Regarding Hacking Prevalance and Type

Regarding Hacking Prevalance and Type

in WvW

Posted by: alcuin.1257


Sigh, so I run with a couple of guilds and it feels like every night multiple times usually when a couple of the guys in the guild die and they start yelling about hacks and people are invincible and they should’ve died to their epic attacks etc etc etc.

So I must be a bad player since I’m not able to see and recognize all of these hacks that are apparently all over the place if these guys are right… or there’s a lot of … paranoia out there. What I’m trying to find out from the more knowledgeable members of the community is… what should I be looking for to spot these things… what kinds of things are they doing besides no clip, flying, speed.

Most importantly, I would like to know how common are these different types of hacks in WVW??? Is there any way to tell or judge? I really have a dang hard time believing there’s as many hacks as these guys complain about.

I want to believe these guild members, but I’m starting to get the rather negative opinion that every time these guys die they blame it on hacks.

Regarding Hacking Prevalance and Type

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


It does sound like they’re just sore losers, sorry to say
Hacks and exploits are mostly used to get inside keeps and towers, and sometimes bug them out.

I haven’t heard about combat ones, and you’d think that’s something people would also roar massively over if there was anything valid there. The only thing you hear really is perma-stealth due to culling, and that’s a “feature” :p

Regarding Hacking Prevalance and Type

in WvW

Posted by: alcuin.1257


I hear there’s a “God Mode” hack is there any validity to this?

Regarding Hacking Prevalance and Type

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


Discussion of exploitation or hacks is inappropriate. This thread is way off the reservation. Please lock and/or delete.

Regarding Hacking Prevalance and Type

in WvW

Posted by: alcuin.1257


That’s unfortunate, because I’d sure like to know what I’m supposed to be seeing/reporting so as to help clean this mess up. It’s starting to feel like it’s gotten to the point to where the game is being affected not by the hackers but by all the paranoia. I’m not sure, just trying to find some understanding/explanation.

Regarding Hacking Prevalance and Type

in WvW

Posted by: Syeria.4812


As has been mentioned, really the only “hacks” or exploits I’m aware of are related to getting into places you’re not allowed. There are allegedly some camera exploits as well, but those aren’t things you’d be able to identify by seeing a cheater.

If someone’s crying hax over something that happened in a fight, they’re just a crybaby who can’t acknowledge they can actually lose. It’s not even paranoia, it’s just a sad attempt at an excuse for their death/loss/lack of kill/whatever.

Regarding Hacking Prevalance and Type

in WvW

Posted by: Tungsten Monarch.6058

Tungsten Monarch.6058

Sadly this topic is taboo to talk about. A Net has admitted some of these, unspeakable things do exist. I see it ever night we CAMP the JP in Sanctum of Rall. Wold love for a Dev to join us and see what the posters are referring too.

Regarding Hacking Prevalance and Type

in WvW

Posted by: Moderator.1462


Hi everyone,

Please refrain from discussing about hacks or exploits. Any evidence of the mentioned should be send to so the team can investigate and deal with them.
Thanks for your understanding
This thread is closed