It seems very odd there have not been any moderator posts in the past few days/week to touch on some more details of the WvW update. I would figure if Anet wanted to have a truly successful WvW “makeover” they would have to keep open communication with the community that plays WvW 24/7.
So this is that opportunity since most players do NOT use GW2 twitter or if there are any other social sites that Anet prefers to use instead of their own official domain.
(No quoting/posting updates/status from a month ago, that would just make you look silly to say the least)
What baseline can we expect, this is a very simple question that should be able to receive a really simple or even detailed response that might be similar to a table of contents. Granted Anet will say “We cannot tell you what we will do because even we do not know until the last minute”. Which is true somewhat, but mostly that is used to make it seem like they have no idea what CORE elements of WvW will be addressed.
For example: (Anet, you can list with bullets what main issues you would like to address
- Culling
- WvW reward
- Badges of honor reward
- Dynamic event credit reward
- Dolyak guard npcs not efficient/effective
- Siege blueprints being soulbound but still able to transfer between characters (seems like 2 people in the same department disagreed on this solution which is why we can trade the blueprints by dropping them but yet they are “soulbound”)
- Bigger or new map(s)
- Rework npcs such as Grub/Champion Tree/Mosquito event/Quaggan/Temple
- The water in the Borderlands that every single person hates
- Is the “glitch” where the waypoint is available for 1-3 seconds after Repel Enemies event going to be “resolved” with this patch or is that still a method we can use to reinforce falling Keeps
- Is Outmanned buff going to receive an update? We all know how pointless that buff is and HAVE known since release of this game 5months+ ago
- Will Orbs come back? If not what are we doing to replace them? WvW has become even more stale since the removal
- Resolve current queue issues that have recently been reported but have not been addressed recently
- Current WvW titles are far out of the limit of many if not everyone who plays GW2, all kittentalk aside nobody can rack up one of those titles in 6 months – 1 year unless 24/7 focused on that single title
- Guild claiming currently has no purpose unless to activate guild buffs when under attack, why can we not see who claimed the location and or have additional options upon claiming a Keep/Tower/Camp
- Additional rewarded loot for killing enemy commanders (and/or higher loot table)
- Invulnerable zones/anti camping zones that reach into supply camps in the Borderlands (These are not a big issue by any means, but lots of people are ….. and believe this is hacking/exploiting and I’m sure that’s racking up the bug reports/paperwork, would be efficient to remove so that frees up time for whomever has to read all those support tickets)
- Address siege locations that “cannot be countered”, remove or maybe even add more
- More high ground/cliffs everywhere, Borderlands and Eternal
- Incentives for WvW both for guilds and for players (The virtual score that may or may not get reset has no bearing on if my guild is in WvW, rather if we feel like doing pvp together we go into WvW, which is always
. But we are not an entire server and at many times servers lose even when there is enough active population, but not enough actually in WvW due to score and/or seeing a map 100% another color or the fact that there have been literally no incentives to WvW (other than PvE world bonus maybe? I personally don’t believe anyone has seriously considered those that valuable enough for PvE players to get into WvW.
Without incentives this has created a catch 22 where if a server loses, morale drops, participation drops, server’s ranking drops, server drops whole tiers, people transfer, dead server until massive alliance comes and makes active again. Granted with paid transfers, not every situation will immediately result in transfer, but with weeks of terrible participation in WvW combined with constantly losing, players will either leave Guild Wars 2 (which many have) or they will just leave WvW (which far too many have)
(Again please no quoting from 1 month ago or even 2 weeks ago; issues like culling and queue and maybe a few others require constant update as those ARE game breaking, but this thread is not to agree/disagree on these topics as much as it is to help Anet create their own “table of contents” of what they KNOW will be updated)