Regarding Mike's WvW post

Regarding Mike's WvW post

in WvW

Posted by: elix.6714


How about arming us with more information regarding each server? I’m thinking a rolling average of the WvW wait times.

Regarding Mike's WvW post

in WvW

Posted by: mcl.9240


…and then people take advantage of the free, near-instant server transfers and start another round of massive server-hopping to the low-wait servers, making any statistics he’s provided almost immediately wrong.

Regarding Mike's WvW post

in WvW

Posted by: Preacher.9018


“let them eat cakes” – Seafarers Rest Server community website

Regarding Mike's WvW post

in WvW

Posted by: Ascleph.2147


Some low/instant queue worlds would actually welcome more people. Kaineng for example, needs all the people it can get to fight against NSP.

Regarding Mike's WvW post

in WvW

Posted by: HasuGhost.5672


I’m not sure I got it right.

When he said: “We also discovered a bug that was allowing people to queue up and enter maps ahead of players who had been queued for much longer. Please check on our forums for an announcement when the fix has been implemented. This should fix the problem of some people staying queued for hours while other people can queue up for the same map and enter within a matter of minutes.”

Did he mean that the bug has already been fixed or that it will be fixed in the future?

Regarding Mike's WvW post

in WvW

Posted by: Yshyr.8709


…and then people take advantage of the free, near-instant server transfers and start another round of massive server-hopping to the low-wait servers, making any statistics he’s provided almost immediately wrong.

So far movement has been in the opposite direction. People have been migrating from low-wait servers to the high queue servers. Why would releasing info alter this in any way?

Regarding Mike's WvW post

in WvW

Posted by: mcl.9240


…and then people take advantage of the free, near-instant server transfers and start another round of massive server-hopping to the low-wait servers, making any statistics he’s provided almost immediately wrong.

So far movement has been in the opposite direction. People have been migrating from low-wait servers to the high queue servers. Why would releasing info alter this in any way?

People on the high-wait servers may be fed up and want to move. People on the low-wait servers will suddenly have longer waits.

Regarding Mike's WvW post

in WvW

Posted by: BadPint.8974


Big round of golf claps for Mike’s garbage “update.”

Lets re-cap shall we?

1. Too long of a queue time? Move…
2. Queues Broke? We have a fix…but have not implemented it yet (lol)
3. EB is the most popular battlegrounds…

Now…Lets dissect this.
1. So you’re going to put the blame on alliances such as TA and AA for creating actual competition between servers for the reasoning behind high queue times. Instead of addressing the issue you are recycling your week old “forum post” literally word for word. Did you even read peoples suggestions in the thread? It certainly doesn’t appear that way. How about you lock the high population servers from receiving more transfers instead of allowing them to continually flock to our servers? Common sense? The community thinks so – why don’t you?

2. So you have a fix, but you don’t feel like sharing it with us just yet? Okay..That makes perfect sense.

3. I could have told you that without all your “data.”

Bad Pint – Mesmer
Member of Unlimited [ULTD]
Fort Aspenwood