Recruiting for WvW on megaservers?

Recruiting for WvW on megaservers?

in WvW

Posted by: Darsin Callagher.5821

Darsin Callagher.5821

I’ve tried Reddit, These forums and in game.

let’s say that 15 % of the users of GW2 actually use reddit to read Gw2 related stuff.
Let’s say that of that perhaps 2% read the recruitment messages.

That’s a whole lot of nothing.
In game you rarely find someone that’s looking for a guild still that’s on your server.
How are guild supposed to recruit members for WvW if 90% of the people they play with either already have a guild, or they are from another server (PvE map recruiting).

Isn’t anyone else running into this?
Anet? any insight here?

Occasional Commander WvW – Henge of Denravi

Recruiting for WvW on megaservers?

in WvW

Posted by: Anubis.9346


Anet? what’s that? never seen it before here.

Get Get [iNk] Insidious Blink

Recruiting for WvW on megaservers?

in WvW

Posted by: Chaba.5410


Guild recruitment this late into the game is indeed difficult, as you point out, most people are already in guilds they are happy with. Also keep in mind that guilds come and go so you can still get recruits, just the days of the truly large WvW guilds from game launch are over. You shouldn’t be afraid to recruit in PvE maps even with megaserver. You need to get your name out there and familiar in people’s mind. Build a reputation.

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

Recruiting for WvW on megaservers?

in WvW

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


I don’t see any difference in recruiting on the megaservers than it was recruiting from PvE maps… Except that now you need to say which server your guild are.

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

Recruiting for WvW on megaservers?

in WvW

Posted by: Baron Oakley.1539

Baron Oakley.1539

The big problem with recruiting on the megaservers is that your server’s population is now distributed across different map copies (unless they’ve fixed this).

Tar Telemmaite
Northern Shiverpeaks – NSP Pride!

Recruiting for WvW on megaservers?

in WvW

Posted by: FirstInfantry.2795


In my experience recruiting for a wvw guild in a pve map was not never a viable strategy, even without mega servers usually those with wvw interests are in wvw.
I found wvw guilds with reputable wvw commanders usually have the most members.
Pve maps:
When someone posts in map chat for lions arch that their guild is recruiting, they post what server their guild is situated in as well.
If whispering a guildless player in a pve map, I guess you would want to confirm what server they are in and if they have wvw interests.
I think mega servers are beneficial for pvx guilds, for instance if a player in a guild feels comfortable with those players but is in a different server they are usually motivated to transfer servers to also wvw with those members in the guild (yeah it is expensive though) but if their low level players deleting like an lvl 20 alt for a tree transfer then helping them level is something I’m willing to do for example.

Recruiting for WvW on megaservers?

in WvW

Posted by: Reborn.2934


I’ve tried Reddit, These forums and in game.

let’s say that 15 % of the users of GW2 actually use reddit to read Gw2 related stuff.
Let’s say that of that perhaps 2% read the recruitment messages.

That’s a whole lot of nothing.
In game you rarely find someone that’s looking for a guild still that’s on your server.
How are guild supposed to recruit members for WvW if 90% of the people they play with either already have a guild, or they are from another server (PvE map recruiting).

Isn’t anyone else running into this?
Anet? any insight here?

if you want solve this problem , add a +1 on my thread and bump it that i asked to be lion’s arch the server’s home in this thread :

Recruiting for WvW on megaservers?

in WvW

Posted by: LostBalloon.6423


I’ve tried Reddit, These forums and in game.

let’s say that 15 % of the users of GW2 actually use reddit to read Gw2 related stuff.
Let’s say that of that perhaps 2% read the recruitment messages.

That’s a whole lot of nothing.
In game you rarely find someone that’s looking for a guild still that’s on your server.
How are guild supposed to recruit members for WvW if 90% of the people they play with either already have a guild, or they are from another server (PvE map recruiting).

Isn’t anyone else running into this?
Anet? any insight here?

Yes, and back in the day before megaserver, we could just go to LA, yell that we need bodies in wvw to save garri and map would queue up, we could split our guild into many small groups and get “pugs” to help fill the maps. Megaserver as good as it is for pve is taking a toll on wvw.
And chances are, since you dont play with those other players, you will not be in the same instance as them, but are more likely to always see the same people.

Recruiting for WvW on megaservers?

in WvW

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


Easy job, make a Recruitment Board on main cities where guilds can post a recruitment appliances, players when selecting the board would see the guilds that are recruiting for their home server.

Edit: a game with megaserver while having players from different servers :| doesn’t sound right…
And megaserver hits also wvw becouse players now are shared to the different overflows wich borks and doesnt make any sense, wasn’t Gw2 community based?

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

(edited by Aeolus.3615)

Recruiting for WvW on megaservers?

in WvW

Posted by: gatsu.2813


Take it from experience, you will never want to recruit players from PvE if you are creating a WvW focused guild. Your targets for recruitment will always be in WvW because of the fact you want people who are dedicated for the longterm fights.

That being said, if you are trying to grow a wvw focused guild without poaching players from other active guilds, you will need to set up a few things:

1) Pick a timezone for your playtime. Consistency in playtime will always signal players to log in for when you’re running the show, no matter what map you pick. This is especially important when building a guild since the trend for most players is to have multiple guilds for various activities/social stuff.

2) Player/Server Comms! Like it or not, every server with an active WvW population will have a default comm system hosted by a dedicated guild to the server. By default you should be on there most of the time and always advertise your fellow server players to join that as well during every raid. Request the owner to make your own guild channel with your own personal admin rights to that channel OR pick a borderland channel. The more people participating in comms, the more recruitment possibilities and thus better quality for obvious reasons.

3) Command with a long term strategy. Are you focusing for the good of the server or for fun? This will determine whether you’ll run into ppt/havoc style group, gvg style group or simply a karma train group (no point to build a guild if you’re going karma train). You need to pick a style so players (new and old alike) can get use to the style and thus bolster your ranks whenever you need it.

4) Never look at the scoreboard. Focus on your time slot, let others focus on theirs. War score is the result of total server participation in the match (1 specific guild will offer little change if they try to carry the server on their shoulders). Your goal as a guild leader is to make the game fun for your players and their return is making your events possible. There is no other way around that.

5) Lastly, focus on fights! Using siege is good if you’re outnumbered severely or small man defending, but if you really want to make a difference as a guild, you need to learn to throw out the punches and how to take the hits. There are a ton of resources on gear/guides/strategies of how to accomplish this, but in the long run its all trial and error. Your guild success and ability to recruit will solely depend on how you learn from your mistakes and not adhering to bad habits.

In any case, mega servers did indeed made it harder to recruit from the pve side, but I can certainly tell you that pve players are just a bandaid for insufficient guild numbers. If you truly want to recruit quality players, put down the challenge and strive to overcome it. That is how you can raise interest in wvw and thus bored pve players can take notice when they step into wvw every now and then.

Recruiting for WvW on megaservers?

in WvW

Posted by: Genavelle.9516


meh..I think the megaserver has some nice pros, but some parts about it really bother me.

Not so much guild recruitment, but WvW recruitment seems to be negatively affected by megaserver. I mean if WvW needs help, you can’t go to LA and ask for help anymore. If a server is trying to grow their WvW population by getting PvErs interested, it’s really difficult now. I mean I only really got into WvW right after the megaserver change, but I imagine that beforehand, pvx guilds with a focus on WvW could always recruit PvErs and then get them interested into WvW, but’s really hard to find people for that now. Plus now you get people trolling the WvW portals on reset night by dropping food all over them…

And megaserver kind of killed server communities. My server used to have weekly Temple Runs, which were a big thing for community. I mean a ton of people showed up for those every week. And megaserver completely killed that. You don’t see the same community of people in LA anymore…Server community has really just become WvW community, which kind of sucks when so many people just want to transfer to win and whatever. Idk, it just makes me kind of sad. I feel like half my server has just disappeared and the other half is struggling because we have nowhere to go to find help when we need it in WvW….

I am a WvW player.
Maguuma Server
Ranger and Necromancer.

Recruiting for WvW on megaservers?

in WvW

Posted by: demetrodon.1457


Well in that case anet should make Lions Arch a home instance for all the servers, I thought it would be like that before reading the megaserver patch notes, I mean, come on. A server people needs a base.

Ex [FURY] [PunK] [SOUL]
Far Shiverpeaks

Recruiting for WvW on megaservers?

in WvW

Posted by: Liston.9708


Well in that case anet should make Lions Arch a home instance for all the servers, I thought it would be like that before reading the megaserver patch notes, I mean, come on. A server people needs a base.

Agreed, but wonder if the concern is it looks empty…..doesn’t help having the banks/crafts in 3 places instead of one….

YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→most likely YB