Ring of Fire vs Dzagonur vs Miller's Sound

Ring of Fire vs Dzagonur vs Miller's Sound

in WvW

Posted by: Talon Silverhawk.5964

Talon Silverhawk.5964

Welcome back Miller’s Sound

Let’s have fun this week.

If you can .

Colourseliteuk [CEUK]

Ring of Fire vs Dzagonur vs Miller's Sound

in WvW

Posted by: Havok.1946


Well this is going to be one zergfest, welcome back though.

Live your dreams.

Ring of Fire vs Dzagonur vs Miller's Sound

in WvW

Posted by: UnknownFreak.2805


Some nice battles already

But there is something I do not like, and that happen ~30 min ago.
FoV exploiting from miller, when you tried to take our Greenbriar tower, you used FoV glitching to kill my cata behind the door, we used our mortar to kill your rams, and then we made some new Ac’s and started to hold you off, then you made a golem which we killed pretty fast.

Apart from the FoV issue I really enjoyed the fight

I have screens on this FoV exploiting.

How to crashreport…
Someone say game crash must be related to OOM
when you read the log it’s not related to that whatsoever…

Ring of Fire vs Dzagonur vs Miller's Sound

in WvW

Posted by: KLuka.4892


it feels pretty refreshing to finally have so many waypoints as a Dzagonur player

Dzagonur [DE]

Ring of Fire vs Dzagonur vs Miller's Sound

in WvW

Posted by: uhindo.4731


Though Miller’s has a comfortable lead this campaign brings back the fun for DZ. Nice fights on our bl and eb too.

Ring of Fire vs Dzagonur vs Miller's Sound

in WvW

Posted by: Jathres.7236


Jathres BNF
Piken Square

Ring of Fire vs Dzagonur vs Miller's Sound

in WvW

Posted by: Chris goes Frontline.1853

Chris goes Frontline.1853

Grats to Legion Der Gefallenen Engelen [FA] for flipping an empty tower with only 2 golems. Sorry I had to shoot em down in Hills but im sure you can build more. Thanks for not taking out cannons first

Playing a Game [TaG]

Ring of Fire vs Dzagonur vs Miller's Sound

in WvW

Posted by: pejot.4806


Shout out to ~10 MS in EB tonight, mostly [Army] – you guys really wanted to get our ogrewatch! Cheers to hammer/gs warrior that I was fighting with, literally every time we clashed :P some nice fights there.

Too bad that after our all night long defense, MS capped all the stuff in the morning

Anya of the Mists
[TaG] guild/raid leader
Gunnar’s Hold

Ring of Fire vs Dzagonur vs Miller's Sound

in WvW

Posted by: Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

The Warp guild had our weekly WvW event last night on the Dzag map and it was about all we could do to hold the Redbriar tower against alternating zergs from both Millers and the Dzags. We lost it eventually but it was a couple of hours of good fun, and good keep/camp management. Running for supplies is a tricky business when there are two zergs out there!

The one thing that stood out though, we ran all the supply camps first just to take down anything that was upgraded. The Dzags didn’t hit us even once at the camps. This would never happen on the Ring of Fire.

My posts are facts as I know them, or my own opinion, and do not represent any guild.

Ring of Fire vs Dzagonur vs Miller's Sound

in WvW

Posted by: pejot.4806


Seems like our thread got lost a bit

TaG had a lot of fun in MS BL after yesterday’s patch. As we couldn’t get into RoF, we decided to take Redlake and mess around – we had some awesome defenses there, despite having no walls :P And Dzag, we were really close to winning with MS zerg 2x our size in south camp, when you backstabbed us

Anya of the Mists
[TaG] guild/raid leader
Gunnar’s Hold

Ring of Fire vs Dzagonur vs Miller's Sound

in WvW

Posted by: judge.8754


Nice Movies!
Had some familiair moments on some of them.

Too bad there seem to be multible forums on this matchup. Makes us feel lonely on this one.

Mesmers Are Evil / Miss Judge WvW junky
Playing A Game [TaG]
Gunnars Hold

Ring of Fire vs Dzagonur vs Miller's Sound

in WvW

Posted by: Talon Silverhawk.5964

Talon Silverhawk.5964

Not a lot been said this time around.

Looks like in next round we got Gunnar’s Hold joining us and Dzagonur. At one point this week ROF did drop and ROS jump up but next day that changed. I even seen Dzagonur drop to at one point.
It is so close between ROS and ROF in points that any thing can change.

Colourseliteuk [CEUK]