Reporting a player from another server.

Reporting a player from another server.

in WvW

Posted by: jonesy.1470


While roaming my servers borderlands i noticed bay was under attack, doing the early morning shift wasn’t expecting anything tbh , then i see a platinum evader in an Omega golem attacking the wall so i jumped on the nearest cannon and started firing him down only to find he was teleporting from left to right while firing at me on the cannon, at first i thought it was lag…..nope because once he got to inner bay he jumped out , i quickly burst his health down and stomped him, within seconds the same player was back in the golem he then jumped out attacked me again and this time got the better of me , after he killed me i saw his character tp to the golem and start attacking again.
so that’s the story right. but my question is HOW do i report Hackers. There is no option for it.

Reporting a player from another server.

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


just pick the botting option.

Reporting a player from another server.

in WvW

Posted by: Shadow.3475


Yes botting but Arenanet don’t have any GM so they will not get banned, seen a guy from BB for 4weeks now that have been reported by 3-4 servers at least and (BB server to) and over 10.000 times, seen commanders on Map chat write send report on **** he is in Bay, Hills, Crag, Sunny lord room, saw him this morning in Bay lord was at 20% when I came in to lord room.

Reporting a player from another server.

in WvW

Posted by: Offair.2563


No need for a hacking report option as hacking does not exist according to Anet.

Big Babou, Ranger for life.
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.

Reporting a player from another server.

in WvW

Posted by: sishbob.3987


No need for a hacking report option as hacking does not exist according to Anet.

This. Despite evidence to the contrary, ANet still refuses to allow even the mention of the word “hacks” on the forums. This thread will be locked, despite the fact that OP is only asking a perfectly legitimate question because that question would be an acknowledgement of hacking.

ANet, let us report hackers, and let us get proof for you. This is a win/win. The players get to see you guys helping us out, which makes us think your doing something right and will probably increase sales for you. By basically cutting off the player’s tongues when hacks are mentioned, you basically tell us that you dont want to admit to there being hacks. Heres the blatant truth; its very very hard to make a game that isnt susceptible to hackers. There is no shame in having a few hacks emerge now and then. The shame comes when you turn a blind eye to it and allow it to occur. And when we report the hackers, you get to see what the loopholes they are abusing are. You can then fix these, can keep them fixed for future games.

Heres a compromise. Make a new section, dedicated to reporting hackers. Players can post there with video and/or screenshot proof of a player hacking. ANet then can have a few employees every day sift through the reports, figure what is hacks, and REPLY (that is the biggest part of it). And to prevent flame, just institute a warning system. If a player reports a specific player with no proof, give em a warning. If they do it again, just punish them for starting flame.

This issue is easy enough to fix. All you guys at ANet have to do is step up and acknowledge that there are issues, but you can make an effort to fix them. Making an effort, even if you arent successful, would honestly bring me a lot of hope for the future of this game, and Im sure others feel the same.