Ring Of Fire - Whiteside Ridge - Arborstone
Unfortunately for you, on AS we are stubborn french guys so if 20 people is not enough, we will come back with 50
Hehe, looking forward to this week, I can’t normally make reset night, have to keep the wife happy, so havnt been online since Thursday. but don’t worry I’m sure you will see us all soon enough :p and what is the saying its not quantity but quality :p
See you on the battlefield
I must say I didn’t expect Arborstone to have THAT big numbers on reset – you guys had 40-50 man zerg on every borderland, good job on getting more people into WvW.
I’m not exactly sure what went wrong on RoF BL at the reset, as my guild was operating on Arborstone and WSR borderlands, and there was a queue to RoF all the time and still Arbor managed to hold 2/3 of RoF >.< good job.
The biggest WTF moment we had was when we came WSR hills, south outer gate was open, there was an Arborstone treb nearby west inner, yet not a single enemy was there :P I’m just curious what happened there. Too bad that we didn’t have a chance to hold hills later as both of you decided to attack it at the same time , WSR from north, Arborstone from south.
See you on the battlefield
[TaG] guild/raid leader
Gunnar’s Hold
Yep, I agree, it was fun
Very nice attack on our Valley just now RoF. Shame it didn’t go so well, eh? With your 8-10 golems and all.. Better luck next time! ^^
We Be Chilling [WBC] – Gunnar’s Hold
Really 2 server crashes in night when we are something like 30 on it?
Is it possible for Anet to upgrade AS server plz?
Thank you Arborstone for awesome fights in your borderland yesterday evening. Our guild trip almost started with a disaster, when your zerg rushed into Vale while we were building our omega, fortunately we managed to push you back, finish it and hide in spawn.
I think the best part for most of us was holding bay, which was looking like swiss cheese, while beign outmanned – you almost got us (I think it was 2nd portal bomb) when you managed to get through and take out 2 of our ballistas.
See you on the battlefield
[TaG] guild/raid leader
Gunnar’s Hold
Hey rof ppl,
Did icon leave rof i remember last time we fought you guys i saw a lot of icon but this match i only saw 1 icon member.
Xicial– Elementalist
Crimson Conspiracy [CC] Gunnars Hold
Unfortunately for you, on AS we are stubborn french guys so if 20 people is not enough, we will come back with 50
Sounds familiar!
~~~My Elite PvP Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04xOsNW7zTA
Hey rof ppl,
Did icon leave rof i remember last time we fought you guys i saw a lot of icon but this match i only saw 1 icon member.
ICON is disbanding
To be honest ICON merged with TaG while i went to PI so don’t worry and look for the legendary thief commander of PI and come and get me!
So we got outmanned suddenly in RoF BL and rushed to call backup from EB expecting Arborstone golem rush but only met couple of them. Then after capping everything found these brave warriors from whiteside ridge botting the waters near quaggan lake:
Thank you bots for the easiest full inventory ever!
(edited by Ulza.9482)
We saw the bots on Saturday morning and wiped them a couple of times.
How daft can you be to send your bots into enemy territory?
Unfortunately these bots are good for us, as they provide us with easy lootbags, dont cap objectives and fill up WSR queue.
We should report them, though.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
Zeal, who cares about your respect man
Really, WHAT?
We’ve been fighting Arborstone way more often than WSR during the weekend, as we considered them BIGGER threat (because of their numbers and aggressive playstyle, their zerg shows up on our BL whenever they have breathing space). I can’t say about EB, as I play and command on Borderlands, but generalising and accusing us of ALWAYS attacking weaker side, when we do quite the opposite is just sad.
I understand that you can be frustrated, but pls take few deep breaths and don’t force mods to close this thread.
[TaG] guild/raid leader
Gunnar’s Hold
(edited by pejot.4806)
^ i’m talking about EB
+ Sometimes AS is weaker and then u focus them also. Didn’t mean to generalise tho, I apologise. Eb is just a hard place for us atm and had to vent somewhere
Yep, calm down.
Have to say when it comes to borderlands Arbor and Ring of fire have been going all out on eachother and whiteside is not getting attacked on their bl much at all.
Had great fun today RoF – nice try on our EB Keep, what was that 8-10 golems? Nearly had it but not quite
And AS certainly gave us a hard time on our BL this evening.. had 3 zergs attacking bay at one point. All great fun
Gunnar’s Hold
TZ guild on AS is new? It’s the middle of the night and u have 30 – 40 ppl in our border and 20+ on eb ( TZ mixed with pugs i suppose )
I think tZ were here since beginning of this matchup, I’ve seen them pretty often in both RoF and Arborstone BL
[TaG] guild/raid leader
Gunnar’s Hold
Yep, you’re right, Tz are on AS since the beginning of this matchup (Friday) and they’re doing an impressive job !
We (Tz) switched from Augury Rock, we’re looking for more fun. And we found it, actually we really enjoy this matchup.
“Come on hit me, hit me, please, some more,
While my team pounds you into the floor.”
(edited by Eolehyene.9084)
Welcome in lower tiers then. I have never played in other server than RoF but I’m pretty sure than here is more fun than T1-2-3-4 or even 5 :P
(edited by Ripkord.7025)
Pain Intended [PI] had a good night out today, it was also the first time we ran into a sizeable whiteside group so that was allot of fun. Thanks to Arbor and Whiteside guilds/players for all the fights!
TaG had fun unplanned trip as well First there was some nice cooperation with PI during border defense. It was for me a first trip when I had Fraps ready, but the only fight I managed to record was one, where I die badly to overwhelming french force, so it’s gonna be put in a dakr room and forgotten
After that we moved to EB (it was fisrt time i na long time to command there for me :P). We had couple of fierce and chaotic zerg battles with Arborstone, capped SM, while they were fighting WSR in lowlands and finished the evening by capping Overlook
Thanks to all RoF people who followed me and listened, it’s really more fun to play as commander, when you actually see people obeying your commands.
Oh, and I don’t think Zeal will be sad today, we were focusing Arborstone even when WSR were outmanned
See you all on battlefield
[TaG] guild/raid leader
Gunnar’s Hold
We had enough troubles keeping the nearly 100 man AS zerg out of our border + keep =P
I think a massive kudos for WSR is in place this week. Fighting back real hard even with these odds..
Also, good fights from RoF & some AS !
Thanks RoF and WSR for every awesome fights this afternoon, i had a lot of fun to fight both you on EB.
RoF, your tenacity is awesome, coming again and again whipe after whipe, it’s very nice, and very impressive !
“Come on hit me, hit me, please, some more,
While my team pounds you into the floor.”
(edited by Eolehyene.9084)
Just want to say a quick heads up and thanks to everyone for the fights over the last few days, been a lot of fun and the most even matchup I have been in for a long time, had a lot of fun, been a lot more large scale fights and Arbor have had some really big numbers during the morning / afternoon uk time.
Thanks for all the loot bags, and I’m sure I have given plenty out myself.
Kudos to the small Arbor team at our BL hills when we took the keep back today you punted 5 of us off the cliff to our deaths while we were Mesmer sweeping, I couldn’t stop laughing all the way down, but I bet not as much as you guys did.
Thanks RoF and WSR for every awesome fights this afternoon, i had a lot of fun to fight both you on EB.
RoF, your tenacity is awesome, coming again and again whipe after whipe, it’s very nice, and very impressive !
Hehe yeah we had a few wipes this afternoon lols we also wiped a few too, I agree there were some awesome fights, great to see the tenacity of all sides today some great charges time after time.
See you on the battlefield
Thank you to the WBC guys from WSRand the Tz warrior from AS for the duels outside SM tonight they were incredibly fun, even though i lost most of them! from the large Norn guardian
(edited by biglilstampie.2410)
Tz Warriors are the best (:p). So bad that wasn’t me, i enjoy 1v1 or 2v2 and i have lot of them in this matchup. Again, i really like face you guys.
“Come on hit me, hit me, please, some more,
While my team pounds you into the floor.”
thanks RoF guys and the Tz warrior!, was some really good duels there!
/the warrior on wbc :P
RoF guys, check the MOS website. We need a push right to the wire tonight, and we’re going up a tier!
RoF guys, check the MOS website. We need a push right to the wire tonight, and we’re going up a tier!
I hope not i for one wouldnt mind another week in this match up instead of facing the RoS bandwagon server again i have really enjoyed the fights this week.
RoF guys, check the MOS website. We need a push right to the wire tonight, and we’re going up a tier!
I hope not i for one wouldnt mind another week in this match up instead of facing the RoS bandwagon server again i have really enjoyed the fights this week.
See you tonight, and wish you the best of luck :>
edit: Its too close, u might be staying in this tier
[GoA] Guardians of Arcane – Officer
Ruins of Surmia – Commander
(edited by itsmee.7536)
I’m not really sure if it’s good for us tho :P
Personally I’d rather have another week of this matchup, which turned out to be way more balanced than I expected (Arborstone’s numbers, I’m looking at you), than to face stacked RoS again. Not like this is a reason for me to hold back and start losing points on purpose ofc.
It also would be fair to give GH a week off for RoS as they are having “fun” in t7 for 2 weeks already, while us and Dzag were taking 1 week turns
We will see how it turns out in 4,5h
Only thing I’m missing here is an active matchup thread, I loved the one during RoF-GH-Dzag matchups, when it wasn’t turning into mutual accusations.
Edit: I see Kriyank ninja’d before me with some similar thoughts :P
[TaG] guild/raid leader
Gunnar’s Hold
(edited by pejot.4806)
I’m not really sure if it’s good for us tho :P
Personally I’d rather have another week of this matchup, which turned out to be way more balanced than I expected (Arborstone’s numbers, I’m looking at you
), than to face stacked RoS again. Not like this is a reason for me to hold back and start losing points on purpose ofc.
It also would be fair to give GH a week off for RoS as they are having “fun” in t7 for 2 weeks already, while us and Dzag were taking 1 week turns
We will see how it turns out in 4,5h
Only thing I’m missing here is an active matchup thread, I loved the one during RoF-GH-Dzag matchups, when it wasn’t turning into mutual accusations.
Edit: I see Kriyank ninja’d before me with some similar thoughts :P
hehe whats the saying great mind think alike or is it Fools never differ :P
Come on RoF, we’re all counting on you!
Righto its friday, what border are the nakid conga lines and / or the tonic races??
Playing a Game [TaG]
Righto its friday, what border are the nakid conga lines and / or the tonic races??
Hehe I just spent a good 15 minutes dancing naked on my Norn guardian in ROF BL on bridge near south hills, however I don’t think our French friends understood as they just kept zerging me, you would think the fact I was naked and dancing alone and didn’t attack wold give them a clue but hey ho they must be desperate
Please accept my heartiest congratulations (and commiserations) on your promotion RoF. I hope you have a wonderful week and that you enjoy being spread like a fine paste over the maps by teh RoS mega-guildzergs. Don’t believe them when they claim to be “blobs” rather than “zergs”! I truly wish you the best of luck and hope that you cause them more anguish than we were capable of doing.
Thanks :p , get ready for the Arborstone Zerg they can field some quite impressive numbers.