Remember - it's only a game...

Remember - it's only a game...

in WvW

Posted by: Budchgon.2108


Was playing WvWvW for the first time and i could not believe how stressed or upset and serious people got about it… seriously so we lost a keep/supply point, it’s not the end of the world yet to listen to the whining and virtual screaming on the chat you would think they had lost something important like a family member!
Remember, it is only a game and meant to be fun :-)

Lyssia Iceblood of Gandara – I sometimes win… but not often :-(

Remember - it's only a game...

in WvW

Posted by: LegoTechnic.5910


To be fair there are many different types of WvWvW players. Some of them are the type to drop 100 gold to buy a commander title and then take responsibility for the server’s assorted mishmash of guilds and randoms and try to organize a success. Often they’re the ones buying the siege blueprints and spending half to an entire day in the various WvW maps. Additionally there are many guilds devoted to WvWvW usually working with them, all dedicating their time to winning the game, because organized siege PvP is what they find fun. Obviously they are going to invest more effort, time, and enjoyment in the situation.

Forgive me if I’m wrong, but you don’t sound like you’re interested in being that dedicated. And that is PERFECTLY FINE. Jump into WvW, bring your friends, and contribute as best you can! Do whatever it takes to have fun when playing the game! But don’t be alarmed if you find others taking it more seriously than you. It’s sad (and stupid) when someone loses it in chat, but a breakdown is really no different from seeing an opposing player jump up and down on your corpse’s face for a minute. It’s just a bit of immaturity, because GW2 is a game and there will obviously be players who like to vent. Just ignore them and carry on with what’s important, like having fun.

Remember - it's only a game...

in WvW

Posted by: BabelFish.7234


I’ll get upset if my server is doing really, really stupid things like trying to siege a fully upgraded castle without siege weapons and only 10 people…otherwise I really couldn’t care less. I’m there to farm badges and have a good laugh as my cluster bombs decimate people from the cliffs and ramparts.

Remember - it's only a game...

in WvW

Posted by: Budchgon.2108


—Some of them are the type to drop 100 gold to buy a commander title and then take responsibility for the server’s assorted mishmash of guilds and randoms and try to organize a success—

While i do understand this type of gameplay, they must realise that as soon as they leave (work/sleep) all their worrying and stressing/organising will count for nothing…
But, as long as they are enjoying the game then that is fine just aslong as they realise others play for fun not as a dedicated job :-) (i have enough stress in my real job)

Lyssia Iceblood of Gandara – I sometimes win… but not often :-(

Remember - it's only a game...

in WvW

Posted by: Sinfullysweet.4517


Just remember some play it for fun, some play it for stress relief (had a bad day at work? KILL EM ALL IN WWW). Since competitive gaming began, you will see this in every game that has a ounce of competition. Some take it way to seriously, some way to casually.

grins If I was you, I would never sit around someone playing CoD. shudders Talk about rage fests. Makes our squabbles in game and on the forums look like pillow fights.

Current Home: Yaks Bend Former Home: Maguuma/TC/SBI
Sin’s Characters on Gw2efficiency

Remember - it's only a game...

in WvW

Posted by: BabelFish.7234


Just remember some play it for fun, some play it for stress relief (had a bad day at work? KILL EM ALL IN WWW). Since competitive gaming began, you will see this in every game that has a ounce of competition. Some take it way to seriously, some way to casually.

grins If I was you, I would never sit around someone playing CoD. shudders Talk about rage fests. Makes our squabbles in game and on the forums look like pillow fights.

Oh god…last time I played CoD some guy was constantly saying “stupid drop shotters…why does everyone do it…so cheap” and he just kept going on and on until I told him his nub tears were tasty…then he quit.

Since mods might look at this and infract me for it the relevance of this is to reinforce what Sinfully was saying with a anecdotal experience thusly showing that WvW isn’t that bad in the grand scheme of things.

Remember - it's only a game...

in WvW

Posted by: Budchgon.2108


Don’t get me wrong, i am starting to love the wvwvw aspect of the game (strange as i have never been into pvp) and regularly help supply keeps etc…
Mainly i play with a few (2/3) others who use hit-run tactics re-capping supply areas/capturing waypoints, acting as look outs – usually away from the large zergs which i find less fun.

Lyssia Iceblood of Gandara – I sometimes win… but not often :-(

Remember - it's only a game...

in WvW

Posted by: Mif.3471


Only a game?

When you reach over and stick your hand into a pile of goo that used to be your guildies face, you won’t be saying it’s just a game.

Tarnished Coast | Best cookies in all of Tyria

Remember - it's only a game...

in WvW

Posted by: Kalemar.4873


I don’t really like the term ‘Only a game’ as it belittles the efforts people put in, and make it feel like we shouldn’t be trying at all. Many people play WvWvW for the competition and enjoy the tense battles, the winning and loosing of points. This all brings out emotion and passion.

Think about how you feel when your favourite sporting team is in a critical match like a grand final, and someone from your side does something stupid to cause a turn over or a goal/point against your team. Most people would feel emotion when that happens. It’s only a game but people will still curse the players involved. There is nothing to gain for the individual watching. There is no prize money. It is just the thrill of winning.

I’d expect many of you have played team sports and even casual social games are competitive. If you are playing a team sport and you do something wrong giving away points to the opposition, you’re likely to get an ear bashing from the rest of your team especially if the score is close. People have fun even though and sometimes because things get tense.

WvWvW is a week long match and although “only a game”, it is competitive and people invest their time attempting to prevent the other teams score increasing while trying to score points themselves. It’s natural that people who invest a lot of time into the match get upset when they loose, and cheer when they win.

Kalemar (80 Guardian) [COTD]
Tarnished Coast

Remember - it's only a game...

in WvW

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

But, as long as they are enjoying the game then that is fine just aslong as they realise others play for fun not as a dedicated job :-) (i have enough stress in my real job)

These people are playing for fun, and are arguably having far more (or a higher form) of fun than you. They’re playing to win, and in so doing, by pushing to be the best and overcoming the challenges and obstacles before them, their game, and their gameplay, are out to achieve more fun than you. You might see it as a job, or perhaps just see similarities which have lead you to that conclusion, but I assure you these people are playing a game. Just a different game than you. ~, you should have a read.

Remember - it's only a game...

in WvW

Posted by: Bertrand.3057


While i do understand this type of gameplay, they must realise that as soon as they leave (work/sleep) all their worrying and stressing/organising will count for nothing…

This is why so often I see players sticking out a defense or attack way past the time they had intended to quit for the day. There’s a lot of satisfaction in seeing something through, especially when you’re having fun striving towards that with people you like playing with. They want to see their server rewarded; their server isn’t just a colour on a map, it’s a community.

And players (myself included) get frustrated when there are others who won’t listen or help, and do things we know (but they may not) to be stupid. Is that fair? Perhaps not. World vs. World is a game that requires team coordination, but not everyone who enters will immediately understand that.

Last night I needed someone to man a golem so that I could portal it to its destination, the only person I found was a complete newbie but I led them around, showing them what supply was and how to build blueprints, explaining how to use my portals, etc. It took time, but at least this person understood that they could help by listening to someone who knew more about WvW.

While we have to acknowledge to people who are playing this more casually that it is just a game, conversely there needs to be recognition that this is a team game and that everyone’s cooperation is important. Even if you’re not that invested, others are, and everyone will get the most out of the game when they cooperate. In the heat of battle priorities sometimes get misplaced, but I think the most experienced players are all to happy to help and teach others.

There will still be arguments that break out when plans fail, sometimes it’s useful for working out where the mistake was to figure out better plans in the future, other times it’s an unfortunate and unnecessary clash of egos. For the people who really do play a lot, I think most ultimately realize they have to work together and that the latter kind of argument isn’t worth it.

Talleyrand, Captain and Commander of the Bloody Pirates
Asura on patrol in defense of Gandara and Bessie!
Administrator of

Remember - it's only a game...

in WvW

Posted by: Chaster Sharpshooter.3640

Chaster Sharpshooter.3640

Was playing WvWvW for the first time and i could not believe how stressed or upset and serious people got about it... seriously so we lost a keep/supply point, it’s not the end of the world yet to listen to the whining and virtual screaming on the chat you would think they had lost something important like a family member!
Remember, it is only a game and meant to be fun :-)

well, let’s see ...

a fully upgraded SM worth like ... 7+ gold?

And usually that money comes from 1~3 people.

imagine you just spend that much money for upgrading

after 6 hours of upgrading, and it’s gone.

If you still don’t get the feeling, send me 7 gold in game just for no reason.

And for a week straight.

I’m sure you’ll get it.

“To learn is what I need, to teach those who needs to learn is my duty …”
Chaster the Scarred – Leader of [SoS] Guilds
Server: Kaineng | Recruitment Status: Open

(edited by Chaster Sharpshooter.3640)

Remember - it's only a game...

in WvW

Posted by: GSSBlunaspike.4153


I’ll get upset if my server is doing really, really stupid things like trying to siege a fully upgraded castle without siege weapons and only 10 people…otherwise I really couldn’t care less. I’m there to farm badges and have a good laugh as my cluster bombs decimate people from the cliffs and ramparts.

The problem is the mix of pvers and pvp players. You seem more like a pver, which is fine. Nothing at all wrong with that. It’s just that wvw was stupidly designed to try and force the groups together, and that’s not really a great idea. The two groups will pretty much never understand each other.

Remember - it's only a game...

in WvW

Posted by: allways.9270


I´ll comment only the shouting part, cos you literally explained everything else ..

.. let´s say .. you are defending a keep ..
A pile of siege weapons all around the place & most of the players use auto-attack from walls – of course they die & start spamming about how unfair it is – that all the enemy is so OP ( while most members “of the enemy zerg” were low lvls )..

.. there is a bunch of Golems in front of the gate .. the empty catas behind the gate wondering about the color of grass; oil above the gate with full hp warming on the sun .. and most of the defenders full with anger & passion poking with auto-attack into the golems in mids of 30man zerg .. dying multiple times ..

We´ve hold a tower in 5ppl against 30man zerg for 1hour in 5x different waves .. cos everyone else was bothered with defence of Bay – which they of course lost. So when the “Commander & zerg” respawned & came to assist defending the tower .. we took a cofee break .. 5min past – guess what – tower gone.

The shouting part is not about being emotionaly unstable, my friend. It´s the brain, utterly tired & crushed from being surrounded by “briliant” people & not being able to comprehend how some things are simply possible.

Charr Engineer
Death is Energy [DIE]
Underworld server; WvW – UW border/defence

Remember - it's only a game...

in WvW

Posted by: LHound.8964


…Was playing WvWvW for the first time…
… it is only a game and meant to be fun :-)

While first time experiences are meant to be fun, to those who want to dedicate themselves to this part of the game is more like a job. Competitive guilds are in this to win. To win gives more overall enjoyment to the guilds than to loose, specially when loosing bad.

The learning process can be very easy or very hard depending on the acceptance of the mistakes. Not knowing once, is ignorance, we teach! Not knowing twice, is a hard-learner, we teach again with a bat in the hand. Not knowing a third time, that’s plain dumbness, and we rage!

But for an overall picture:
- Take supplies from supply camps. The ones @ Towers, Garrisons and Castle are needed for Upgrading and emergency defense.
- Don’t waste resources on stupid things. Rams on the middle of the field are a good example of that.
- Follow the commanders orders. Generally they know what they are doing as they are guild/alliances voted commanders who earned their status (others just bought them for status and know crap on what to do).
- WvW have two types of chat /t – team chat and /m for map chat. Don’t talk about useless things as they are needed for commanding orders. If the commanders are using /t for orders, use the other (as it’s a color slight different) for questions and such!
- Don’t waste time on killing worthless things. PvE should stay in the PvE maps. Other then rally they are not worth Killing! Every player is an asset and a resource. If you are wasting time on the mobs, it’s one less resource to a defense or an attack, and ultimately could mean the failure/loss of the point!

So to the game be enjoyed by all, all should work to that end! When this coordination is achieved, then it comes the fun!

—————— ~~ ~~ —-————-
Charr’s need more Love. All is Vain
—————— ~~ ~~ —-————-

(edited by LHound.8964)

Remember - it's only a game...

in WvW

Posted by: Budchgon.2108


Ok, after reading the posts and playing i have started to understand the play/strategy a little more (especially with the cost in gold – ouch)
As stated i’m on Gandara and what confused me was that we re-take a keep, then everyone in the zerg leaves the keep to re-take another keep – then looking back we see the first keep has been re-taken (so the process rolls on) never once have i heard someone barking out orders for 5-15 players to garison the keep – or maybe it’s a lack of players which allows this. Hard manning the defence alone hehe

Lyssia Iceblood of Gandara – I sometimes win… but not often :-(

Remember - it's only a game...

in WvW

Posted by: SpaceLord.4590



No, don’t change your point of view, please.

You are exactly correct. No one has the right to rant, yell, curse etc in chat because we lost something.

No, the fact that you spend gold on something still doesnt give you that right. You know the risk when you upgrade, that is your choice.

People do the best they can, some pick things up quicker than others, and some of us just never will get it. They all have the right to play and have fun.

Really don’t want this to turn into some of the other MMO communities I have left.

OP is exactly right…It is only a game.

Haaaa Key Puck (80) Norn Mesmer (80) Asura Engineer-Protocol [PRO]
Devona’s Rest

Remember - it's only a game...

in WvW

Posted by: Lyan.6804


After wasting so much siege/gold on upgrades and im the type of person that passes trough a tower and see no upgrade running i will do it, i realized that i will just waste my money anyways, so when i put gold on it its for my server to hold on better to it.
There are days we get frustrated, in a normal day if we lose something i allways try to say its ok, no worries we get it back.
As long as we can learn with it, its ok to fail, noone is perfect and ppl have to realize that.
Now what i cant stand is the blames, ppl blame eachother so much while u should be focusing in working together. I never quit the map i am unless im tired while most ppl just leave.
I mostly get mad with ppl ofending others, specially uneducated ppl that forget that our server is from all over europe and offending other nationalities ur offending our server aswell.
Did we lose it? Its a pain speccially for the ones that feel the loss, but if u did ur best, its what matters. And others learn with it. Stop blaming others and pls be nice with new wvwers.

Gandara Commander [SN]
Ly Ann at ur service

Remember - it's only a game...

in WvW

Posted by: SpaceLord.4590



Sounds likeyou have the right frame of mind to be a great commander

Blame and yelling only causes people to leave and others not to try. It also causes people to lose faith in commanders and makes it harder to get strats followed.

Haaaa Key Puck (80) Norn Mesmer (80) Asura Engineer-Protocol [PRO]
Devona’s Rest