Returning Player with Questions

Returning Player with Questions

in WvW

Posted by: Draknar.8604



Greetings, All!

I stopped playing GW 2 quite a while ago, and after seeing they removed repair bills and some other nice changes, I decided to give it another shot while I wait for WildStar Online to release.

I have a few questions though that I hope some members can shed some light on.

1) Are there any recommendations for a good WvW server? I don’t need the most dominate top scoring one, just one with people playing (I left when my server pop turned into a ghost town in Wvw). My work schedule is shifted early, so I play around 3pm-7pm EST, before usual Peak Time, so a heavily populated server (in terms of WvW) is probably the best idea to increase the number of players at those off-times.

2) I will be making a Guardian for WvW, so any tips or builds would be helpful. I’ve been watching “Tap Dat Mouse” on YouTube, seems like he’s got some interesting builds.

3) How does Armor Power work now? When I hit level 80 (or whatever the max level is), what will be my first mission in terms of getting geared? Originally the Devs were like “Acquire Looks, Not Power!” as end-game, but then I remember them saying in later e-mails about updates, “hahaha naaaah, Acquire Power too!”

I am completely out of the loop in terms of gear, so any pointers in the right direction would be much appreciated!

4) Finally, any tips on quick means of leveling are appreciated as well. Would be awesome if I could level “doing” WvW, but I remember at release it wasn’t too feasible.

Thanks so much!

“If you build a man a fire he will be warm for a day.
If you set a man on fire he will be warm for the rest of his life.”

Returning Player with Questions

in WvW

Posted by: Offair.2563


Cant help ya on nr123 but on 4th you can level toons through normal wvw, just be careful as your upscaled and stuff or join the overflow map Edge of the Mist (EOTM).

Its nothing but a huuuuge karma train and most zergs trying to avoid eachother just to recap stuff asap for wxp and the insane amount of badges of honor

Big Babou, Ranger for life.
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.

Returning Player with Questions

in WvW

Posted by: Fuzzion.2504


Join some of the big name JQ guilds in JQ. They will easily answer all your questions.

Fuzzionx [SF]
Guest member of [LOVE]
JQ official Prime Minister

Returning Player with Questions

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


1) Pretty much any server Tier 1 to Tier 3 is going to have a decent population most of the day.

2) Guardians have several options but by far the most popular ones are tanky zerg builds. Check the guardian forum for more information.

3) Level 80 exotic armor bought with badges from WvW vendors or karma from Orr karma vendors works fine and is cheap. You will want to concentrate on getting ascended jewelry and an ascended weapon long before considering ascended armor.

4) Go to Edge of the Mists for leveling. It is a great way to generate fast levels, karma, badges and WxP. Spend your WxP on Guard Defender and Applied Fortitude which is a BIG upgrade for a guardian. At a 115 WvW levels you can effectively walk around with an extra 2500 HP.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

(edited by Straegen.2938)

Returning Player with Questions

in WvW

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


1) looking at the time that you play in, it corresponds to 9pm to 1am CEST (Central European Summer Time) which puts you into a mid to late EU time slot. There are not very many servers that are active during that time since the majority of players in Europe are obviously playing on EU servers. Although I would be stoked to have you on my server (Jade Quarry) since we don’t have any players during that time, I would recommend either Tarnished Coast or Blackgate as the only servers that really have any presence at that time. Since the last thing we need is more players hopping on to Blackgate, I would recommend you join Tarnished Coast. I believe Helioz is one of the bigger EU guilds on that server.

2) I’m sure once you join a guild no matter where they are, there will be some guardians willing to show you the ropes. I don’t play guard but the majority of those that I know run some combination of Staff(for swiftness symbols, empowers, lines and lootsticking), Hammer (for spammable blast finishers, banishes, immobs and rings), Greatsword (for pulls, retal, leaps, spin2win) along with Stand Your Ground for party stability, Hold The Line for protection, and Purging Flames to cleanse conditions. Traits are usually at least 20 in honor for shouts cooldown, dodge heals, two hand mastery and the rest varies from player to player depending on preferences.

3) The way gear works in this game is it is pretty easy to get a set of exotic armour and that puts you at about 90 % effectiveness. After that there is ascended quality gear that requires a lot of time(they require laurels which is basically a currency you get from doing dailies and monthlies and so are timegated, ascended material crafting is also timegated), money, and effort to craft in the case of weapons, armour and backpieces, and buy in the case of rings, accessories and amulets. Word from the wise, join a guild and start doing guild missions immediately because it is the best way to get ascended accessories and the latest update made them account bound, so you can switch them between characters if you have multiple. Additionally, it is faster to get rings by running fractals daily than it is to buy them off the laurel vendor but I personally could never get into fractals or anything PvE for that matter.

Starting off, buy a set of exotics (probably a lot of soldier’s gear to make up for your lack of hitpoints as a guardian). if you really like the build/game, you can start saving up for ascended gear. If you do buy armor with WvW badges, be wary that you CANNOT SALVAGE them. This means you should not put expensive sigils/runes into them since you can never get them back. Personally, I would recommend just buying crafted armor and buy siege with badges and either use it or sell it on the marketplace.

4) Eotm Eotm Eotm Eotm Eotm. Basically, the majority of players use this as a karma / experience train (which I think is a huge waste of its potential as a WvW map), I’ve heard of people leveling from 0 to 80 in as little as 20 hours.

5?) Welcome back, I’ll see you on the battlefield.

(edited by Wizzey.7845)