Riverside VS Gandara VS Aurora Glade [EU T4]
I think he’s more peed that every time they waited and began to kill them, they all kept running to that spot meaning they had to camp at the supply because they couldn’t leave as they weren’t able to kill the people in question due to retreating to that area time and again.
I wish that Anet would fix bugs like this but rather than tell people they put a punishment on it like losing an exotic etc :P something truly evil…
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue
I’ve seen people from all servers using that invulnerability spot. It’s not like it really gives them an advantage, they can’t do anything from that spot, just don’t bother chasing them that far back.
I think he’s more peed that every time they waited and began to kill them, they all kept running to that spot meaning they had to camp at the supply because they couldn’t leave as they weren’t able to kill the people in question due to retreating to that area time and again.
But their spawn is like 30 seconds run away. Even if they did kill them, they can run back there in no time at all, so it’s hardly like it makes any difference.
Well, that will happen if you leave the spot [pic].
In my opinion the problem is that you can’t go back to spawn the way you came from. Sometimes there are superior numbers in the camp, and you have no way to fall back. except to the inv-spot. So I have no problem with people standing there.
Anyway, pretty awesome week, and some of the best three-way fights we ever had. Sunday evening we had an epic fight in AG-Garrison for like half an hour, until Gandara took our Bay uncontested. Although the culling really hurts our teamplay (loosing sight of the leader in fight is bad), I hope the battles will continue all week.
(edited by yiishing.9057)
Yeah i cant say it bothers me. But then the alt+f4 thing didn’t really bother me either.
Its not as low as that but its basically the same thing.
Fighting tonight on Riverside BL at Gandara spawn then at Hills and it was unplayable due to lag/FPS being so low & and had to log off.
Been in battles that size before and it was fine so not sure if the issue is server-side or what….would be interested to hear if Gandara/Riverside experienced similar?
Furious Cookies[FURY]
Yep, I have connection issues since the update too. FPS are usually fine, but when big groups fighting each other I have massive lags, culling and sometimes disconnects. Never had so much problems before, it’s definitely worse.
Edit: Kudos to KISS from IF . Great play at Gandara-BL. To bad we had the blue helm light over our head because we had only 7 people left. Most “randoms” are not used to fast movement and quick decision making from our commander, but I think you had fun as well
(edited by yiishing.9057)
Well I have not been around much this week due to work pressures but when I have been on it has been fantastic. A great match up every server having ups and downs and some great balanced fights.
It’s criminal to think that the rankings are going to get messed up so much this week given the apparent scores across most tiers this week (particularly our tier) where it is clear that most tiers are nearly sorted in terms of fair match ups
You snooze you lose
Ty Aurora and ty friendly guilds who was there with us for fantastic fun fighting in Riverside BL last night
/Osicat <Judge>
Yesterday evening in both EB and Riverside BL was amazing, especially the 3 way clash in Faithleap and ninja capping Cragtop <3
Greetings and kudos to all who were in EB last night it was a awesome and fun night…;-)
Lost of fun fights and at some point a gandaran told the one who he dueled from our side that we could not take SM wich leaded to this little set up…;-)
Salutations to the Gandaran Commander Ele who defended SM, good job sir…;-)
Keep the good and fun fights comming.
With honor and a smile..;-)
Oijram Teovmats lv 80 warrior
of (UNTY) Unity guild AG server.
(edited by Pdarf Tyron.6250)
Thanks a lot for all the fun fights at all the borderlands yesterday! Special thanks for Dius from my 4-man party when we met you guys on the bridge by the south supply camp! funfunfun!!^^
[VII] – Seventh Legion – retired
[Dius] – Semper Dius – Kodash
Epic fun last night on Riverside borderlands and EB afterwards. Point blank trebs, reverse portal bombing, all in pink and dancing with Riverside players was all good fun. We had planned to try set up Tennis with 2 flame rams and an enemy but never happened lol.
Shout out to [WvW], [Fury], [UNTY] and all the riverside zergs on Gandara bl! Great fighting from all sides!
We managed to destroy a lot of siege tho! One of [Dius] members recorded the whole evening. Check out:
Gandara – WvW Warrior
Shout out to [WvW], [Fury], [UNTY] and all the riverside zergs on Gandara bl! Great fighting from all sides!
We managed to destroy a lot of siege tho!
One of [Dius] members recorded the whole evening. Check out:
I’m too lazy to watch it all, could someone post times for the best battles please.
Remember to buy the officially endorsed GW2 Steel Series Keyboard, it supports macros!
WvW, we only care if it affects the servers we play on.
Thanks a lot for all the fun fights at all the borderlands yesterday! Special thanks for Dius from my 4-man party when we met you guys on the bridge by the south supply camp! funfunfun!!^^
Hehehe, caught us on the backfoot there. Quite tired after a few hours of ownage and our parties were splitting up. But GF none-the-less. From one D/D Ele to another, let him know I have my eyes on him.
Having transferred from Desolation recently I must say I’m impressed with the quality of the fights so far. Many good players and tactics around that’s for sure.
Keep it classy!
Once proud member of Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG]{DESO4LIFE}
Shout out to [WvW], [Fury], [UNTY] and all the riverside zergs on Gandara bl! Great fighting from all sides!
We managed to destroy a lot of siege tho!
One of [Dius] members recorded the whole evening. Check out:
You Dius guys were really irritating destroying our trebs yesterday at redvale refuge but we got Bay in the end! It was nice to see the lord’s room defence of Bay from your point of view too….will use the supply depot roof spot myself in future
Furious Cookies[FURY]
Had an epic mesmer under water duel with someone from [Bro] almost had him pegged on land but in water we were evenly matched but Torty won!! Not sure which side he was on but good golly that was tough. So tough I was downed by a mob moments later. Luckily I got back up but wow… good times!
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue
Greetings and kudos to all who were in EB last night it was a awesome and fun night…;-)
Lost of fun fights and at some point a gandaran told the one who he dueled from our side that we could not take SM wich leaded to this little set up…;-)Salutations to the Gandaran Commander Ele who defended SM, good job sir…;-)
Keep the good and fun fights comming.
With honor and a smile..;-)
You really follow the saying – what is worth doing is worth overdoing. You also used 3 superior rams on T1 doors on our borderlands the other day. Did you get SM with all that artillery lined out?
hobby: busting Trebuchettes
Gandara server
Night of the dead siege
Nice editing mate!
For those wondering. It’s basically a compilation of some of the fights linked in the stream earlier. Different POV as well.
Also, keep it up Riverside and AG! One more day.
Gandara – WvW Warrior
You really follow the saying – what is worth doing is worth overdoing. You also used 3 superior rams on T1 doors on our borderlands the other day. Did you get SM with all that artillery lined out?
This was all done as a favor to you. Please try to be more appreciative.
You list trebuchette busting as a hobby so we all got together to help you get in enough experience with it to go past mere hobbiest and truly master it. That way you could eventually work up to killing NPCs or maybe even players some day.
Trash talk aside, we were being a bit goofy. The idea of amassing that many trebuchettes was amusing. I don’t think any of us were under the impression it would be brilliant strategy.
Given the matching reset on its way, this match seems a good time for a little silliness.
The reset has been cancelled! looks like it’s round 2 next week Riverside!
(Reset Source: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/wuvwuv/Update-No-WvW-Rating-Reset/page/7#post1392535)
If it wasnt for Dius we would have lost both bay and hills that day, you guys were waypointing all over the place non stop and wiping 30man zergs with just around 10-15 guys, it was insane to see it !
Greetings and kudos to all who were in EB last night it was a awesome and fun night…;-)
Lost of fun fights and at some point a gandaran told the one who he dueled from our side that we could not take SM wich leaded to this little set up…;-)Salutations to the Gandaran Commander Ele who defended SM, good job sir…;-)
Keep the good and fun fights comming.
With honor and a smile..;-)
I lol’d and I’m also a tad bit jelly too! We struggle with getting 1 treb up since it seems more or less impossible to get 10 people together in the same spot with full supplies.
yesterday fight
To the two thieves I fought on my guardian close to Hero´s. When at one point all was down and a warg introduced to the fight and all 3 rallied before fighting continued. Kudos. Was a really fun fight. Glad I got it on tape
Thank you for the organised GvG [UNTY]! That was a lot of fun!
Gandara – WvW Warrior
Yeah thanks for the fight and thanks to murusama [MM] for filming it. Sorry for messing up the spelling of your name.
I’ll let [UNTY] apologise for killing you before the start of the last fight XD
Oh and thanks RMS, you and the pugs did a great job too.
Keeping riverside and augary locked in the southern end of the map is no easy task and we held out for a long, long time. So it was a great effort by all involved.
Keep that up and we’ll do well again next week
Would like to thank [UNTY] for the great fights tonight in what was Semper Dius [Dius]’s first ever organized GvG fights! It was an awesome experience for us and hope to meet you guys again
Well, I did not like this week honestly. The only remarkable thing about Gandara was the numbers they need to kill a hand full of people. And the greedieness ofc.
All but Judge, these guys rock.
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
Well, I did not like this week honestly. The only remarkable thing about Gandara was the numbers they need to kill a hand full of people. And the greedieness ofc.
All but Judge, these guys rock.
Greediness? In a game about taking control points? Where the more you have the better it is? Your logic of, taking loads = Greedy is flawed. It’s called necessary.
Unless your AG, your numbers point is invalid. Riverside could contest us in terms of population and in fact had bigger zergs a fair amount of times, Hence how you were winning until Tuesday.
Greedy is when a whole zerg of 30 ppl follow three from bay to the JP just to get 1 frag. Prolly the only frag in one hour.
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
Greedy is when a whole zerg of 30 ppl follow three from bay to the JP just to get 1 frag. Prolly the only frag in one hour.
Okay.. yea.. we do that sometimes xD It’s fun to watch, albeit frustrating at times too ._.
Yeah.. only our server does that right… >.>
Yeah.. only our server does that right… >.>Anyways, thanks for fun week everyone. Good luck in the next matchup!
Gandara – WvW Warrior
Greedy is when a whole zerg of 30 ppl follow three from bay to the JP just to get 1 frag. Prolly the only frag in one hour.
You just need to come out (of your keeps) more ;-)
We have been roaming with four ppl on gandara bl the whole evening. Outmanned buff perma up. no keep to our name. Equal numbers run, zergs run till 5:1. Your argument is invalid ;-).
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
In lower tiers you might be able to run around with a group of 4 in ennemy territory, but not in this tier I’m afraid. This whole argument is invalid.
Is a shame that although I was gonna let enemy invaders to the EB JP chest, one of them just saw red the instant they got on top of the steps and saw me. Ah well, always one who doesnt understand what a truce is.
Remember to buy the officially endorsed GW2 Steel Series Keyboard, it supports macros!
WvW, we only care if it affects the servers we play on.
Here’s the GvG between Dius and UNTY from a spectator point of view!! (Footage provided by Kurty of Malicious Mischief!)
I think this greedy part is something all small groups recognize themselves in tbh Was fighting with 4 servermates versus 7 or 8 outside spawntower. They joust in and out of their tower, no intention to fight on fair terms. Until they suddenly came out and charged us, but only cause a zerg came in from the west aswell.
So roaming with such small numbers can be frustrating, but please. Stay out of our jumping puzzle! I have recently trained three Oozes for me their to trim grass and vines. I call them Hector, Jesus, and Miguel!
Thanks for a fun week though.
Well, here comes the reset of matchups.
[DYE] thanks everyone for matches for this week
There was good challenges sometimes +1
(edited by Rukiel.4920)
much respect DIUS for the GvG. thank you
/salute to Gandara+Riverside. Gl with ur new matchup+look forward to our nxt meetup.
WvW team (non-guild)
Team Manager
Ty for al fun, I missed last evenings Raid but hear my guildmates had great fun. Ty to enemy for provide a fight, for Gandra for a superb community, love fight at your side. Have not regret 1 moment that we joined the server.
Extra ty to Kiss for a lovly dueling mentality, had a moment when I was surroned by 15 of you ppl waving and dancing and noone ganked me. some lovely duels especialy the 10 minute vs the staff Tank was fun.
/Osicat <Judge>
Just a silly vid from the match: http://youtu.be/8bOWIl6NuiY
Perish [FLEE]
Just had an lovely time with SN holding down various camps in Gandara BL, especially from AM in the bottom right near hills
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue
Just had an lovely time with SN holding down various camps in Gandara BL, especially from AM in the bottom right near hills
Wrong thread. :P
Yep just realised that when I ran away….
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue