Rebalance start positions?
I’ll take the lack of comments after 60 views and no posts as to why I’m wrong as evidence that I’m right. Kinda expected some discussion on this as every time I bring it up in EB team chat I get at least a few comments from my server. But maybe the forums are mostly useless.
Are there cases where the green server wins EB but doesn’t win the borderlands?
I hadn’t noticed a map superiority by color, myself.
Are there cases where the green server wins EB but doesn’t win the borderlands?
Let me reword that question: Does the top ranked server usually win in Borderlands? Probably, yeah. But that really has nothing to do with what I’m talking about.
Of all the keeps, yea I would argue that greens is the most easily defensible in EB given that their one ground gate is such a tight choke point and underwater siege is unavailable. I love the idea of taking a keep from underwater and I think it’s completely awesome. But in the lower ranked servers where zergs tend to dominate it’s a lot harder to do.
In EB red is better, treb(s) on the garrison (or on Anzalias) can hit SM
Blue can place a treb in Durios
NOTE: only outer wall ofc
Ok, so maybe red has a slight edge in assaulting SM, but that doesn’t help much, because its position is the least defensible.