are active, it could be delayed. If the other team was prepared to repair it immediately as the weapon fired, it could be mitigated[remember, it hits the gates in pulses.].

From how I see it, the Oasis Event isn’t an “I-Win” mechanic, but something that’ll require some thought of how to use or deal with on both sides.

Ready Up next Friday: Desert Borderlands

in WvW

Posted by: dancingmonkey.4902


I am a little confused here. When did they state we were “forced” to do it?

It’s “forced” because the super weapon is gamebreakingly strong. Nothing should be that strong for starters, and rather lame PVE quests (killing mobs and fedexing items) is the kind of thing that belongs in <level 10 PVE zones, it should definitely not be the “IWIN” mechanic of a WVW borderlands map.

Hmm, someone, who hasn’t experienced something, presumes to inform others of its capabilities?

That isn’t what “forced” means, nor does this post, particularly support your argument, in my opinion.

(edited by dancingmonkey.4902)

Ready Up next Friday: Desert Borderlands

in WvW

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


Hmm, someone, who hasn’t experienced something, presumes to inform others of its capabilities?

Have you even watched the video? The developers presented it’s capabilities.

I am simply expressing my OPINION that a) PVE quests should be peripheral to (as in, not directly impacting) the core WVW gameplay of large-scale fights and objective ownership, and b) the super-weapon’s capability is too strong.

HTFU people, they requested feedback, I provided some. Don’t like it? provide your own kitten feedback or comment why the mechanic is GOOD, don’t whine and argue petty semantics.

downed state is bad for PVP

Ready Up next Friday: Desert Borderlands

in WvW

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


I feel you are confusing your subjective opinion with that of objective fact here. As I see it, it is simply a mechanic, with a long cool down on the event (I believe they said 3hrs) that I feel will possibly draw a nice, large fight to it. Hopefully like a good 3 way garrison fight.

I’d love to see more open-field fights, i just don’t want it to be over the completion of a pedestrian PVE “kill 10 rats and fedex the tails” quest. That is lame with a capital-L.

downed state is bad for PVP

Ready Up next Friday: Desert Borderlands

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


a) PVE quests should be peripheral to (as in, not directly impacting) the core WVW gameplay of large-scale fights and objective ownership,

pve can provide a vessel to move the game forward, as evidenced by the success of MOBAs, where creeps are an extremely important vector for gold generation and creating an advantage over your opponent through having mad skillz.

in my opinion, that isnt a bad thing. were being given something to fight over. bloodlust doesnt create that many good fights. if 1 server takes it from another, server 2 sends 3 victims to attempt to get it back. if server 1 defends it by ganking, server 2 either keeps sending more people until they countergank, or server 2 stops trying. its very binary. and in theory it seems like an interesting thing to fight over, but in practice the lack of evenness between the 2 teams leaves something to be desired. in my opinion. now… will lazor event do a better job of engaging small groups than bloodlust? kinda doubt it. the uneven nature of wvw is gonna do the same thing as with bloodlust. 1 server will wipe and give up. theyll either send 3 people to stand at gates repairing for 20 minutes, or leave for another map. …at least, once queues die down a bit.

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

Ready Up next Friday: Desert Borderlands

in WvW

Posted by: Baldrick.8967


Wonder how much supplies the pve event losers will have to use to repair the gates to prevent the stronger side from waltzing in to their structures? And presumably as the stronger team won, the weaker team would have been short on supplies anyway?

Not seeing how adding a PVE mechanic that strongly favours the stronger side is really helping in any way other than to further unbalance unbalanced match ups. Maybe it will play out differently when it’s released, we’ll have to wait and see.

WvW player. Doing another world completion for my next Legendary. Hater of mini-games.

Ready Up next Friday: Desert Borderlands

in WvW

Posted by: Shadow.3475


If you dont want to PVE simple kill the enemy then they cant build it.

Ready Up next Friday: Desert Borderlands

in WvW

Posted by: Roc.6143


Would change the full sever to very high before the new map?

I really want to join T1 WVW, but they are always full.

Ready Up next Friday: Desert Borderlands

in WvW

Posted by: BlackDevil.9268


I am a little confused here. When did they state we were “forced” to do it?

It’s “forced” because the super weapon is gamebreakingly strong. Nothing should be that strong for starters, and rather lame PVE quests (killing mobs and fedexing items) is the kind of thing that belongs in <level 10 PVE zones, it should definitely not be the “IWIN” mechanic of a WVW borderlands map.

It lasts an hour and opens up the probability for guild to massively farm people there if actual blobs gonna do it. If not it opens the probability for roaming guilds of 5-10 people to have nice fights there.

In this hour it will bring down wooden gates T1 from 100 to 0
It will bring down T2 to around 20%
It will bring down T3 to around 40%

Now don’t tell me you can’t repair all that in matter of minutes. If the enemy wants to take your lovely tower or keep they can also just ram it for 30 more seconds and have the same result.

Ready Up next Friday: Desert Borderlands

in WvW

Posted by: Johje Holan.4607

Johje Holan.4607

I am a little confused here. When did they state we were “forced” to do it?

It’s “forced” because the super weapon is gamebreakingly strong. Nothing should be that strong for starters, and rather lame PVE quests (killing mobs and fedexing items) is the kind of thing that belongs in <level 10 PVE zones, it should definitely not be the “IWIN” mechanic of a WVW borderlands map.

It lasts an hour and opens up the probability for guild to massively farm people there if actual blobs gonna do it. If not it opens the probability for roaming guilds of 5-10 people to have nice fights there.

In this hour it will bring down wooden gates T1 from 100 to 0
It will bring down T2 to around 20%
It will bring down T3 to around 40%

Now don’t tell me you can’t repair all that in matter of minutes. If the enemy wants to take your lovely tower or keep they can also just ram it for 30 more seconds and have the same result.

Supply is part of the issue. The problem is that you’ll have people using supply to repair those gates. And in Gari that’s a lot of supply to repair 5 gates. So it’ll waste supply that you may have needed when the attack comes.

Now this might not matter in relatively even matches. I actually think this will be a fun mechanic in relatively even matches.

But un uneven matches it I don’t see how it does anything but make the strong even stronger.

In blowouts it may not even matter so the Oasis will become kind of irrelevant, like the ruins. It may actually be the worst in matches that are only slightly lopsided. It might give the stronger server the advantage it needs to turn it even more lopsided.

Ready Up next Friday: Desert Borderlands

in WvW

Posted by: BrickFurious.7169


Supply is part of the issue. The problem is that you’ll have people using supply to repair those gates. And in Gari that’s a lot of supply to repair 5 gates. So it’ll waste supply that you may have needed when the attack comes.

Now this might not matter in relatively even matches. I actually think this will be a fun mechanic in relatively even matches.

But un uneven matches it I don’t see how it does anything but make the strong even stronger.

In blowouts it may not even matter so the Oasis will become kind of irrelevant, like the ruins. It may actually be the worst in matches that are only slightly lopsided. It might give the stronger server the advantage it needs to turn it even more lopsided.

I agree in blowouts it probably won’t matter, but really no mechanic is likely to help in a blowout. Also keep in mind, they said the weapon will destroy the outer gates only, so that would be 3 gates in the case of garri.

Thinking about the possible outcomes of this mechanic, I think they will vary significantly based on the tier of play. For example, in T1 and sometimes T2, it’s not uncommon for a server to own a keep on every map (their home keep on EB and garrison on their home BL, bay on another BL, and hills on the last BL). Whereas in T3 and lower it’s more common for a server to own all or most of their home BL, and none of the keeps in any other BLs. So in T1 and T2, this mechanic might provoke some interesting 3-way fights in the oasis (though I imagine the team in their home BL will have a slight population advantage, unless each server has all maps queued). In T3 and lower…it might be the case that nothing really happens, since each server will likely concentrate in their home BL to defend.

I think in T3 and lower where this gets interesting is if a guild group decides to YOLO and hop to a BL that isn’t their home BL, to try and either mess with the home BL’s team trying to collect the orbs, or maybe even run around papering the home team’s keeps and towers while the home team is in the oasis. In T1 and T2 theoretically a similar thing could happen; if one server is focusing heavily on the oasis event, the other two servers could just zerg that server’s objectives, drawing players away from the oasis.

Anyway long story short, I think this mechanic, though simple, might provoke some complex play because of how powerful it is, and it’s likely to reward server organization as much as it rewards population. I can’t say for sure (I don’t know if ANet has tried running simulations of this) but I definitely see the potential for a less populated (not crazy less, but less) server that is more organized to gain an advantage over a more populated but less organized server, either by finding a way to win the oasis event, or by papering a few keeps and towers while the more populated server is focused on the oasis.

Ready Up next Friday: Desert Borderlands

in WvW

Posted by: atheria.2837


Hey folks,

I’ll have Game Designer Tyler Bearce and Environment Artist Tirzah Bauer on Ready Up next Friday for a chat on the recently revealed Desert Borderlands map. If you have any questions regarding the new map that you’d like Tyler or Tirzah to address, please respond below and I’ll see what I can do!


As a general disclaimer, I’m only looking for questions that pertain to the borderlands map specifically. (No specialization questions, etc). Thanks for understanding.

*EDIT: Show is over. Thanks for watching.

The “new” WvW map isn’t new and it is disorenting, nausea producing and WvW world destroying just as much as the “megaserver” destroyed smaller servers and helped the larger ones.

Geeze louise, will no one listen – this isn’t a map, it’s a rehash of EOTM with other elements thrown in from other existing maps.

If it were new and not tilted and not what Wv W community as a whole begged not to be in WvW, that would be cause for great rejoicing, but this?

This isn’t what we begged for. This isn’t WvW. It will harm WvW, not boost it.

(note to tech staff – why is the program inserting “kitten” into any of MY remarks??? it did, I had to remove it three times.)

Not keeping all IT jobs here is a major reason IT is so bad HERE. 33y IT 10y IT Security

(edited by atheria.2837)

Ready Up next Friday: Desert Borderlands

in WvW

Posted by: BrickFurious.7169


Also Josh, as far as additional questions, in general I would love to hear as much as you can find out/reveal about the following:

1. New objective upgrades and/or changes to the upgrading process. They mentioned that keeps might be getting a third tier of door upgrades, it’d be great to hear about any others that are planned. Also, it looked like the dolyaks were moving a lot faster in the video, are the yaks going to move that fast by default or is that a potential camp upgrade in the works?

2. Any plans relating to changes in WvW scoring and population balance.

Ready Up next Friday: Desert Borderlands

in WvW

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


This is what I think about the new map and WvW:

Design: 95%
It is beautiful, each area is unique, nice mechanics, however the vertical nature of the map really is in favor if ranged classes, mostly rangers.

Gameplay: 75%
Seems like the good old WvW mixed with EotM but unless you guys have a different scoring system that takes into accounts kills and population it’s not going to feel like things have improved.

Implementation: 50%
Are we having 3 versions of the same map again? The entire WvW server system, transfers, and multiple copies of the same map has to be improved. Why cant we forget about the Borderlands idea and instead just have 3 different maps? EotM as an overflow map is a karma train where nobody even bother to play the objectives and no goal. It would be great to see the objectives of that map being played for real, and servers/alliances could change sides every 4 hours.

We should be able to guest on WvW servers and play with all our friends. If you have to merge servers into alliances to do this then please do it

We also need Obsidian Sanctum to have overflows so that we can GvG any guilds, not just guilds in out tier.

Ready Up next Friday: Desert Borderlands

in WvW

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


I am a little confused here. When did they state we were “forced” to do it?

It’s “forced” because the super weapon is gamebreakingly strong. Nothing should be that strong for starters, and rather lame PVE quests (killing mobs and fedexing items) is the kind of thing that belongs in <level 10 PVE zones, it should definitely not be the “IWIN” mechanic of a WVW borderlands map.

It lasts an hour and opens up the probability for guild to massively farm people there if actual blobs gonna do it. If not it opens the probability for roaming guilds of 5-10 people to have nice fights there.

In this hour it will bring down wooden gates T1 from 100 to 0
It will bring down T2 to around 20%
It will bring down T3 to around 40%

Now don’t tell me you can’t repair all that in matter of minutes. If the enemy wants to take your lovely tower or keep they can also just ram it for 30 more seconds and have the same result.

While I still think the superweapon is too strong (nuking every enemy gate in the BG to 50-0%), which for a lot of people will only result in a lot of mind-numbingly boring repairing of gates over the following hour, the exact opposite of epic-ness, it’s really the lameness of the “kill 10 rats” PVE quest element that bothers me the most.

It doesn’t fit the WVW game mode. Why not make it a capture point? 3 capture points spread around the oasis? An orb that you have to carry back to your keep? Lots of people would like to see the orb escort in the original WVW brought back.

There are numerous potential superweapon capture mechanics that are much better fits for WVW and how WVW is played, having to kill 10 rats and fedex items is the lamest of lame capture mechanic they could possibly have implemented.

downed state is bad for PVP

(edited by scerevisiae.1972)

Ready Up next Friday: Desert Borderlands

in WvW

Posted by: coglin.1867


It doesn’t “nuke every enemy gate” as you stated it. It nukes 1 gate every 3 hours, as I understand it.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

Ready Up next Friday: Desert Borderlands

in WvW

Posted by: Zetsumei.4975


It doesn’t “nuke every enemy gate” as you stated it. It nukes 1 gate every 3 hours, as I understand it.

It nukes all enemy outer gates

Kurodaraku – Necromancer | Kuroshikon – Ranger
Officer of [DEX] Deus Ex Machina Eu and [Fus] Fus Ro Dâh
Ruins of Surmia

Ready Up next Friday: Desert Borderlands

in WvW

Posted by: Urrid.4593


Great video and looking forward to coming back to wvw.

Coral -Mesmer- Omnomnivore and TC’er.

Ready Up next Friday: Desert Borderlands

in WvW

Posted by: aspirine.6852


If its nuking all gates, will all be contested btw?

Ready Up next Friday: Desert Borderlands

in WvW

Posted by: BlackDevil.9268


I am a little confused here. When did they state we were “forced” to do it?

It’s “forced” because the super weapon is gamebreakingly strong. Nothing should be that strong for starters, and rather lame PVE quests (killing mobs and fedexing items) is the kind of thing that belongs in <level 10 PVE zones, it should definitely not be the “IWIN” mechanic of a WVW borderlands map.

It lasts an hour and opens up the probability for guild to massively farm people there if actual blobs gonna do it. If not it opens the probability for roaming guilds of 5-10 people to have nice fights there.

In this hour it will bring down wooden gates T1 from 100 to 0
It will bring down T2 to around 20%
It will bring down T3 to around 40%

Now don’t tell me you can’t repair all that in matter of minutes. If the enemy wants to take your lovely tower or keep they can also just ram it for 30 more seconds and have the same result.

While I still think the superweapon is too strong (nuking every enemy gate in the BG to 50-0%), which for a lot of people will only result in a lot of mind-numbingly boring repairing of gates over the following hour, the exact opposite of epic-ness, it’s really the lameness of the “kill 10 rats” PVE quest element that bothers me the most.

It doesn’t fit the WVW game mode. Why not make it a capture point? 3 capture points spread around the oasis? An orb that you have to carry back to your keep? Lots of people would like to see the orb escort in the original WVW brought back.

There are numerous potential superweapon capture mechanics that are much better fits for WVW and how WVW is played, having to kill 10 rats and fedex items is the lamest of lame capture mechanic they could possibly have implemented.

I agree 100% with you. The event is the easiest and very poor design of a mechanic of something that has such big impact in the map. Not only is it not even based on PvP, it’s neither promoting to PvP. Instead, it even promotes something people escaped from by going into WvW: PvE.

I would probably even like the node capture more than the mobs, eventhough that’s pretty standard.
What could also be an option is keeping the current event, add a generator in the middle of the oasis. Make it so you gain a maximum of 2 charges just like in sPvP with the supplies on stronghold and with those 2 charges you can charge the mega laser by channeling it for +/- 2 seconds on the generator. Once you die with the charges, you lose the ‘’orbs of energy’’ you just gained from the mob which are available for enemies to pick up. Like that you don’t entirely gotta delete the event but rather spice it a bit up.

Increase the strength of the mobs and reduce the amount of charges needed.

Another option that was going through my mind was something like ‘’capture the flag’’ or like the old orb system. Let that flag or orb spawn every 3h on a random location and ping it on the map. The old orb fights were pretty intense where you had guilds hunting for the orbs and massive blobs just guarding the person with the orb.

(edited by BlackDevil.9268)

Ready Up next Friday: Desert Borderlands

in WvW

Posted by: Menaka.5092


What could also be an option is keeping the current event, add a generator in the middle of the oasis. Make it so you gain a maximum of 2 charges just like in sPvP with the supplies on stronghold and with those 2 charges you can charge the mega laser by channeling it for +/- 2 seconds on the generator. Once you die with the charges, you lose the ‘’orbs of energy’’ you just gained from the mob which are available for enemies to pick up. Like that you don’t entirely gotta delete the event but rather spice it a bit up.

As they explained in the first presentation about this (I think it was the one at PAX), killing the dinosaur to get the core is only the easiest part of the job, then you need to bring the core back to one of 3 collection points, and you can be killed on the way, and you’ll lose the core for your enemy to collect.

If it works like that, sounds like a good excuse for PvP to me. And having 3 collection points makes it harder to blob the event with one single zerg camping the collection point.

Ready Up next Friday: Desert Borderlands

in WvW

Posted by: Zetsumei.4975


Lets hope they have the foresight to change the fact that you can currently stealth and blink while holding the orb.

Kurodaraku – Necromancer | Kuroshikon – Ranger
Officer of [DEX] Deus Ex Machina Eu and [Fus] Fus Ro Dâh
Ruins of Surmia

Ready Up next Friday: Desert Borderlands

in WvW

Posted by: BlackDevil.9268


What could also be an option is keeping the current event, add a generator in the middle of the oasis. Make it so you gain a maximum of 2 charges just like in sPvP with the supplies on stronghold and with those 2 charges you can charge the mega laser by channeling it for +/- 2 seconds on the generator. Once you die with the charges, you lose the ‘’orbs of energy’’ you just gained from the mob which are available for enemies to pick up. Like that you don’t entirely gotta delete the event but rather spice it a bit up.

As they explained in the first presentation about this (I think it was the one at PAX), killing the dinosaur to get the core is only the easiest part of the job, then you need to bring the core back to one of 3 collection points, and you can be killed on the way, and you’ll lose the core for your enemy to collect.

If it works like that, sounds like a good excuse for PvP to me. And having 3 collection points makes it harder to blob the event with one single zerg camping the collection point.

I must have missed that then. Well if that’s the case I just hope these orbs don’t deny you from using your skills. Or don’t disappear the moment you drop them and also that they will still make it so you have to channel the orb to the generator and that damage or CC will interrupt you from doing so. If not you can just get the orb, run straight past the enemies or just blink past, deliver quickly and get off to do more pve.

My biggest complaint would still be the amount of mobs across the open area’s though.

Lets hope they have the foresight to change the fact that you can currently stealth and blink while holding the orb.

Blinking is fine if they add a channel effect to the delivery of the orb. I don’t mind someone suiciding to try to channel his orb. I do, however, mind people stealthing and you getting forced to bomb the altar because of that.

(edited by BlackDevil.9268)

Ready Up next Friday: Desert Borderlands

in WvW

Posted by: Zetsumei.4975


What could also be an option is keeping the current event, add a generator in the middle of the oasis. Make it so you gain a maximum of 2 charges just like in sPvP with the supplies on stronghold and with those 2 charges you can charge the mega laser by channeling it for +/- 2 seconds on the generator. Once you die with the charges, you lose the ‘’orbs of energy’’ you just gained from the mob which are available for enemies to pick up. Like that you don’t entirely gotta delete the event but rather spice it a bit up.

As they explained in the first presentation about this (I think it was the one at PAX), killing the dinosaur to get the core is only the easiest part of the job, then you need to bring the core back to one of 3 collection points, and you can be killed on the way, and you’ll lose the core for your enemy to collect.

If it works like that, sounds like a good excuse for PvP to me. And having 3 collection points makes it harder to blob the event with one single zerg camping the collection point.

I must have missed that then. Well if that’s the case I just hope these orbs don’t deny you from using your skills. Or don’t disappear the moment you drop them and also that they will still make it so you have to channel the orb to the generator and that damage or CC will interrupt you from doing so. If not you can just get the orb, run straight past the enemies or just blink past, deliver quickly and get off to do more pve.

My biggest complaint would still be the amount of mobs across the open area’s though.

Lets hope they have the foresight to change the fact that you can currently stealth and blink while holding the orb.

Blinking is fine if they add a channel effect to the delivery of the orb. I don’t mind someone suiciding to try to channel his orb. I do, however, mind people stealthing and you getting forced to bomb the altar because of that.

Not unless the delivery point is sufficiently far away. If you look at spiritwatch in pvp when it comes to delivering the orbs, classes like warrior far outclasses other professions due to the sheer land speed given by leaps, it gives an unfair advantage almost but not as broken as stealth, but if the delivery point is really far away then you can effectively see the carrier coming and they don’t have enough skills to cover the distance before you can engage.

Kurodaraku – Necromancer | Kuroshikon – Ranger
Officer of [DEX] Deus Ex Machina Eu and [Fus] Fus Ro Dâh
Ruins of Surmia

Ready Up next Friday: Desert Borderlands

in WvW

Posted by: PariahX.6970


2. Any plans relating to changes in WvW scoring and population balance.

This one is pretty important. I think a lot of players need to know the answer to this so we can plan accordingly. I don’t really want to leave T1 (mostly since JQ has been home since beta) but without changes I am going to have to and will want to have that all figured out before HoT launches.

~Xylla~ [oG] on Ehmry Bay [PiXi]
Xyleia Luxuria / Sweet Little Agony / Morning Glory Wine / Precious Illusionz /
Near Fanstastica /Ocean at the End / Blue Eyed Hexe / Andro Queen / Indie Cindee . . .

Ready Up next Friday: Desert Borderlands

in WvW

Posted by: BlackDevil.9268


What could also be an option is keeping the current event, add a generator in the middle of the oasis. Make it so you gain a maximum of 2 charges just like in sPvP with the supplies on stronghold and with those 2 charges you can charge the mega laser by channeling it for +/- 2 seconds on the generator. Once you die with the charges, you lose the ‘’orbs of energy’’ you just gained from the mob which are available for enemies to pick up. Like that you don’t entirely gotta delete the event but rather spice it a bit up.

As they explained in the first presentation about this (I think it was the one at PAX), killing the dinosaur to get the core is only the easiest part of the job, then you need to bring the core back to one of 3 collection points, and you can be killed on the way, and you’ll lose the core for your enemy to collect.

If it works like that, sounds like a good excuse for PvP to me. And having 3 collection points makes it harder to blob the event with one single zerg camping the collection point.

I must have missed that then. Well if that’s the case I just hope these orbs don’t deny you from using your skills. Or don’t disappear the moment you drop them and also that they will still make it so you have to channel the orb to the generator and that damage or CC will interrupt you from doing so. If not you can just get the orb, run straight past the enemies or just blink past, deliver quickly and get off to do more pve.

My biggest complaint would still be the amount of mobs across the open area’s though.

Lets hope they have the foresight to change the fact that you can currently stealth and blink while holding the orb.

Blinking is fine if they add a channel effect to the delivery of the orb. I don’t mind someone suiciding to try to channel his orb. I do, however, mind people stealthing and you getting forced to bomb the altar because of that.

Not unless the delivery point is sufficiently far away. If you look at spiritwatch in pvp when it comes to delivering the orbs, classes like warrior far outclasses other professions due to the sheer land speed given by leaps, it gives an unfair advantage almost but not as broken as stealth, but if the delivery point is really far away then you can effectively see the carrier coming and they don’t have enough skills to cover the distance before you can engage.

Apart from the fact that a carrier in spvp is only one person and in WvW it will be more than 1 most likely.
It doesn’t matter if you can leap or be faster to the altar. As long as you’re able to interrupt the delivery on the altar you’re still forced to win the fight around the altar, before delivering it. That way you just force people to PvP, but aswell keep their attention to possible people that might just risk suiciding to still deliver the orb. If you allow stealthed people to deliver the orb, you might aswell just all blast a stealth field with 5 people, deliver the orbs and run back before the enemy can even engage on you.

Ready Up next Friday: Desert Borderlands

in WvW

Posted by: TheGrimm.5624


First off, really excited about the new map. Watching the presentation there looks like there will be a lot of new areas to fight in and new types of fights. The diverse terrain looks like it will offer up a lot of new tactics and that will keep the fights fresh. The size of the map also looks great and the strategic positioning of objectives and the fact that they are all not the same is great.

I did have one concern, that will have to see how it plays out, and that’s the buff on the fire keep that grants a side immunity to fire. When first hearing of this I thought it would be to the fire from the lava pools versus player generated fire. If its player generated fire it would be kind of a one sided impact for some classes that are fire focused. Now granted lets see how often a side is able to keep that buff running when a fight is under way.

Good hunting!


De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.

Ready Up next Friday: Desert Borderlands

in WvW

Posted by: Dondagora.9645


What could also be an option is keeping the current event, add a generator in the middle of the oasis. Make it so you gain a maximum of 2 charges just like in sPvP with the supplies on stronghold and with those 2 charges you can charge the mega laser by channeling it for +/- 2 seconds on the generator. Once you die with the charges, you lose the ‘’orbs of energy’’ you just gained from the mob which are available for enemies to pick up. Like that you don’t entirely gotta delete the event but rather spice it a bit up.

As they explained in the first presentation about this (I think it was the one at PAX), killing the dinosaur to get the core is only the easiest part of the job, then you need to bring the core back to one of 3 collection points, and you can be killed on the way, and you’ll lose the core for your enemy to collect.

If it works like that, sounds like a good excuse for PvP to me. And having 3 collection points makes it harder to blob the event with one single zerg camping the collection point.

I must have missed that then. Well if that’s the case I just hope these orbs don’t deny you from using your skills. Or don’t disappear the moment you drop them and also that they will still make it so you have to channel the orb to the generator and that damage or CC will interrupt you from doing so. If not you can just get the orb, run straight past the enemies or just blink past, deliver quickly and get off to do more pve.

My biggest complaint would still be the amount of mobs across the open area’s though.

Lets hope they have the foresight to change the fact that you can currently stealth and blink while holding the orb.

Blinking is fine if they add a channel effect to the delivery of the orb. I don’t mind someone suiciding to try to channel his orb. I do, however, mind people stealthing and you getting forced to bomb the altar because of that.

If you have to channel the orb into the drop-off, it might work well if it works like Silent Storm in that you can’t channel in stealth. Also, I’d prefer CC only interrupt on the channel, or else it’ll become too easy for, say, a ranger to camp the drop-off from 1500 range and continuously deny the channel.

Ready Up next Friday: Desert Borderlands

in WvW

Posted by: BlackDevil.9268


What could also be an option is keeping the current event, add a generator in the middle of the oasis. Make it so you gain a maximum of 2 charges just like in sPvP with the supplies on stronghold and with those 2 charges you can charge the mega laser by channeling it for +/- 2 seconds on the generator. Once you die with the charges, you lose the ‘’orbs of energy’’ you just gained from the mob which are available for enemies to pick up. Like that you don’t entirely gotta delete the event but rather spice it a bit up.

As they explained in the first presentation about this (I think it was the one at PAX), killing the dinosaur to get the core is only the easiest part of the job, then you need to bring the core back to one of 3 collection points, and you can be killed on the way, and you’ll lose the core for your enemy to collect.

If it works like that, sounds like a good excuse for PvP to me. And having 3 collection points makes it harder to blob the event with one single zerg camping the collection point.

I must have missed that then. Well if that’s the case I just hope these orbs don’t deny you from using your skills. Or don’t disappear the moment you drop them and also that they will still make it so you have to channel the orb to the generator and that damage or CC will interrupt you from doing so. If not you can just get the orb, run straight past the enemies or just blink past, deliver quickly and get off to do more pve.

My biggest complaint would still be the amount of mobs across the open area’s though.

Lets hope they have the foresight to change the fact that you can currently stealth and blink while holding the orb.

Blinking is fine if they add a channel effect to the delivery of the orb. I don’t mind someone suiciding to try to channel his orb. I do, however, mind people stealthing and you getting forced to bomb the altar because of that.

If you have to channel the orb into the drop-off, it might work well if it works like Silent Storm in that you can’t channel in stealth. Also, I’d prefer CC only interrupt on the channel, or else it’ll become too easy for, say, a ranger to camp the drop-off from 1500 range and continuously deny the channel.

Yeah I agree. Just make it the same mechanics as used on stronghold and maybe add 0,5 sec channel time to that.

Ready Up next Friday: Desert Borderlands

in WvW

Posted by: Menaka.5092


What could also be an option is keeping the current event, add a generator in the middle of the oasis. Make it so you gain a maximum of 2 charges just like in sPvP with the supplies on stronghold and with those 2 charges you can charge the mega laser by channeling it for +/- 2 seconds on the generator. Once you die with the charges, you lose the ‘’orbs of energy’’ you just gained from the mob which are available for enemies to pick up. Like that you don’t entirely gotta delete the event but rather spice it a bit up.

As they explained in the first presentation about this (I think it was the one at PAX), killing the dinosaur to get the core is only the easiest part of the job, then you need to bring the core back to one of 3 collection points, and you can be killed on the way, and you’ll lose the core for your enemy to collect.

If it works like that, sounds like a good excuse for PvP to me. And having 3 collection points makes it harder to blob the event with one single zerg camping the collection point.

I must have missed that then. Well if that’s the case I just hope these orbs don’t deny you from using your skills. Or don’t disappear the moment you drop them and also that they will still make it so you have to channel the orb to the generator and that damage or CC will interrupt you from doing so. If not you can just get the orb, run straight past the enemies or just blink past, deliver quickly and get off to do more pve.

My biggest complaint would still be the amount of mobs across the open area’s though.

Lets hope they have the foresight to change the fact that you can currently stealth and blink while holding the orb.

Blinking is fine if they add a channel effect to the delivery of the orb. I don’t mind someone suiciding to try to channel his orb. I do, however, mind people stealthing and you getting forced to bomb the altar because of that.

If you have to channel the orb into the drop-off, it might work well if it works like Silent Storm in that you can’t channel in stealth. Also, I’d prefer CC only interrupt on the channel, or else it’ll become too easy for, say, a ranger to camp the drop-off from 1500 range and continuously deny the channel.

Yeah I agree. Just make it the same mechanics as used on stronghold and maybe add 0,5 sec channel time to that.

I agree, a small (2-3s?) channel on delivery would be really nice.
Also, I hope the orb won’t disable your skills, because that would basically force each faction to form “escort groups” for the people carrying the orb.