Recreating Epidemic
Don’t like it. It is hard to really use epidemic as it has a slow cast time and a HUGE tell. It is fine the way it is.
Honestly if its gonna get nerfed just nerf it to spread like 3 condis.
I’m honestly not really convinced that Epidemic needs major changes at all.
Leave epidemic alone and quit CRYING for the love of …
You’re all thinking too deep into an epidemic change, just give it 5-10 more seconds on its CD to reduce its current use as spamming it off cd in large group fights, keep the payoff but also promote skilled use of it.
Former top 50 spvp engi main.
Don’t like it. It is hard to really use epidemic as it has a slow cast time and a HUGE tell. It is fine the way it is.
1 sec cast time is by no means a “Huge” tell its less of a tell then most heals. Factor that in that in wvw only the high partacal effect cast are often culling all other effects so the tell of casting epi is no different then cast an auto attk.
If you want to balnce it you need a real tell that not from the caster but who its being cast on its the only way that it would work in wvw environment.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
Condi in general is the problem, and Revs are the only answer, to that IMO all we really need is a bit more accessibility to resistance. I’m not saying make it something people can consistently maintain, but having a bit more access across the board I think would balance things out well. Maybe take some lesser used skills and add resistance to it. Moderation being the key but just making it an option to build against condi. Right now condi clears just aren’t really enough, at least not within reason, sure if you bring everything to clear it’s doable, but that is unreasonable. Just some more options for group resistance, and personal options of resistance across the board I think would be a good idea.
I’m honestly not really convinced that Epidemic needs major changes at all.
Nah it doesn’t but if they are going to change it they might aswell go all in.
I don’t believe that 1 skill can be causing so much problems in WvW, does no one bring condi cleanse anymore, or does everyone just want to run brain dead max damage builds that cant take condi damage.
There are several other skills that would need looked at in WvW also if your asking for an epidemic nerf.
I don’t believe that 1 skill can be causing so much problems in WvW, does no one bring condi cleanse anymore, or does everyone just want to run brain dead max damage builds that cant take condi damage.
There are several other skills that would need looked at in WvW also if your asking for an epidemic nerf.
The biggest complaint of epidemic stems from huge condi stacks on NPCs and siege that then are transfered to players. Talking condi dmg spike so large you cannot think to press condi cleanse. I assume to a lesser extent bombing off a player with resistance is possible too.
Don’t stand near the npc then? Or don’t stack siege like an idiot.
Piken Square EU, maybe soon on your server.
Make it similar to the signet of inspiration nerf, only copy 1 stack of each condition.
[oof] Crystal Desert
I don’t believe that 1 skill can be causing so much problems in WvW, does no one bring condi cleanse anymore, or does everyone just want to run brain dead max damage builds that cant take condi damage.
There are several other skills that would need looked at in WvW also if your asking for an epidemic nerf.
The biggest complaint of epidemic stems from huge condi stacks on NPCs and siege that then are transfered to players. Talking condi dmg spike so large you cannot think to press condi cleanse. I assume to a lesser extent bombing off a player with resistance is possible too.
This is exactly why I suggested in a separate thread that one of the changes they could make that wouldn’t gut the skill would be to disallow it from working on high-health NPC’s and siege.
Using it on downed players can be dangerous as well but because of how often they die before you can even cast it or you’re forced to move out of range, I don’t think that ability should be changed.
Minor adjustments are all it needs. Even so, had no one started crying about it, I wouldn’t have ever suggested changes. I personally think it’s fine as-is but if it’s going to receive nerfs, I want to have a say in it so it gets nerfed properly instead of in to uselessness.
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma
Don’t stand near the npc then? Or don’t stack siege like an idiot.
Don’t support lords,
Don’t use siege,
Oooookayyyyy I will be sure to never defend an objective again. Must be awesome to K-train paper objectives no one defends in t1 like a pro.
It’s not really Epidemic that’s the problem though and nerfing it will just make it redundant. The issue is that Burning does too much damage now with minimal stacks so the ramp up time to get enough to spread around is tiny. But this is all just a balance consequence of PvE+sPvP>WvW so it is not something that will ever be solved. So your best bet is just some well timed burst cleanses or resistance spam with Rev.
(Reminder that anyone who says “Epidemic has a huge cast time and tell!” has most likely never seen it outside sPvP or a <5 man fight.)
1 second cast
Gain 1 charge every 10 seconds. (max 3)
1200 rangeApply Epidemic buff to target foe (10 seconds). Whenever this foe receives a condition transmit 1 instance to anyother foe that you have marked with epidemic (1200 range) and then upto 3 foes near each of them(radius:240). 2 sec shared cooldown on transmitting conditions. Epidemic is removed on stunbreak.
burning: 1 stack 3 seconds
blind: 5 seconds
weakness: 5 seconds
vulnerability: 3 stacks 7 seconds
slow: 3 seconds
poison: 7 seconds
chilled: 3 seconds
confusion: 2 stacks 4 seconds
fear: 1 second
taunt: 1 second
crippled: 7 seconds
bleeding: 2 stacks 7 seconds
immobilized: 2 seconds
torment: 2 stacks 5 seconds
pretty much you get charges to apply to upto 3 foes that puts a buff on them. Every 10 seconds a new charge will become available and if you have 2 or 3 built up you can cast them back to back for some widespread condi application or you can just use it on recharge for a single target aoe application.
-when any foe is hit by a condition, a single instance of that condition is transmitted first to any other foe with epidemic buff.
-then a single instance is transmitted to 3 foes nearby each of them.
-if two foes with epidemic are both hit with the same condition causing skill it will transmit off the newest epidemic and then transmit as usual.
-uses epidemic casters condition dmg/ example of 2 targets marked with epidemic standing next to each other,
cast mark of blood on both,
both receive mark of bloods 2 stacks of bleed,
the newest epidemic will then transmit 1 instance of epidemic bleed (2stacks/7seconds) to the older,
and both will transmit 1 instance of epidemic bleed (2/7) to 3 nearby foes (including eachother again) and end because 2 second shared cooldown on epidemic transmission.In this case newest ends up with 4stacks of bleed and older epidemic is hit with 6stacks of bleed. If there was a third non epidemic foe it would receive 6 because it is getting hit by mark and both epidemic foes.
So yeah epidemic can get pretty wild if it is not removed with stun break and all 3 instances stand on top each other, but it is over time instead of an instant nuke.
IDK just my crazy thinking on how to make a skill truly epidemic while bringing in a new skill style with charges.
A while ago, but unfortunately after you transfered, we ran a meta for quite some time which was basically immune to condi, epidemic, etc. and which still works but now we got bored and so switched. Had you held out on your transfer a month or 2, you’d see just how silly your post is 1st hand.
And even in our current meta, we still don’t have the issues as some elements of the previous one remain.
On my personal note, I can’t stand all the upper tier siege humping and I am very glad that things like epidemic in its current form are in the game, we need more of these not less since matches are more mixed now.
Only thing that needs to be balanced is server populations and off hours capping, then things would get really interesting if we were facing at least somewhat same size groups on regular basis instead of entire map ques.
(edited by Tongku.5326)
1 second cast
Gain 1 charge every 10 seconds. (max 3)
1200 rangeApply Epidemic buff to target foe (10 seconds). Whenever this foe receives a condition transmit 1 instance to anyother foe that you have marked with epidemic (1200 range) and then upto 3 foes near each of them(radius:240). 2 sec shared cooldown on transmitting conditions. Epidemic is removed on stunbreak.
burning: 1 stack 3 seconds
blind: 5 seconds
weakness: 5 seconds
vulnerability: 3 stacks 7 seconds
slow: 3 seconds
poison: 7 seconds
chilled: 3 seconds
confusion: 2 stacks 4 seconds
fear: 1 second
taunt: 1 second
crippled: 7 seconds
bleeding: 2 stacks 7 seconds
immobilized: 2 seconds
torment: 2 stacks 5 seconds
pretty much you get charges to apply to upto 3 foes that puts a buff on them. Every 10 seconds a new charge will become available and if you have 2 or 3 built up you can cast them back to back for some widespread condi application or you can just use it on recharge for a single target aoe application.
-when any foe is hit by a condition, a single instance of that condition is transmitted first to any other foe with epidemic buff.
-then a single instance is transmitted to 3 foes nearby each of them.
-if two foes with epidemic are both hit with the same condition causing skill it will transmit off the newest epidemic and then transmit as usual.
-uses epidemic casters condition dmg/ example of 2 targets marked with epidemic standing next to each other,
cast mark of blood on both,
both receive mark of bloods 2 stacks of bleed,
the newest epidemic will then transmit 1 instance of epidemic bleed (2stacks/7seconds) to the older,
and both will transmit 1 instance of epidemic bleed (2/7) to 3 nearby foes (including eachother again) and end because 2 second shared cooldown on epidemic transmission.In this case newest ends up with 4stacks of bleed and older epidemic is hit with 6stacks of bleed. If there was a third non epidemic foe it would receive 6 because it is getting hit by mark and both epidemic foes.
So yeah epidemic can get pretty wild if it is not removed with stun break and all 3 instances stand on top each other, but it is over time instead of an instant nuke.
IDK just my crazy thinking on how to make a skill truly epidemic while bringing in a new skill style with charges.
A while ago, but unfortunately after you transfered, we ran a meta for quite some time which was basically immune to condi, epidemic, etc. and which still works but now we got bored and so switched. Had you held out on your transfer a month or 2, you’d see just how silly your post is 1st hand.
And even in our current meta, we still don’t have the issues as some elements of the previous one remain.
On my personal note, I can’t stand all the upper tier siege humping and I am very glad that things like epidemic in its current form are in the game, we need more of these not less since matches are more mixed now.
Only thing that needs to be balanced is server populations and off hours capping, then things would get really interesting if we were facing at least somewhat same size groups on regular basis instead of entire map ques.
I’ve been on hod for like 3years. STRM runs like 4 reapers in a group of 10-15ish, I don’t care if epidemic gets changed or not.
Don’t stand near the npc then? Or don’t stack siege like an idiot.
Don’t support lords,
Don’t use siege,Oooookayyyyy I will be sure to never defend an objective again. Must be awesome to K-train paper objectives no one defends in t1 like a pro.
He said stack, not in general.
Epi can be countered by spreading out. If you are fighting a epi zerg, then don’t stack on top of siege.
All it takes is some forethought.
Don’t stand near the npc then? Or don’t stack siege like an idiot.
Don’t support lords,
Don’t use siege,Oooookayyyyy I will be sure to never defend an objective again. Must be awesome to K-train paper objectives no one defends in t1 like a pro.
He said stack, not in general.
Epi can be countered by spreading out. If you are fighting a epi zerg, then don’t stack on top of siege.
All it takes is some forethought.
The mere thought of that is making Yaks Bend quit WvW.
Epidemic is fine. Fix instant stealth in the the middle of combat before tinkering with anything else.
if you guys are getting hit hard by epidemic over and over again… maybe you could create a party that deals with those necros.
Just leave it alone. I finally came to realize that condi is the only thing that can kill anything in this meta. If they gut epidemic fights are going to be long and boring.
The way to fix epidemic would have to be a huge change that will cause the entire meta to change.
Look at how effective someone is in a full Dire set.
Nice balance.
if you guys are getting hit hard by epidemic over and over again… maybe you could create a party that deals with those necros.
If you want to get down to it you can keep the necro pt stealth because epidemic dose no dmg so there IS no pt that can deal with the necors if you realty want to get down to it. Maybe a 0 power dmg necor group who are all condi that stay stealth though scraper gyros and or thf blasting etc…
Condi dmg is broken on many levels epidemic makes it soo much worst.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
if you guys are getting hit hard by epidemic over and over again… maybe you could create a party that deals with those necros.
If you want to get down to it you can keep the necro pt stealth because epidemic dose no dmg so there IS no pt that can deal with the necors if you realty want to get down to it. Maybe a 0 power dmg necor group who are all condi that stay stealth though scraper gyros and or thf blasting etc…
Condi dmg is broken on many levels epidemic makes it soo much worst.
Umm necros have to hit to be able to apply conditions, thereby removing stealth. So no, that isn’t viable. The only reason you are demanding a nerf to epi and conditions is because its the only thing that can counter the current tank meta.
ask yourselves: if epidemic wasn’t a problem before, why is it now?
first and last time.
if you guys are getting hit hard by epidemic over and over again… maybe you could create a party that deals with those necros.
If you want to get down to it you can keep the necro pt stealth because epidemic dose no dmg so there IS no pt that can deal with the necors if you realty want to get down to it. Maybe a 0 power dmg necor group who are all condi that stay stealth though scraper gyros and or thf blasting etc…
Condi dmg is broken on many levels epidemic makes it soo much worst.
Umm necros have to hit to be able to apply conditions, thereby removing stealth. So no, that isn’t viable. The only reason you are demanding a nerf to epi and conditions is because its the only thing that can counter the current tank meta.
Well that the thing necro do not need to apply the condis they just need to land epis every one else can drop the condis for the necro. If epi only effect each necro’s own condi then epi would be balance but that now how epi works and IS the reason why its an op effect.
ask yourselves: if epidemic wasn’t a problem before, why is it now?
first and last time.
Few things higher def was added to the game making power dmg weaker befor power dmg was king but now every one runs -10% power dmg taken food ontop of high end armor runes etc.. it all adds up with out a power = to deal with it.
Resistances was nerfed making condi much easier to land.
Adding in more stacks lets for higher burst dmg the main dmg effect that works in gw2.
Added in more sigil that lets ppl apply harder to get condis on crit.
Over all added more condis on classes that could not use one vs another that well though the specs.
Letting condis effect siege and being able to epi that off the sieges.
Nerfing over all condi -% duration at the same time adding in gear that gies more condi duration.
Making healing a viable tool to play as but not letting it go power dmg effectly (healing condi dmg is soo effective as a build type now).
There more that could be said because every thing that is done to power by means of making it harder to kill ppl with it effects condi use.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
(edited by Jski.6180)