Return of Melandru Rune?
People are already ahead of you, price went up the day the patch came
There was a short spike, but they dropped back down, its only useful for frontline in certain team compositions where you can get quick condi cleanses, same with hoelbrak runes. Power/damage based gear is still top dog in wvw
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<
I still have a melandru set and saffron bread but I’ve not actually found the need to use them yet. At least I’m ready I guess, just in case.
it really depends on how you play, group composition (if your in one that is), saffron bread is always nice I find and its really cheap to make, the saffron is easy to farm in orr
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<
Called it! And when I said on this forum that Melandru runes were the best choice on a warrior, some GvG elitist said I was still in the 2013 meta. Well I guess it’s back in fashion.
I think the stab change had a of people panicking to figure it out but I don’t think melandru is meta.
Commander Twerknificient
Joey Bladow