Restroom break, AFK logged out, 4+hour Queue

Restroom break, AFK logged out, 4+hour Queue

in WvW

Posted by: Limulus.4380


So I am in WvW today. I had to take a restroom break. I come back to a screen that I have been logged out. Now I have to wait for a 4+ hour queue. Make of this what you will.

4+ hour queues, seriously?

Restroom break, AFK logged out, 4+hour Queue

in WvW

Posted by: Ignicity.7938


I’m still trying to work out the point to this thread.

Ignicity – 80 Necromancer
Unreal Aussies [uA] – Isle of Janthir

Restroom break, AFK logged out, 4+hour Queue

in WvW

Posted by: Paradopx.3804


What server are you on that the que was 4 hrs? For eternal or? Just trying to get a basic idea of server ques elsewhere, i’m on sorrows, and we have no ques were on the bottom =(

Restroom break, AFK logged out, 4+hour Queue

in WvW

Posted by: neoxide.7320


Simple fix. Transfer to a world with little to no queues. Everyone wants to play on the top worlds and complains about the queues. The bottom bracket worlds are doomed to continuous losses because they don’t even have enough players to support themselves.

Restroom break, AFK logged out, 4+hour Queue

in WvW

Posted by: YumeBaka.3428


I left a high ranked server because of Queue times. now there is no Queue and we have some really fun fights, not to mention 50+ medals in 3-4 hours.

Watermoon – level 80 Mesmer- [NoQQ]

Restroom break, AFK logged out, 4+hour Queue

in WvW

Posted by: TheReign.9740


So I am in WvW today. I had to take a restroom break. I come back to a screen that I have been logged out. Now I have to wait for a 4+ hour queue. Make of this what you will.

4+ hour queues, seriously?

AFK log out in WvW is 15 minutes. That’s plenty of time to go and come back.

[TL] Team Legacy – Isle of Janthir

Restroom break, AFK logged out, 4+hour Queue

in WvW

Posted by: Raptor.9863


15 minutes is enough time to get your business done.

Raptor – Human Guardian
Northern Shiverpeakes

Restroom break, AFK logged out, 4+hour Queue

in WvW

Posted by: Konrad Curze.5130

Konrad Curze.5130

quit riding the noob train on the full servers, seriously?

Restroom break, AFK logged out, 4+hour Queue

in WvW

Posted by: nysta.6713


i have a little violin somewhere. may take me a while to find it. it’s very small.

Restroom break, AFK logged out, 4+hour Queue

in WvW

Posted by: Gankfest.4965


Raid Bucket ftw!

Gankfest™ ~ <PRX> ~ JQ
80 ~ Thief/Guardian

Restroom break, AFK logged out, 4+hour Queue

in WvW

Posted by: deapee.7516


Wait, you went AFK…the system that is meant to detect AFK’ers logged you out because it assumed you were AFK (which you were)…and you are complaining?

Restroom break, AFK logged out, 4+hour Queue

in WvW

Posted by: Grump.7069


Seriously, learn to get your business done faster. I am slow myself on that topic, and i ALWAYS beat the log out timer. Beside if you don’t want queues move to lower servers, problem solved, cause those have smaller queues. I’m on UW myself and EB only has a queue of about an hour during prime time for EB, half that for UWB, the others usually instant. Also those claiming lower servers always lose lose lose is utter nonsense.

The way GW2’s server ranking system works is that your server should end up in a cycle where you win lose win lose win lose or always end 2nd, cause either you win and bounce up to servers that are better and then bounce back to the weaker servers. or you lose and bounce to the weaker ones only to bounce back to the stronger the week after. At this point the rankings are solid enough to avoid a server to go on a lose cycle for several weeks in a row, unless good players recently migrated to another server.

Or the main point in short, OP move to a lower server where queues are non existant.