Really uncool, JQ/BG
You literally just pointed fingers
I would love to see some proof. You do realize that JQ and SoR TS are very closely related and this wouldn’t fly with the people who run them.
Yeah, no one on JQ would do this quite frankly, it’s not our style. We aren’t petty in our wins or our losses.
Forget the fact that JQ doesn’t need to do anything shady to win.
Quite frankly, there’s only 1 server in this tier that has historically done this kind of stuff both in game and out.
The sooner they get booted out of the tier the better as far as I’m concerned. This morning, someone spammed rams again while BG was attacking us. Drained us in less than 30 minutes. It’s getting old and tiresome.
Blackgate always has these issues. hopefully people can grow up and play fair
Leader of Reckless Bravery [rB] (Dragonbrand)
Lets stop and consider the following. If your Teamspeak is hosted by a company, and not someone’s personal computer (in their house), then chances are it’s on a VPS, or run as a service. If it is on a VPS, then the company houses many different websites and services on the same rack. If one or some of those VPS’s are under attack, chances are the router/switch and the rack are under a load of stress, which in turn affects network traffic to your Teamspeak server.
Before you say that someone is deliberately trying to cause you (and only you) harm, think about how small and insignificant one teamspeak server is compared to what else could be going on in the world. It’s not always someone out to get YOU.
PS. The chances of your rack being under attack by other servers or individuals is much higher than 5 or 6 guys targeting your VPS Teamspeak with a strategic DDoS.
Get that logic kitten out of here.
well, its been down about an hour now…
Yeah, no one on JQ would do this quite frankly, it’s not our style. We aren’t petty in our wins or our losses.
Forget the fact that JQ doesn’t need to do anything shady to win.
Quite frankly, there’s only 1 server in this tier that has historically done this kind of stuff both in game and out.
The sooner they get booted out of the tier the better as far as I’m concerned. This morning, someone spammed rams again while BG was attacking us. Drained us in less than 30 minutes. It’s getting old and tiresome.
Correlation does not equal causation. Prove that he is from Blackgate and not a jilted Jade Quarry player. There are currently (and have been for months) players on Blackgate doing the same thing, as well as Darkhaven and Tarnished Coast.
Blackgate loves Tarnished Coast, so why are the siege cappers on TC as well?
There has been an extensive history of unscrupulous behavior in Tier 1 regardless of which servers were there. One of the most famous youtube thieves is a JQ native, He popularized the solo wall jumping exploit and used it frequently.
No one on JQ would engage in this behavior? Nice claim, now prove it.
No one on JQ would engage in this behavior? Nice claim, now prove it.
Sorry friendo, proving goes the other way. Innocent until proven guilty
it’s a remarkable coincidence. The team speak servers from Kodash, Elona Reach and Vizunah (european) got ddos’d as well.
Callous Philosophy [LaG]
† Good Old Days [GD]
A lot of TS servers in EU t1 got ddos attack too atm. Visunah Square has many guild servers + community server down atm.This has probabily nothing to do with the game considering the scale but who knows.
Is there any proof that it’s a ddos..? If so, how many Gbit inc and what kind of attack?
I think the problem here is that u are using TS the worst voice chat ever
GekoHayate.2451One of the most famous youtube thieves is a JQ native, He popularized the solo wall jumping exploit and used it frequently.
No one on JQ would engage in this behavior? Nice claim, now prove it.
I know the thief you are talking about, especially since I fought with him many times in Rift PvP.
In my opinion he made the video about the wall jump to show people what others are doing and how the exploit worked so that it would sooner get fixed rather than stay in the game. Also, if others are doing it, why shouldn’t he? Is the point he was probably getting across as well.
Our teamspeak server was recently being DDOS’ed, but no one knows who we are… it was actually another server on the same box that was being DDOS’ed. If your host has more than one teamspeak, it might not be yours that is the target. •
Maybe SoR can drop down and TC pop up for a week? It would be a beautiful TC-BG reunion!
Back when I was with SBI, the exact same thing happened to us. Trolls would come on our TS to trash talk us. Swearing. Name calling. Loud Music. etc. It got so bad that we lost 75% of our TS population in a week.
Back then our enemies were JQ and SoS. Never figured out who it was.
The Order of Dii[Dii]-SBI→Kaineng→TC→JQ
Necro Encyclopedia-
Back when I was with SBI, the exact same thing happened to us. Trolls would come on our TS to trash talk us. Swearing. Name calling. Loud Music. etc. It got so bad that we lost 75% of our TS population in a week.
Back then our enemies were JQ and SoS. Never figured out who it was.
We had the same happen a lot we had an obama soundboard and a Arnold Schwarzenegger soundboard. They can be pretty entertaining as well.
Our teamspeak server was recently being DDOS’ed, but no one knows who we are… it was actually another server on the same box that was being DDOS’ed. If your host has more than one teamspeak, it might not be yours that is the target.
Lets stop and consider the following. If your Teamspeak is hosted by a company, and not someone’s personal computer (in their house), then chances are it’s on a VPS, or run as a service. If it is on a VPS, then the company houses many different websites and services on the same rack. If one or some of those VPS’s are under attack, chances are the router/switch and the rack are under a load of stress, which in turn affects network traffic to your Teamspeak server.
Before you say that someone is deliberately trying to cause you (and only you) harm, think about how small and insignificant one teamspeak server is compared to what else could be going on in the world. It’s not always someone out to get YOU.
PS. The chances of your rack being under attack by other servers or individuals is much higher than 5 or 6 guys targeting your VPS Teamspeak with a strategic DDoS.
The TS isn’t ran by a private company – more like a public nonprofit, if anything.
And there are 300+ members online in the TS at a time … there is a lot of incentive to DDOS a TS server.
And you make it seem like its hard to shut down a small server with a DDOS. Its not, really.
So take your buzzwords and get outta’ here.
The TS isn’t ran by a private company – more like a public nonprofit, if anything.
And there are 300+ members online in the TS at a time … there is a lot of incentive to DDOS a TS server.
And you make it seem like its hard to shut down a small server with a DDOS. Its not, really.
So take your buzzwords and get outta’ here.
Several things I’d like to ask you.
1. You’re not addressing the biggest problem here, rather, you avoid it. Is this company hosting multiple services? Servers? Teamspeaks? You only mention your server and it’s maximum number of participants. Who cares if it’s on a NFP server… This doesn’t answer the question. How many other sites/services are hosted on their network?
2. To take down a server or infrastructure of any size, you need a few people, or at the very least a few computers on separate connections. Unless of course your hosting platform doesn’t meet any of the agreed upon standards for hosting companies. ISP monitoring systems are getting smarter. They are now detecting certain types of patterns, targets, length of time the socket requests remain active, etc, etc. This type of activity doesn’t last long these days. One (or two..or more) person(s) doing this multiple times would also give your hosting company logs to go over; lots and lots of logs! Why haven’t they approached you, told you “We can’t host you any further, you’re being targeted and are crippling our network.”? This happens more than you think… They haven’t approached you because you’re probably not the one being targeted on the rack.
3. Do you think you I’m just using buzzwords now?
Educate yourself (and think) before contesting someone who knows what they are talking about. (I doubt I’ll be hearing the last of you once you’ve learned how to use Google to find retorts.)
Before I forget, fat (smart) German guy speaking about ISP monitoring DDoS traffic preventions.
2. To take down a server or infrastructure of any size, you need a few people, or at the very least a few computers on separate connections.
Not with Slowloris or DNS amplification. Single box on a residential connection can do it, but then it’s a DoS not a DDoS.
[CoSA]/[WWGD] // Sorrow’s Furnace (since August 2012) US West Evening Shift
The past week or so SoR TS had been shutting down due to an ISP problem, not DDOS
Probably related to that and not DDOS
Also, you guys do realize that the SoR Guild TS is run by a JQ native named Epi right?
He has been, for months since the game launched, been running and maintining both TS servers, including an initiative to catch spies who connect to both SoR and JQ TS servers.
Nobody on JQ would DDOS the server that runs the SoR TS, because that would take down our own TS as well. That is of course, assuming that you are actually experiencing a DDOS attack and not simple ISP problems or server technical issuess.
Watching angry gamers try to understand how the internet works really is an incredible thing.
Video game karma train war is extremely serious business I’m going to buy a botnet to UDP flood your teamspeak host. Yes !!!! PPT lead is mine !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A funny thing happened to me today fighting against SOR….
Actually, having used all 4 major voice clients, TS3 offers the best in features and sound quality and especially lag tolerance. Mumble has the best in audio latency and is very poor in other features.
If a provider is ddos’d it can affect thousands of teamspeak “servers” due to one ip address and multiple ports being used for each account.
BG had its mumble and ts ddos’d several times. The mumble server was actually privately hosted and using an independent IP. Both times that I was present were times when we were entering T1. For what its worth, both times JQ was one of the servers in the matchup.
I wish I could assure you that it isn’t someone from BG, but best I can give is that BG frowns very heavily (having had several of our own members banned) on cheating and bad sportsmanship.
Original Member of Blackgate.
Member of HB.
Unless the owner of the TS service gets a message from their ISP that their IP address has been null routed, you were not the target of a DDoS. Period. End of Discussion.
Please just call the feds next time.
- Colin Johanson while spamming key 1 in GW2
2. To take down a server or infrastructure of any size, you need a few people, or at the very least a few computers on separate connections.
Not with Slowloris or DNS amplification. Single box on a residential connection can do it, but then it’s a DoS not a DDoS.
Slowloris is for web hosting services such as apache, NetScaler, Cisco CSS, and doesn’t out of the box apply to teamspeak servers without heavy modification, unless there’s already a pre-built solution.
DNS Amplification is another slight maybe. If the VPS router has a scanning tool to deny from known DNS routes, then this falls flat.
This thread is fun! It feels good to know we’re educating the thread owner that not everything is about him!
We’re changing lives here people… lives…
(edited by Ayusaki.6739)