Restoring Orbs - Putting balls back into WvW!

Restoring Orbs - Putting balls back into WvW!

in WvW

Posted by: Anthrage.2519


Yes you read that correctly. I am actually suggesting reintroducing orbs…

With some minor modifications. :P

My suggestion is simple – put Orbs back in, with the same effects and stat modifiers for possession…but limit the latter to the individual player carrying the Orb, and remove the 15 timer. Very little coding involved, makes the Orb area on the northern part of the Borderlands maps a bit less of a waste of space and has a few other interesting consequences of a ‘WvW is getting a little old’ nature.

For those that don’t recall, the Orb-related bonuses are or would be as follows:

-Player carrying the orb’s location becomes visible on the map to all servers
-Holding the orb slowly drains the wielder’s health
-Wielder gains access to new skills:

Power Bolt – Release a burst of energy to damage your target. (62 Damage, Range 1200)
Orb Strike – Hit your enemy with the Orb, stunning them. (2 sec stun, Range 150)
Throw Orb – Throw the Orb towards your target, blinding targets that it passes through. It bursts, dazing enemies, and returns to you. , Daze: 3 sec, Range 1200)
Radiant Armor – Grant Retaliation to nearby allies. (Retaliation 20 sec, Range150)

Add 1 new power and 1 new effect:

Power Strike – Bash a gate for 8000 damage. (same damage, range and timer as a Ram)

-Orb Wielder’s character model is of increased size (2 or 3 times?)

While carrying the Orb, the player would also receive the stat bonuses one would have received if their team held all three Orbs, that being +15% HP, +150 to all Stats.

Again, no timer as was the case before, but Orb is once again lost on death and applies all the other limitations etc

What this does:

-As mentioned, gives that space where the Orb used to be some use again
-(re)Adds a cool mechanic with some neat powers and effects, without being unbalancing
-(re)Adds an objective of interest to WvW
-Gives something of practical use without being overpowering – a team that is ahead and owns everything on the map is not going to be overly advantaged by having one person on that team possessing these powers and bonuses…but a team that is over-matched and undermanned, could get a measure of benefit from having one of their number being somewhat more uber and hero-like
-Turning a player into a kind of mini-boss is just very cool, both for the people who managed to do it for themselves, and those trying to take them down. Think of it like a golem but somewhat different and again, much cooler

Some people are finding WvW to be a bit stale. This would add something to things without requiring much (or anything) in the way of new code, or by being unbalancing. The old issue with the orbs would not be the case with this limited implementation.

I think it would be a fun thing – new fun stuff like the costume brawl, the tonics, the events etc are of a similar vein. I also think it would be relatively harmless while being a nice new diversion. Thoughts?

Ranger Anthrage Stormrider – Sanguine Wild Guild [SW]
sPvP BuildWvW Build
Tarnished Coast Server- Anthrage Stormrider on Youtube

(edited by Anthrage.2519)

Restoring Orbs - Putting balls back into WvW!

in WvW

Posted by: drake.2135


Power Bolt dealing 62 damage? Even the Elementalist’s Water Blast (1st Water skill of the staff) would deal more damage than that.

The rest seem fine.
I like how you pretty much turn it into a sort of “I’m the boss!” item. Might be intriguing.

“The beginning is the beginning. The end is also the beginning.”
~Drake from Blackgate

Restoring Orbs - Putting balls back into WvW!

in WvW

Posted by: Ilesyt.7084


ANet is working on a mechanic to replace Orbs, just wait for it.

Besides, I would rather just put a ram than be one.

Leader of Deus Ex Machina [DEX]
Ruins of Surmia

Restoring Orbs - Putting balls back into WvW!

in WvW

Posted by: Occam.9841


I am not sure about any bonuses or abiliities (maybe, maybe not) but I like the idea of the orbs being something that could act like a ‘borderlands commander’ icon.

Make it so that you have to unlock the ability to pick it up so not just every noob and troll grabs it. Perhaps some number of WvW kills or keep captures.

Another thread talks about how hard it is to make money in WvW compared to pve, this makes it so pve’ers have an easier time buying a commander icon than pure WvW’ers.
Orbs could be a way for people who have put the time into WvW to have a temporary commander icon.

Restoring Orbs - Putting balls back into WvW!

in WvW

Posted by: Anthrage.2519


Power Bolt dealing 62 damage? Even the Elementalist’s Water Blast (1st Water skill of the staff) would deal more damage than that.

The rest seem fine.
I like how you pretty much turn it into a sort of “I’m the boss!” item. Might be intriguing.

That was the damage in it’s previous incarnation, I kept all the original values.

Ranger Anthrage Stormrider – Sanguine Wild Guild [SW]
sPvP BuildWvW Build
Tarnished Coast Server- Anthrage Stormrider on Youtube

Restoring Orbs - Putting balls back into WvW!

in WvW

Posted by: Gilandred.9870


This reminds me of the transform mechanic in Aion. It was only available to certain top ranked players, which meant you probably knew what you were doing once you could unlock the ability.

Restoring Orbs - Putting balls back into WvW!

in WvW

Posted by: Anthrage.2519


Didn’t play Aion, but GW2 has plenty of transforms, elite powers, the golems etc…I think something like this is quite appropriate. Would be a blast too. They may well have something planned to replace or redo Orbs, but this would be fun in the meantime…and again, from a coding perspective, there is very little change needed as far as I can see.

Ranger Anthrage Stormrider – Sanguine Wild Guild [SW]
sPvP BuildWvW Build
Tarnished Coast Server- Anthrage Stormrider on Youtube

Restoring Orbs - Putting balls back into WvW!

in WvW

Posted by: azizul.8469


when ANET removed the orb, there are people saying Wv3 will not be fun anymore…

well, month after that, looks to me people are still having fun, perhaps even more fun…

so, nope, no need orb…. Wv3 is doing very well without it…

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK