I can repeat myself here only..
This Games Combat System needs in ALL of its Aspects a serios overwork.
Its not just only Conditions thats out of control, its the whole Combat System that is out of control, because ANet gave it over all the last years nearly absolutely no attention at all.
They band aid changed and power creep all the time only the Skills and Traits, but completely ignored all the time always all the other aspects of the Combat System to keep them all together in line with the changes to the Skills and Traits they created and changed over the years.
This lead now to the point, that we currently have a huge discrepany between the Balancing State of the Game from the pats when the Game release, and the current State of now, which is absolutely not anymore the same as to what we had 2012.
ANet has to put finally their fingers out of their ears and to listen, that there belongs much more to Class Balancing, than just making number and effect changes to Skilsl and Traits. There belongs much more to Class Balancing to reach the most optimal Balanace for this game’s combat system.
You can’t just ignore always 2/3rd of the aspects that belong to a good working Combat System in Balancing Patches, make fixes on the only 1 last area that stays – Skills and Traits – and expect from this then to ever get a balanced game.
Thats not how Class Balancing works!! So balance peopple, which are totally out of touch with their own designed concepts and gameplay mechanics, or peole which asre just too lazy to put their heads into the full detailed work and want to work only on the surface – the tip of the iceberg because of fear, if they put in more effort into the details, that they could make either somethign wrong, or because of being clueless of solutions or haviong no inspiration how to improve the detailed aspects of the combat system…
Don’t know, just speculating here, but its definetely something from which Anet can’t run away permanently. Somewhen if anet continues this one sided way of balancing their game, they WILL run into a dead end where the Game will collapste like a house of cards, if their don’t stop finally with putting their heads into the ground like ostriches and start on working to make appropiate and overdue changes to the FULL combat system aspects which consists of far more, than just only Skills and Traits.
Naturally this is ALOT more work to do, but work, that will make itself to be payed, once it has ben done first.
1. Balance all 3 Modes differently individually
2. Redesign the Base Health System and finally balance all Health Values for each Class individually
3. Make a complete overhaul of the Upgrade System (Runes, Sigils, Gemstones) with adding of Ascended Upgrades for finally adding a Build Template System for PvE/WvW to become able to simply change out builds out of combats with 1 click, not with douzends of clicks thast the playr can manually save up in a list of self created “Builds” together with the option to name their Build for the List.
4. Make a complete overwork of all the Boons, merge Boons where it fits, redesign Boon Effects where needed, remove Boons where possible. Goal of this should be it to basicalyl HALF the amount of Boons in this Game. (example: change Weakness into a direct Might Conuter that reduces Power and Condition Damage!!!, Remove Stability, Rework Resistance, merge Swiftness with Quickness, change Vigor, remove Retaliation)
5. Same as above, just with Conditions
6. Fix finally Toughness to make it work efficiently in reducing direct Damage, fihgtign a high defensive player with direct damage should feel like fightign a Mordrem Husk, you should deal significantly lesser damage, so that you need to switch to Condition Damage, due to them dealign more Damage.
7. Nerf Conditions by reducing the complete Armor ignorance down to just 50% Armor Ignorance.
8. Overwork the complete Attribute System and change it to a Dual Effect Attribute System together with some added defensive Attributes which should take over effects that were earlier done by Boons permanently
Power = Plus of Direct Damage and Condition Durations
Vitality = Plus of Maximum Health and Maximum Healings
Toughness = Plus of Direct Damage Reduction + Condition Duration Reduction
Precision = Plus of Critical Hit Rate + Class Specific Mechanic Recharge Times/ Initiative Regeneration
Ferocity = Plus of Critical Damage + Attack Speed of the Automatic Attacks
Expertise = Plus of Condition Damage + Recharge Speed of Weapon Swapping
Concentration = Plus of Boon Durations + Break Bar Regeneration Speed
Agility = Plus of Critical Hit Reduction + Endurance Regeneration Speed
Courage = Plus to Crowd Conrol Resistance of your Break Bar + Critical Damage Reduction
9. Remove Buff Food and Potions out of WvW, such Stuff has to be again like in GW1 PvE Only and has nothing to search in fights where Players fight against each other.
WvW has already its Claim Bonus Attribute Boosts from Guilds and the Shrines, thats more than enough for WvW. Don’t need Buff items, which make builds in WvW total overpowered!!!
10. Lower the Caps for Conditions and Boons in WvW. None of them should stack in WvW higher than 10 and rebalance the Skills and Traits for Classes based on this reduction for the WvW specific Class Balancing of Skills and Traits.
Raise also in general the Target Number Caps, so that Stacking in WvW in huge Blobs becomes alot lesser beneficial. Such lpousy low Target Craps of like 5 and 10 need to get increased to like 10 and 25. If peol are so carelss that they runn all stacked into an AoE, they ALL shoudl take also the damage (consequence) for their stupidity and not just only 5/10 of them ….
Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside