Reporting a player exploiting area

Reporting a player exploiting area

in WvW

Posted by: Longo.2971


Hello everyone, this is my first post here on forum and I don’t know exactly if this is the correct place to report a player.
Well, first of all I was playing in the WvW when me and other guys from my world (Blackgate) we saw 2 guys from Eredon Terrance Defender and from ODIN guild using speed hacks, one of them was a warrior doing mini-teleports around the map, we also reported them as “botting” since there is no “hacks” on the report tool.

Second there was a guy exploiting an area, he was bellow to a cliff and Invunerable, wich was told me that if he moves he would be killable, but he was exploiting. So I took 4 screenshots of him, including my attacks and the message “Invunerable” poping.
I have a proof of this report.

Thank you everyone and sorry for my bad english.


Reporting a player exploiting area

in WvW

Posted by: Youniverse.4395


This is a WvW forum.

plus, that area is not an exploit. Just one small area that gives invulnerability. There’s a spot like that North of the citadel near the gate

Reporting a player exploiting area

in WvW

Posted by: Ayane Hajinmon.9165

Ayane Hajinmon.9165

is not an exploit…if he’s close enough to his base area then he’s gonna have that buff.
if you go to your base you will have that buff too

Reporting a player exploiting area

in WvW

Posted by: Longo.2971


He was out of the base…it’s a bug lol..base buff should start where the wall is, not “close” to it!
Since he is outisde it is an exploiting bug

(edited by Longo.2971)