Reflections on season 1 of WvW

Reflections on season 1 of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Paladin.1279


I’ll start with a quote I read on the forums which sums up how I feel as a player on NSP.

“I think if NSP had more numbers they would be scary. I reckon the average player on NSP is probably at a higher skill level than any other server i have played against.”

/salute House Calls.7641

A lot of us in NSP are veteran guild wars players who know how to synergize builds for elite dungeons/hard mode/level 48 FotM type areas and we started as and still are a PvE server. We do not have anything near 24 hour coverage. The most queue time we had during all of the season that I saw was 10 min on I think 2 reset weekends…and only on our BL and EB. I am immensely proud of our server and thank everyone of you (except you Reido, you are and always will be a troll who actually hurts our server’s chances of winning) who helped in WvW during the season, some of you against your wishes since we were put in the difficult position of being in an entirely different tier than we expected (some players even boycotted the whole season, which is ridiculous I know, but that is what some did). I especially want to thank our commanders, specifically Ira, Pointe, Smitry, and Cosmicwarmachine (the ones I was usually with). Also a thank you to Gabe for setting up the teamspeak, it was/is a huge help and when people joined it we tore it up. We were a server that a year ago was basically 18 every week and showed beyond a shadow of doubt that we are 14 and silver league. Now on to some observations.

Zerg for zerg some of you higher ranked servers should be downright ashamed. We would consistently roflstomp bigger zergs week after week after week. And I’m talking us 40 you 40, us 60 you 60, us 40 you 50, us 40 you 60, and even us 40 you 80 and we still wipe ya’ll and move on. We would win three-ways that we had no business even being in. We would take keeps while you defended them with more people than we had. In all complete honesty from what I observed the only real challenges were players/zergs from Stormbluff and Fort Aspenwood. The other 6 servers won by shear numbers. Which brings up my next observation. WvW on a whole is kinda silly (notice I didn’t say not worth playing, because it is still quite fun at times—but when you know you will lose it is silly and actually not fun. Weeks 1 and 7 were awesome. Rest was in all honesty a waste of time for us. We had no chance and ya’ll knew we had no chance). It is almost preordained who will win, strictly off WvW participation and the time of day of that participation. A server could have the crappiest players in the world, but if they can pack WvW so there is a queue on all 4 maps…they win. They win everytime until they get to a server that can also pack all 4 maps and has better players/commanders. Heaven forbid a server actually pay entire guilds’ transfer fees and pay them for participation at the end of their “contract”…you know who you are out there. Don’t get me wrong, WvW is amazing for the experiences. Those moments you rebuild a gate and trap a zerg in your garrison. When you are running for your life and another mini zerg saves you. When a thief tries to backstab 2 shot you to only realize that you only lost 5k out of 23k health. When you hide out in a keep or SM and flip it 3 min after it was taken. When you knock someone off a mountain, or even kill someone mid air as you follow them off a mountain to your death. But I just feel the overall experience can and should be better. The best matches are when it is close, when you have a chance at winning. The worst are when you can’t even show that you have a chance because some overpowered server won’t leave you alone to fight off the server you know you are better than, ie. Yak’s Bend focusing us and leaving IoJ almost completely alone. We are an easy target, but as we proved twice, IoJ was an easier target…guess it was a roll of the dice as to who they picked to be their witch with a b. I wish Anet could figure out a way that every week’s match ups would be closer. And I’m not talking some mathematical handicap that you won! but didn’t win by enough points so you drop in ranking…so sorry. Because in league play that didn’t happen anyways. So there needs to be something else. I’m just thinking out loud, but maybe henchmen or a less populated server gets twice the number of guards/NPCs, I don’t know, but something. (continued)

Reflections on season 1 of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Paladin.1279


Some final observations. NSP folks that think we can escort dolyaks in our BL all day and upgrade everything there need to reread the earlier observations and facts. We do NOT have 24 hour coverage and most likely never will unless some bronze servers read this and go OH WOW THEY ARE AWESOME we are all transferring to NSP. Sure upgrade as you see fit. Do not freaking yell at us how important it is to hold garrison against CD while IoJ has our keep. Read how points work. UNDERSTAND how points work. If you cannot get 1rst because CD has twice the number of people as you…trying to hold off CD is a waste of time. Let them have the points from us but RETAKE points from IoJ and then head to IoJ to take their points. It is simple math. Still thank you for trying though. You at least kept some players busy while the rest of us put points on the board.

Once again thanks again to everyone in NSP (except you Reido, you are and always will be a troll who actually hurts our server’s chances of winning) it was great fun not being last!

Reflections on season 1 of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Sororita.3465


I agree with everything you said, how better communication etc will breed a better class of player, but this…

In all complete honesty from what I observed the only real challenges were players/zergs from Stormbluff and Fort Aspenwood. The other 6 servers won by shear numbers.

You say the other 6 servers won by numbers alone but yet when it comes to the two most zergiest servers in the league, you compliment their player skill. Lumping all players on a single server is wrong anyways, SBI and FA have their skilled players and groups but for the most part they also have zerg balls. IoJ also have relatively the same amount of players as NSP, the reason why you were able to cap our stuff was because you were able to abandon your home boarder land and attack IoJ’s while CD was also attacking it.

You effectively turned a CD vs NSP, CD vs IOJ to a CD vs IoJ, NSP vs IoJ. Great tactics i admit, why fight the bigger force when you can hop over and attack the weaker server that is also getting attacked by the bigger force. (im not complaining about a double team, just stating your strategy last week).

That being said, was it player skill or was it sound strategy to avoid the bigger fights and go for the more balanced ones? IoJ EB wiped CD after NSP after CD after NSP zerg one after the other on tuesday(?) night last week, we also go handed it to us a number of times. It cant be said that an overall server is more skilled that the rest.

Commander Starlight Honeybuns[BUNS]
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.

Reflections on season 1 of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

Do not freaking yell at us how important it is to hold garrison against CD while IoJ has our keep. Read how points work. UNDERSTAND how points work. If you cannot get 1rst because CD has twice the number of people as you…trying to hold off CD is a waste of time. Let them have the points from us but RETAKE points from IoJ and then head to IoJ to take their points. It is simple math.

We’ve been in so many mismatches (since maybe 2 months before Leagues even began) that I think a large percentage of the population don’t care about PPT anymore. Which fight is more fun: defending T3 keep against CD or PvDooring our garrison from IoJ? That’s where I’m going 90% of the time.

Blame Anet.