Ring of Fire v Dzagonur v Whiteside Ridge

Ring of Fire v Dzagonur v Whiteside Ridge

in WvW

Posted by: OchrisO.8450


So….. we meet again!

i must say rof had an epic start + getting 100%

Mr Quackers- Guild leader

The Night Pact Legacy [NP]

Ring of Fire v Dzagonur v Whiteside Ridge

in WvW

Posted by: twigglet.9310


Hopefully another week of fun and awesome fights. RoF making a lot of progress from last time this matchup

NP’s number one Mesmer (sorry mal youll always be number 2) ;)

Ring of Fire v Dzagonur v Whiteside Ridge

in WvW

Posted by: Krosan.2890


We really got togheter with allot of the guilds and were quick to help each other. I think this is the first time I have seen RoF truly working togheter in a long time.

Ring of Fire v Dzagonur v Whiteside Ridge

in WvW

Posted by: DaYeL.1495


MdA is beginnig to think to leave WR.
Is full of PvErs no support for the WvW focused guilds.
The [WvW] guild (who keep the w3 in WR) has taken a sabbatic week last week and none except [MdA] and [VAR] were on the field. Is just pathethic.

We tried to build a WvW community in the server , but seems ppl love only easy win and Bandwagon, Ill probably going to left the game while [MdA] probably switch im not sure atm. But i have to think to the entertainment of my guildies, and i remember we are a wvW guild.
GG Anet. You earned this. Continue support only kittening Pvers. And continue ignore ppl who bought ur kittening game for WvW. You are doing it right.

Dayel Baratheon – Guardian LvL 80
[MdA] Mietitori di Anime – Officer
Commander-Whiteside Ridge (Whiteside Pact Alliance)

(edited by DaYeL.1495)

Ring of Fire v Dzagonur v Whiteside Ridge

in WvW

Posted by: Ilesyt.7084


Would your server mind switching over to RoS ?
We are always looking for more guilds, and next week we will be debuting into the next tier, how about trying us out for a week ?

Leader of Deus Ex Machina [DEX]
Ruins of Surmia

Ring of Fire v Dzagonur v Whiteside Ridge

in WvW

Posted by: JimFord.4163


If you are fed up of WS join the new and improved RoF and we will write our names in the history books!
Well played RoF last night, first time we have been in the lead after reset since i can remember, lets keep it up!

Lord Fordy – RoF
[NP] – Night Pact
DPS Ranger Mentor

Ring of Fire v Dzagonur v Whiteside Ridge

in WvW

Posted by: DaYeL.1495


RoS and RoF just dont have numbers for grown up over 3 last tiers.
Or all WvW Focused guilds choose one of these low tiers World and go all in it, building a solid WvW community or we are doomed all to stay in the downtown of the ladder.
Pvers are useless for WvW, Worlds need ppl dedicated to that aspect of the game.

Dayel Baratheon – Guardian LvL 80
[MdA] Mietitori di Anime – Officer
Commander-Whiteside Ridge (Whiteside Pact Alliance)

Ring of Fire v Dzagonur v Whiteside Ridge

in WvW

Posted by: OchrisO.8450


ROF might not have the numbers but we have the skill to hold of zergs alot bigger than us, as we prove over and over again

Mr Quackers- Guild leader

The Night Pact Legacy [NP]

Ring of Fire v Dzagonur v Whiteside Ridge

in WvW

Posted by: pejot.4806


Yeah, and I have to say that messing in Dzag border yesterday night was really fun, even when we were outmanned

Anya of the Mists
[TaG] guild/raid leader
Gunnar’s Hold

(edited by pejot.4806)

Ring of Fire v Dzagonur v Whiteside Ridge

in WvW

Posted by: twigglet.9310


RoF could always do with some more guilds joining the alliance. the more the merrier. and as you guys know first hand we have the ability and tactics make some serious momentum on the tiers if we get some more numbers

NP’s number one Mesmer (sorry mal youll always be number 2) ;)

Ring of Fire v Dzagonur v Whiteside Ridge

in WvW

Posted by: DaYeL.1495


Trust me. You can go up for 1 or 2 Tier then the number begin to count seriously cuz you meet ppl skilled like you. But just more numbers on the other side.

I repeat or all the lows tiers Worlds WvW guilds CHOOSE 1 World and build a WvW community or we are doomed to stay there forever cuz the tansfer close begin to be near everyday.

Dayel Baratheon – Guardian LvL 80
[MdA] Mietitori di Anime – Officer
Commander-Whiteside Ridge (Whiteside Pact Alliance)

Ring of Fire v Dzagonur v Whiteside Ridge

in WvW

Posted by: allways.9270


RoF will get up the tier soon enough .. DaYeL .. you´re horribly wrong – and I am not about to argue with you here .. time will prove my words .. just remmember that & curse me later.
The changes that are about to happen will start changing this BS that is being writen in forums, since release .. it´s starting to get serious in lower tiers & in time .. everything will change. New era is comming & I´m looking forward to it. Hope UW will join ya soon.

Charr Engineer
Death is Energy [DIE]
Underworld server; WvW – UW border/defence

Ring of Fire v Dzagonur v Whiteside Ridge

in WvW

Posted by: DaYeL.1495


Seems MAYA kitten.
Dont want to argue with you.
But ppl want the easy win so none will join RoF or WR.
Maybe you know something we dont know? If yes… share it or i can say you Pics or didnt happen.

Dayel Baratheon – Guardian LvL 80
[MdA] Mietitori di Anime – Officer
Commander-Whiteside Ridge (Whiteside Pact Alliance)

Ring of Fire v Dzagonur v Whiteside Ridge

in WvW

Posted by: OchrisO.8450


guys this is about the match up and nothing else if you want to talk about swaping worlds post some where else

Mr Quackers- Guild leader

The Night Pact Legacy [NP]