Revert your changes, Anet

Revert your changes, Anet

in WvW

Posted by: Kanebrake.6192


Since it’s become abundantly clear from a wvw players perspective the “no white sword” change is a complete failure would it be too much to ask that you abort this little experiment prematurely and put them back?

I know when something is broken in pve you guys get on it pretty quickly to take care of it. Well, this is broken and needs to be taken care of.

I’m 99.9999% certain that you will do no such thing but it’s worth a try.


Revert your changes, Anet

in WvW

Posted by: Colly.4073


You won’t even get a no. Anet does what they want when they want, I bet none of them even play WvW anymore.

Revert your changes, Anet

in WvW

Posted by: Buffy.9246


You won’t even get a no. Anet does what they want when they want, I bet none of them even play WvW anymore.

They do.
Every once in a will see the rare species called a Anet dev.
You gotta look in the middle of a blob to find this rare species since you won’t find one elsewhere.
Check t1/2 for this species. But they don’t know how to do wvw since one asked what a commander spoon was.

Revert your changes, Anet

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876


just relax and enjoy your ktrains. think of it as a break from tedious defense duties…

Revert your changes, Anet

in WvW

Posted by: X T D.6458

X T D.6458

Anet wont admit they made a stupid mistake. This is an illthought out gimmick plain and simple. It came from the Adopt a dev program during the last season where dev’s joined some guilds to play wvw. Except they didnt bother going to any lower tiers to see how their ignorance and lack of attention really affect wvw. Therefore this stupid change will have less of an effect on higher tiers, and more damage to lower tiers. Working as intended.

I say what needs to be said, get used to it.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<

Revert your changes, Anet

in WvW

Posted by: Ark Bladesteele.2943

Ark Bladesteele.2943

Anet wont admit they made a stupid mistake. This is an illthought out gimmick plain and simple. It came from the Adopt a dev program during the last season where dev’s joined some guilds to play wvw. Except they didnt bother going to any lower tiers to see how their ignorance and lack of attention really affect wvw. Therefore this stupid change will have less of an effect on higher tiers, and more damage to lower tiers. Working as intended.

Actually, if you read the adopt-a-dev thread, there were devs on servers of all tiers. Our server was bottom T5 NA at the start of the tourney, and we had a dev in our guild: Melnetta. She saw the kinds of things we experienced during the tourney (note: we didn’t win once) and often asked how we deal with such overwhelming numbers and being defeated repeatedly. We didn’t really have any good answer for her, but it certainly wasn’t “It’s because of those darn white swords! If they got rid of them we would win more!”

She came on to tell us at the end of the tourney that all the adopt-a-devs had a luncheon to discuss their experiences and what they thought could be improved. Sadly, it looks like the devs who stacked Gold league won out on that discussion, because after having played with Melnetta for a month I absolutely know she wouldn’t have suggested or agreed with the white sword removal.

As I said before, this benefits 5, maybe 6 servers, out of 24 (NA) and 26 (EU). That is not the majority, and the adopt-a-devs who suggested it must have either had seniority or more of them simply played on higher-tiered servers. The only people who you see posting in the threads about white swords that are saying they don’t see much difference are those from high tier servers. The rest of us, well, we see a difference. And the difference sucks. This test is a failure, the event should be ended, white swords restored (although I might be fine with PPK, it doesn’t seem to matter much when all you’re fighting are doors but could have an impact if white swords were put back in) and nobody should ever speak of this crap again.

Furthermore, I request that a dev start a thread here and start asking for official feedback. We’ve got half a dozen threads on this just on the first page and not a single red post. How can you find out if your test is a success if you don’t interact with us in the same way that Michael Henninger, the Game Support Lead did, just a few weeks back? That’s the kind of interaction and communication we need, and Anet needs to hire more people like him and seriously give that guy a friggin raise.

NSP’s resident crazy-eyed sylvari

(edited by Ark Bladesteele.2943)

Revert your changes, Anet

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Furthermore, I request that a dev start a thread here and start asking for official feedback. We’ve got half a dozen threads on this just on the first page and not a single red post. How can you find out if your test is a success if you don’t interact with us in the same way that Michael Henninger, the Game Support Lead did, just a few weeks back? That’s the kind of interaction and communication we need, and Anet needs to hire more people like him and seriously give that guy a friggin raise.

Pfff, feedback, interaction and communication. Haven’t you learned already – they have “metrics” to find out is the test successful or not.

Revert your changes, Anet

in WvW

Posted by: Xenesis.6389


At the very least there should have been an official thread discussing these changes to wvw.

The wvw devs haven’t even responded to anything in this forums for months. The trial has been set for a month and they’re probably off for the holidays already anyways lol.

Another derailing post. ^^
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“Game over man, Game Over!” – RIP Bill

Revert your changes, Anet

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


You won’t even get a no. Anet does what they want when they want, I bet none of them even play WvW anymore.

I think it was more that the development team looked at their accomplishments for the year and saw:

1. EotM: Failure. Turned into a PvE karma map in what was supposed to showcase the very best of ANET ideas.
2. Seasons: Failure. Pretty much wrecked the WvW experience. So many people only play during seasons now.
3. Siege disabler: Wrong implementation. I give them credit at least for changing the way these work recently
4. Golem mastery: Yawn
5. Color commander tags: Very useful…. for PvE

So if that was your yearly performance review, what would you do? You’d try to quickly implement something that would be a win. Unfortunately, the outcome is that no swords was another horrible idea and the killing people for score has too small of an impact to be noticeable.

Revert your changes, Anet

in WvW

Posted by: Kanebrake.6192


At the very least there should have been an official thread discussing these changes to wvw.

The wvw devs haven’t even responded to anything in this forums for months. The trial has been set for a month and they’re probably off for the holidays already anyways lol.

I see no point in any official threads. Apparently they don’t listen to player feedback. Virtually everyone said it was going to be a bad idea when they brought it up. But they still made the change. I could even see it being done over a long weekend (Friday at reset until Monday evening for testing) but an entire month of this BS?

And let’s be honest there’s absolutely nothing to say they’ll revert it after the month is up. Now that the BL’s have become karma trains and they’ve given everyone a silly little buff I wouldn’t be too surprised if they determine that wvw is more popular than ever.


Revert your changes, Anet

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

Revert? I wouldn’t be surprised if this was declared a success and permanently implemented.

Revert your changes, Anet

in WvW

Posted by: Knighthonor.4061


what were some of the changes that people dislike?

Revert your changes, Anet

in WvW

Posted by: Kanebrake.6192


what were some of the changes that people dislike?

Not sure if serious…? :\


Revert your changes, Anet

in WvW

Posted by: Brow.9425


Revert? I wouldn’t be surprised if this was declared a success and permanently implemented.

I totally expect this outcome and predicted it before the patch.

Rathan Kelet — Maguuma

Revert your changes, Anet

in WvW

Posted by: MomentofWeakness.1246


Anet wont admit they made a stupid mistake. This is an illthought out gimmick plain and simple. It came from the Adopt a dev program during the last season where dev’s joined some guilds to play wvw. Except they didnt bother going to any lower tiers to see how their ignorance and lack of attention really affect wvw. Therefore this stupid change will have less of an effect on higher tiers, and more damage to lower tiers. Working as intended.

I don’t know why you think that those of us who had dev’s in tier 1 WvW wanted them to remove white swords… if you really want some proof that in tier 1 we DID NOT want them to remove white swords then read my post from 1 month ago…

Its Choo – 250,000 Kills in WvW and Counting…
WvW Commander – NA PST
Sexiest Level 80 Charr Guardian In The Game

Revert your changes, Anet

in WvW

Posted by: MomentofWeakness.1246


Anet wont admit they made a stupid mistake. This is an illthought out gimmick plain and simple. It came from the Adopt a dev program during the last season where dev’s joined some guilds to play wvw. Except they didnt bother going to any lower tiers to see how their ignorance and lack of attention really affect wvw. Therefore this stupid change will have less of an effect on higher tiers, and more damage to lower tiers. Working as intended.

Actually, if you read the adopt-a-dev thread, there were devs on servers of all tiers. Our server was bottom T5 NA at the start of the tourney, and we had a dev in our guild: Melnetta. She saw the kinds of things we experienced during the tourney (note: we didn’t win once) and often asked how we deal with such overwhelming numbers and being defeated repeatedly. We didn’t really have any good answer for her, but it certainly wasn’t “It’s because of those darn white swords! If they got rid of them we would win more!”

She came on to tell us at the end of the tourney that all the adopt-a-devs had a luncheon to discuss their experiences and what they thought could be improved. Sadly, it looks like the devs who stacked Gold league won out on that discussion, because after having played with Melnetta for a month I absolutely know she wouldn’t have suggested or agreed with the white sword removal.

As I said before, this benefits 5, maybe 6 servers, out of 24 (NA) and 26 (EU). That is not the majority, and the adopt-a-devs who suggested it must have either had seniority or more of them simply played on higher-tiered servers. The only people who you see posting in the threads about white swords that are saying they don’t see much difference are those from high tier servers. The rest of us, well, we see a difference. And the difference sucks. This test is a failure, the event should be ended, white swords restored (although I might be fine with PPK, it doesn’t seem to matter much when all you’re fighting are doors but could have an impact if white swords were put back in) and nobody should ever speak of this crap again.

Furthermore, I request that a dev start a thread here and start asking for official feedback. We’ve got half a dozen threads on this just on the first page and not a single red post. How can you find out if your test is a success if you don’t interact with us in the same way that Michael Henninger, the Game Support Lead did, just a few weeks back? That’s the kind of interaction and communication we need, and Anet needs to hire more people like him and seriously give that guy a friggin raise.

That’s not true, in the higher tier’s we ECHOED your feelings and at least the suggestions given to our dev in tier 1 on Tarnished Coast were given with lower tiers in mind..

EDIT: I think you realize that now after reading my post from a month ago and responding to it lol! See the link from my post right above this one on page 2.

Its Choo – 250,000 Kills in WvW and Counting…
WvW Commander – NA PST
Sexiest Level 80 Charr Guardian In The Game

(edited by MomentofWeakness.1246)

Revert your changes, Anet

in WvW

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


I WAS an avid WvW roamer. After having WvW ignored and pushed back again, and again, and again…I went to PvE and PvP. At least the content there felt worth doing.

Anet, you can’t really expect players to ‘scout and be map aware’ when there is no incentive. Commanders have to pay scouts out of their own pockets, to go out and roam. Roamers get nothing from roaming. They still get nothing. Why should the responsibility of WvW fall onto the shoulders of a small handful, instead of having everyone pitch in as a community effort? If anything, removing white swords just made it more tedious. This is just going to fall into another EOTM karma train.

Revert your changes, Anet

in WvW

Posted by: MomentofWeakness.1246


I WAS an avid WvW roamer. After having WvW ignored and pushed back again, and again, and again…I went to PvE and PvP. At least the content there felt worth doing.

Anet, you can’t really expect players to ‘scout and be map aware’ when there is no incentive. Commanders have to pay scouts out of their own pockets, to go out and roam. Roamers get nothing from roaming. They still get nothing. Why should the responsibility of WvW fall onto the shoulders of a small handful, instead of having everyone pitch in as a community effort? If anything, removing white swords just made it more tedious. This is just going to fall into another EOTM karma train.

Couldn’t agree more <3

Its Choo – 250,000 Kills in WvW and Counting…
WvW Commander – NA PST
Sexiest Level 80 Charr Guardian In The Game

Revert your changes, Anet

in WvW

Posted by: xGraver.4918


Anet uses Translat —- WvW is awesome we love all your new stuff and k-train is THE S!

Anet celebrates whit makeing WvW megaserver.

All are happy and live long just like in N-Korea.

Revert your changes, Anet

in WvW

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


You won’t even get a no. Anet does what they want when they want, I bet none of them even play WvW anymore.

Ive seen some dev once in a while these days.

IF Anet is trying to see players reaction if they have to defend the towers to a future WvW change, since with no swords players tend to hold in walls and wait for the enemy, this is a very bad test and will end in bad result, cause no swords forces more defending and defending is not rewarded and its not even supported by the game mechanics(lets ignore siege only and see WvW as a whole) any large group can take stuff easy by just PVD in this game, theres no value to a guild to hold a castle with their flag IMO this is very important, and having something conquer on WvW should be important and valuable, with this design it is impossible to get a better WvW.

IF you guys want really a good test it is not only by removing the swords, you need to change many other aspect of the game.

The no swords would be good but theres nothing that supports this mechanic to be valuable in game at the moment.

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

Revert your changes, Anet

in WvW

Posted by: Argos Helios.4965

Argos Helios.4965

This change is a massive failure. I just spent all night K-training every bordlerands trying to find people to play with. It completely discourages any sort of fight because you can’t react fast enough to stop the flip. Tier 3….WvW has never been so dead.

Furthermore, people coming into WvW looking for things to do, who are not on teamspeak or with an organised guild…I feel for you. It must feel like a ghost town.

No tags on every BL in tier 3 most nights this week.

Revert your changes, Anet

in WvW

Posted by: Laishunfom.7603


I think they won’t change it.They may pay all attentions on PVE.
Anet may think the change on WvW (No white sword) is cool, they
never update the WvW play since GW2 started.
So they want to(and try to) add somethings into it?cuz they feel it is cool?
But they never think most of the WvW players’ point of view.
It is a awful thing,destroying WvW.
Revert it please, Anet.

[TFV]Shunfom/Love The Lai

Revert your changes, Anet

in WvW

Posted by: X T D.6458

X T D.6458

Anet wont admit they made a stupid mistake. This is an illthought out gimmick plain and simple. It came from the Adopt a dev program during the last season where dev’s joined some guilds to play wvw. Except they didnt bother going to any lower tiers to see how their ignorance and lack of attention really affect wvw. Therefore this stupid change will have less of an effect on higher tiers, and more damage to lower tiers. Working as intended.

I don’t know why you think that those of us who had dev’s in tier 1 WvW wanted them to remove white swords… if you really want some proof that in tier 1 we DID NOT want them to remove white swords then read my post from 1 month ago…

Did you bother reading at all??? Where in my post did I say that? I didnt say people wanted it, thats where the idea came from because of the adopt a dev program.

I say what needs to be said, get used to it.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<

Revert your changes, Anet

in WvW

Posted by: X T D.6458

X T D.6458

This change is a massive failure. I just spent all night K-training every bordlerands trying to find people to play with. It completely discourages any sort of fight because you can’t react fast enough to stop the flip. Tier 3….WvW has never been so dead.

Furthermore, people coming into WvW looking for things to do, who are not on teamspeak or with an organised guild…I feel for you. It must feel like a ghost town.

No tags on every BL in tier 3 most nights this week.

Last night was pretty much ktrain as well, from one map to another and this was t1 btw

I say what needs to be said, get used to it.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<