Remove Orbs

Remove Orbs

in WvW

Posted by: RagNoRock.4126


In every match up inevitably one side gets all three orbs and stomps the two other worlds. Remove the orbs and the ability for the strong to become overwhelmingly so is removed.

In my servers line up we are looking at Ehmry Bay with 160,000 while we have 28,000 and 25,000. Neither my server, Furguson’s Crossing or Borlis Pass have managed to get near an orb since 30 minutes after restart. Ehmry continues to grow stronger and stronger with nothing we can do about it since they have ~25% more health and deal ~15% more damage then any of us. So even if we could manage, by some miracle, to have an equal sized zerg we get crushed.

Alternativly if the Orbs have to stay in, tho I see no reason for them to exist other then to suppress weaker servers, at least add the “Outmanned” buff to every side facing a tri-orb world. That might bring in some of the people who gave up on WvW long ago.

Remove Orbs

in WvW

Posted by: CardboardBox.6087


orbs and outmanned buff should be swapped. And if a server can somehow calculate the score difference as well as population difference, the orbs should scale accordingly with buffs as big as 20%/200+ stats added if a side is losing by 100k+ or is outnumbered 3:1

Remove Orbs

in WvW

Posted by: Aven.7295


OMG YES, switch the buffs PLEASE! it doesnt make sense that you make more money for being outnumbered, and those that are dominant get a buff to make them even more dominant, a gold increase is still motivation to remain in complete control but if a group is outnumbered then the new buff would allow them to stay competitive

Aven Scorchfield, lvl 80 Guardian
Server: Maguma
Guild: Judgement [Eye]

Remove Orbs

in WvW

Posted by: Halo.8976


I hate those orbs as well. There’s no reason to give already dominating server such huge buffs. But no, WvW wasn’t designed to be fair, just to be fun for zerg.

Remove Orbs

in WvW

Posted by: RagNoRock.4126


Halo: The Orbs only make it a fun Zerg for 1/3 the population participating in the fight most the time.

Remove Orbs

in WvW

Posted by: Lurko.7185


Something needs to be changed with the buffs. Trying to take an entrenched buffed enemy is hurting allot of servers.

Guild Leader of Pak’Cafan [Darkhaven]

Remove Orbs

in WvW

Posted by: Halo.8976


Halo: The Orbs only make it a fun Zerg for 1/3 the population participating in the fight most the time.

And it’s intended to be so, isn’t it? The bigger zerg = more players, more players = more money for anet. The orbs are implicated just to be absolutely sure that there always a whipping boy for somebody.

Remove Orbs

in WvW

Posted by: Melphina.9035


OMG YES, switch the buffs PLEASE! it doesnt make sense that you make more money for being outnumbered, and those that are dominant get a buff to make them even more dominant, a gold increase is still motivation to remain in complete control but if a group is outnumbered then the new buff would allow them to stay competitive

I just want to understand you and everyone else in this thread. We want to remove the 15% damage, and stats to give them MORE money exp in WvW? On the grand scheme of things orbs give a minimal advantage mathematically (maybe more so psychologically).

Mean while the underpopulated buff gives more value in the long term than the orbs do.

Overall the orbs are not as much of the problems as fully upgraded keeps with 0 upkeep costs in supply. Looking at my server map this morning showed me that when i go home today, ill be looking at the steel walls and reinforced doors of just about any keeps/tower/supply camp, all with FULL supply mind you, all of which could easily produce over 11 pieces of siege.

Melphina Kobe ~ Thief

Remove Orbs

in WvW

Posted by: RagNoRock.4126


Melphina: How is everyone on your server having 15-20% better stats not a major impact? Dealing 15% more damage and being able to take 20-30% more makes for a major power gap. Also once one side gets rolling they get more points which gives them faster Endurence Regen, Health and Healing.

Remove Orbs

in WvW

Posted by: Melphina.9035


Melphina: How is everyone on your server having 15-20% better stats not a major impact? Dealing 15% more damage and being able to take 20-30% more makes for a major power gap. Also once one side gets rolling they get more points which gives them faster Endurence Regen, Health and Healing.

The problem is that people see the orbs as the true problem in the game and want them removed. While the math behind those orbs is far weaker than the tactics it takes to overcome a upgraded keep/tower. Given an equal fight the orbs give an advantage to the team that has them, however, in the open field this effect is NOT as great as it would seem. Open field battles can quickly turn as one side over extends and people get killed for being greedy.

The major advantage of being ahead comes from upgraded keeps. Upgraded keeps reduce travel distance have built in siege shops as well as built in seige. On top of walls and doors with much greater health it takes, longer and more resources to attack a keep. It gives much longer reaction time to the defenders to saunter over to defend. Thus the orbs sit in a nigh untouchable seat of power short of multiple hour long battle.

The short answer to your question is they do have an effect. However, that effect is more easily showcased at keeps/towers than it is open world. Removing orbs effects is merely a band-aid to a much larger problem. If keeps were able to be more efficiently taken the orbs would move around far more thus diluting the “Orb Advantage”

Melphina Kobe ~ Thief

Remove Orbs

in WvW

Posted by: Ruith.5861


I just had a truly horrible time in what is probably my last WvW game for a while until the orb situation is sorted out. The players on the tri-orb team were clearly not deserving of what their early-morning counterparts had achieved, as a team of 3 of us killed 6 of them, only to be wiped 3 seconds later by their “zerg”. Great.

So I suggest to the whole of our team that we all respawn, and form a zerg, only to find that there are about 10 people on our team versus about 100+ on the tri-orb. In another post I made I suggested that people on the non-orb holding team would be discouraged from playing because of the unfair advantage given to one side based on the night-time habits of a few of their players (namely securing the orbs early on). This again proves to be the case, with me now being the leaving player.

I consider myself to be a decent PvP player, and I recognise a good opponent when I see one. Most of the people you fight on the tri-orb teams are lazy PvPers who are “carried” by the orb boost, and you can feel it when you fight them. They can’t avoid cc, can’t dodge properly, and have little tactical knowledge. But you end up taking massive damage from them when they hit you, and you struggle harder and harder to stay up.

Normally by half way through a 1 v 1 fight i’m clear on who is the more skilled player out of me or my opponent, and when I am playing against a lesser opponent who is beating me, it is really odd.

PvP to me (and WvW is PvP, on a large scale) is like a sport. I just want to be able to compete on a level playing field alongside teammates in the same position, without having to worry about what a total stranger did or did not do in the early hours of the morning after the server reset.

In tennis, you don’t give a player a larger court to aim at if they achieve a particular objective. In snooker, everyone plays with the same set of balls, regulated cues, and there is no system where one player is allowed to shoot at bigger pockets than the other. These somewhat ridiculous comparisons are in fact what the orbs in WvW are like. You may laugh, but think about it. Is it really a sporting competition when what is perhaps the better team in the first place is able to further entrench their advantage so as to dissuade any opponent from really trying?

Good bye WvW, until the orbs are gone or changed significantly.

Remove Orbs

in WvW

Posted by: Setch.2398


We didn’t have any orbs at all on Sunday and yet still maintained our lead.

SOR – [Boss]

Remove Orbs

in WvW

Posted by: Pirhana.8935


Seriously?…… the orbs are there to be a goal and a reward for winning. if you switch that people will not even try because they will have the mindset that if they win they get penalized and lose their ‘losing buff’.

the orbs are really the only goal in WvW right now

Remove Orbs

in WvW

Posted by: hashinshin.9271


yes please, I hate orbs and they just wreck the game.

Remove Orbs

in WvW

Posted by: krakenstar.1674


I think the orbs powers should only work while you’re within shout range from SMC. This way the purpose of the Orb is focused.. to help you take over and hold SMC. Whomever holds the orbs will be more powerful both to attack it and to defend in it.