Report feature clarification request

Report feature clarification request

in WvW

Posted by: Epsilon Atreides.3816

Epsilon Atreides.3816

I’m wondering if a representative from Anet could clarify something regarding the ‘report player’ feature.

Best Practices

When a player is reporting another for botting, hacking, or cheating, the recommended procedure is to right-click and report. As described in the link above.

Could you clarify what steps a player should take to perform the same function when they are unable to target the player being reported? Is there a set of information that should be provided, and perhaps an e-mail address where the information can be sent to assist the Customer Support Specialists, in lieu of this in-game mechanism being able to function, for whatever reason?

Clarifying that may help to direct the information being posted here, and may alleviate a small amount of frustration.

Thank you,


Report feature clarification request

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

You’re wasting your time reporting people.

Anet never does anything about it (yes, even if multiple people report multiple times, on multiple occasions).

It’s like elevator close-door buttons (in the US, at least) .. they’re there just to make you feel like you’re in control, but they actually do nothing.

Report feature clarification request

in WvW

Posted by: Epsilon Atreides.3816

Epsilon Atreides.3816

It’s actually a much different question than what you think. I want to keep the thread clean so it doesn’t violate the terms.


Report feature clarification request

in WvW

Posted by: Epsilon Atreides.3816

Epsilon Atreides.3816

To me, how to report a hacker when you can’t use the targeting system seems like a fairly simple question, and one that deserves a response since I have posed it within the bounds of your terms and conditions, also posted a copy in the correct forum (bugs), and the fact it probably ranks over other pressing concerns like faulty cut-scenes, and animation glitches on musical harps.

Those people posting earlier this week could have been provided with an e-mail address to forward their reports, even with the purpose of humoring them. In my mind, not doing so moves beyond not treating users like customers into not treating them like people.

I’ll be ceasing TP purchases indefinitely and encouraging those I know in-game to do the same. Indefinitely shouldn’t be overly long though, I’m anticipating the April 15th uninstall date.


Report feature clarification request

in WvW

Posted by: Jocksy.3415


Not so sure why you’d expect a devs answer about a support issue in the WvW subject thread… Instead of directly communicating with CS for your answer…
Now, to answer your question,
-Take screen captures
- Note the exact time of the event (eg: 8PM PST)
- Note the server/map
– Note any other relevant information
then send it all through support (tab right beside the “forum” one at the top of the page), then upper right corner “submit request”, then fill as needed.

They ask us not to report those kind of things in the forum to avoid “spreading the problem by making it known” and to avoid “name-calling”…

Report feature clarification request

in WvW

Posted by: Epsilon Atreides.3816

Epsilon Atreides.3816

Posted here for context and visbility due to number of infracted and deleted posts in the subforum. Copy posted in proper Bug forum for clarification. The answer you provided is not reflected in the guidelines they provide in the link above, but sounds reasonable. And you proved my point about how simple it could have been for them to guide the information, thanks.

Also, riddle me this, which is spreading the problem more, having posts like that on the forum, or further alienating a group of people armed with disposable income, and the knowledge that there are no solutions or consequences to the hacking problem?
