Riverside vs Gandara vs Aurora Glade
I dont really get what you want from us Wamgor, you want a fight against us and us alone but not a gvg … hell youve even gone out of your way to point out we outnumbered you.
So you want a fight against us and us alone with equal numbers and no interference – thats gvg which you were offered and refused.
Not sure what you define as a roaming or why you like it, i like it because of the randomness and the lack of structure. Sometimes you get wiped by twice your numbers – it sucks, then you wp and your back 30 secs later, its not that big a deal. Sometimes you wipe twice your numbers its brilliant and gives a rush that you’ll never get in a gvg.
Sometimes you’ll get sandwiched against a wall and die – it sucks. Sometimes you’ll take advantage of the enviroment and wipe a bigger, stronger group than you. I like wvw for the lack of rules. I like fighting against the odds, if i want a fair fight on equal terms then ill try get a GvG going.
I dont avoid blobbing because its dishonourable or something. I dont blob because its boring and yes tonight was boring, maybe your more adept at avoiding it, we tried which I won’t bother in future with you as you’ll complain regardless (I will actually for my own enjoyment … but … yeah kitten you lol)
We’ve openly admitted that a lot of the fights weren’t fair, we didn’t claim they were. We didn’t claim once that there weren’t pugs involved in a lot of the fights. We offered you a fair fight which probably would have been more fun for us (and going by your whining you too) and you refused.
I resent you implying that the situation on the border was of our making or in anyway enjoyable for us. You CHOSE to be outnumbered heavily and now your crying about it
(edited by Caid.4932)
Hey dangerdoom, thanks for clarifying I was slightly afk/replying in thread didnt see your pm… only going on and on inresponse
I won’t go too much into what I told ya, but we do respect you as a gandarian guild… but we werent really attacking t3 objectives which much intent, and the multi teaming happend at camps and such in the open… if we were running 5 guys would you do the same? Its same thing, same numbers imbalance… everyone wanting their piece of meat instead of waiting in line. If you all eat your piece of meat at same time its less and contaminated :P
To soggy, funny you want to try and but in. In other bl’s (which we have trouble getting in btw) we have been blobbed by multi gandaran guilds in the past… so fairer fights? please stop trying to troll me… tonight was 2 large guild raids on gandara bl… so its not only pugs. This isn’t about pugs… and as for taking the tower next to spawn… well considering we owned briars… there wasnt much else to attack besides a t3 keep which you want me to do with less than 20 vs 60? keeps are a bottleneck and will cause people to blob that is undeniable… if it happend at keeps, its what you get for attacking a keep. At towers its excessive, and at supply camps or roaming then its a bit lol.
We could of blobbed to take said tower when giving the opportunity… and sieged it up and farmed pugs if that is what we are about… but no it isnt. We could of took it with Fury. But no we get blobbed and disrespected by saying all we want to do is farm pugs. The adding didnt happen at the nw tower fyi btw, was in the open.
Ragnar… I started what exactly? No one wants to hold my hand makes me a sad panda
you dont want to be hostile to any TUP member? yet you call me a troll right off the bat? I do not know you, you definately do not know me.
Yes you guys are fun and skilled to play against too, why do you think that another guild raid (who was fairly skilled btw) with some pugs (who were also pretty decent) is a bit too much imbalance and spoils what could of been even more fun.
Im not making up lies or anything, or not meaning to insult you or your guild… im just telling you how i saw things from my perspective, everyone as their own view… you see what you see, I see what i see. Yes it appeared when the balance swung in our favour, you guys seemed to hit us alot when we were pre engaged. Not saying you can’t take us evenly, that would be stupid saying that and arrogant too. But tonight you didnt take us evenly in my honest opinion, the first few fights i mentioned they were almost as close to be even in WvW without being Even… but they favoured you slightly, then they favoured us when fury was there… then i think they evened out for awhile, probally favouring you (although didnt number count you as night went on) with homefield advantage and more pugs.
Then eventually it became Dius interupting OS+pug vs TUP fight multiple time… then it became Dius & os & pug blob in south west area near briars… with the outmanned buff on, no sign of germans, a ton of siege farming AG randoms (handful that were left) and blobbing TUP… or am i lying about this too? haha please i dont know why people would lie in a video game.
The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Ex Piken Square (EU)
Caid, maybe some respect for ongoing battles that are pretty even/fair and dont effect upgrades/server score a great deal. Back on Piken if we saw a guild busy in a equal fight, we would let them get on with it instead or ruin their fun. True Granted your source of fun would be limited because lack of pressure on your borderland, but instead you add and spoil a fight decreasing everyone’s fun, instead of lay in wait and ambush. Or if you see battle markers and no one asks for help, then consider it being taken of care of by allies. It was pretty clear that we were pretty much the only organised force or “threat” in zone.
GvG is different to roaming, GvG can get stale always at same location and similar tactics, less variables in terrain… and obviously different tactics/builds work better in GvG enviroment than a WvW. Not much complaints about fighting you guys with slight pug pressence then us. It was the mentality of blobbing/hand holding of guilds… Even one of your members mentioned that your leader was wanting to troll when sat on rock south of briars… with multiple ac’s, superior ballistas… 60 guys… (40 of which was from 2 guilds) against 15 tup… with a handful of randoms running around. You guys have posted and semi bragged about being the whole zone down on top of TUP to annoy them… and also being invovled with yolobus blobbing us.
Roaming, unsuspecting fights with like minded people of similar size or co-ordination, if its pugs alone obviously more to make up for that difference. If its guild groups… then ofc i would want it to be similar numbers not to make it imbalanced infavour or too much against (that one is tricky as guilds come in all sizes) but we were similar size. The lack of structure, the different enviroment/terrain sometimes in places you dont expect, instead of same old tower or keep etc.
We avoid blobs for same reason, boring easy mode… if we run as numbers which we did once on piken on a reset… I would gouge my eyes out… no challenge, auto attacking gates down where is the fun in that? not to mention the lag. It gets tedious steamrolling, knowing any mistake you make wont really get punished as you will just win with masse & Not many guilds around would be able to cope with that = boring… they would need to counter blob or multi blob and would have every right too if running high numbers.
We never chose to be outnumbered heavily Crying? no pointing out some things that happend thats all… Guilds like yours make tier 4 alot better place, there are a few other guilds too around who make tier 4 the place to be (besides some pikey guilds) your competition makes us have to play better and improve instead of be complacent. When the numbers difference is taken to the extreme between similar equal foes, there is only so much you can improve or play as a collective unit before the numbers difference breaks the camels back… and it all comes down to numbers and not how well you played.
There is no need for e – p e e n or hostility, we have slightly different point of view but similar goal of good fights in WvW
Respect to some of dius for some of your replies
sorry for monster post =D
Good night chaps
The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Ex Piken Square (EU)
Even one of your members mentioned that your leader was wanting to troll when sat on rock south of briars… with multiple ac’s, superior ballistas… 60 guys… (40 of which was from 2 guilds) against 15 tup… with a handful of randoms running around. You guys have posted and semi bragged about being the whole zone down on top of TUP to annoy them… and also being invovled with yolobus blobbing us.
Feeding the ROCK isn’t an act of trolling, HE requires it. Were just not foolish enough to anger HIM and suffer the consequences. Also the ROCK dissaproves of you referring to HIM with lower case letters. Very foolish doing that … you’ve been warned
We bring the whole zone down on you to kitten you off (by you I mean you, not TUP) its petty but entertaining.
Its mostly because your posts are just circular and tiresome at times and were pretty sure it succeeds in kitten you off so we continue doing so.
We’ve spent a page arguing and the first two posts sum up the entire conversation – you said we blobbed a bit tonight, we said we know, we tried to avoid it and suggested an alternative. You said we blobbed tonight, we said yeah … we know! You said we blobbed tonight, we said kitten off. Then you said yeah but you blobbed a bit tonight.
Im willing to bet your next post will say we blobbed a bit tonight
(edited by Caid.4932)
I try to put this discussion in context, noting where you slandered our goals. I offer reasonable solutions for your guild. You dismiss me as butting in and call me a troll.
Here’s the situation, which you’ve been told time and time over. Gandara doesn’t typically have PUG commanders on our home borderlands. We often rely on guild commanders, who sometimes have their guildies with them, and sometimes not, to keep the infantry together. The guild leaders who throw up their tag and run with PUGs have given up a night of roaming to help the server, they put up with PUGs who are often disrespectful, and on top of that you call them blobbers for doing so.
The other borderlands typically have guild roaming groups. Yes, there will be some infantry, and you may encounter a blob, but if it’s roaming fights you’re looking for that’s where you should expect to find them. That’s where Gandara guilds go to roam, likewise we expect to be outnumbered if not outmanned on those maps. WvW and YaK groups are rarely seen on our own borderlands, and given how often you’re on Gandara borderlands I doubt you’re very much acquainted with INT, TDA, CNTK, MM, DYE or any of our other guild groups who largely avoid the blobs.
I don’t know what your queue situation is, but if you have that much of an issue why can’t you ask one of your “friendly” guilds to make space for you, or arrange particular nights that you can take a different border? Is it so hard for you to spend time queuing up to find the kind of fights you want, perhaps even queuing up for different borders after entering GBL? After all, if those larger AG guilds can get together on one map, what makes it impossible for you?
Asura on patrol in defense of Gandara and Bessie!
Administrator of http://thisisgandara.com
I get the distinct impression that some people on here need a hug so come on over I have a big set of shoulders there there it will be all better now…..
More action (unless its hugging) less typing!!!
You snooze you lose
Gandara pls never ever complain about PvDoor nothing else you doing since Monday.
Respect to Dye on the other Hand nice Fights on our Borderlands yesterday and kudos to the Guardian from you, who was bugged in sunny tower and immediately jumps out of it.
Greets Myrmi
Gandara pls never ever complain about PvDoor nothing else you doing since Monday.
Respect to Dye on the other Hand nice Fights on our Borderlands yesterday and kudos to the Guardian from you, who was bugged in sunny tower and immediately jumps out of it.Greets Myrmi
I don’t think i’ve seen any complain about PVDoor at all in this thread (well maybe some troll but you know them, they like to……troll :P ).
You know better that every single server in this tier has “nightcapped” each other at some point but everyone should be happy that our (all 3 servers) night forces aren’t anything game-breaking like in the tier above ours.
We (Gandara) know that we suck big time during the weekend but at least we keep fighting even when we have a gap of 30k points from the first spot which, in fact, is keeping our tier the most balanced one between both EUs and NAs.
I do think that this week was interesting, hopefully it was like this for all the 3 servers involved. Remember that you can’t have fun alone and you need the other two parties involved to keep things interesting.
English isn’t my main nor the best language i do speak so please deal with me
Best regards,
I generally don’t get involved in such discussions, but I want to comment on some things:
- Regarding all the pugs following us: you should have heard our TS. We were really surprised about the tracking skills of Gandaran pugs (I think they have a skill called “track Dius” or something). We waypoint a lot, and seconds later they somehow managed to see where we waypointed to!
- Regarding those fights at Briar with our massive siege. We stayed on our rock a few times when we saw the pugs fighting TUP and we waited until the fight was over to come in.
In the end I admit, we were blobbing and running with 40+ at prime time around 9PM GMT+1. 22 Dius and a few friends, and 20 randoms. We tried avoiding it but it was just impossible sadly.
Let’s hope some more Gandaran commanders are online tonight so we can get some more Woodhaven ghetto fights which are more balanced
PS: I once attacked you guys when I was alone!! :-) I love to do a suicide rambo run every once in a while. Sadly one of your guys did a nicely timed pull and it made me fell off a cliff :-)
but why all just dont play with the guild and dont call help if die?
if all call help always is simply a circle and it never end.
(edited by Nemesys.7251)
Not sure if you are responding to the dius/tup discussion, but if so, I don’t think anyone from both sides was calling for help when wiping. We just got help without asking for it, which is something which is unavoidable
Please stop feeding the Wamgor, you will make him fat(ter) and he already has enough trouble keeping up with the raid leader. As for last night’s action, thanks for some decent fights and it was noted that you allowed us some fun by holding back at certain points. That’s the nature of WvW,you fight what’s in front of you, and if that’s a crazy blob then so be it. Occasionally the open field guild action happens, but if that’s what people are after we have the Sacred Windmill community driven events for that.
We’ve been in the same situation as you guys, where there is no enemy in the zone and everyone rushes to the few opponents in zone to gobble them up, , so sorry to hear you had a boring night. We learnt a bit more about Dius from the multiple engagements and look forward to our next dance.
I don’t think i’ve seen any complain about PVDoor at all in this thread (well maybe some troll but you know them, they like to……troll :P ).
You know better that every single server in this tier has “nightcapped” each other at some point but everyone should be happy that our (all 3 servers) night forces aren’t anything game-breaking like in the tier above ours.
We (Gandara) know that we suck big time during the weekend but at least we keep fighting even when we have a gap of 30k points from the first spot which, in fact, is keeping our tier the most balanced one between both EUs and NAs.
I do think that this week was interesting, hopefully it was like this for all the 3 servers involved. Remember that you can’t have fun alone and you need the other two parties involved to keep things interesting.
English isn’t my main nor the best language i do speak so please deal with me
Best regards,
Spot on!
I’m so glad Aurora have been a lot stronger than last week. Whatever the drama, qq, and rubbish that gets posted on the forums this is by far the most competitive tier in GW2.
from another thread I posted in:
Since the beginning of the year in Gandara’s matches Green has a 50% win ratio, which is pretty competitive considering Green should be winning 100% of their matches as they will always have the higher rating. The chance of a ‘blowout’ (over 20k lead for Green) is 25% since the beginning of the year. Just check out the recent results in T3 / 4, often decided on the final 36 hours.
30/3 – 06/4 T4
1st Gandara – 220 449
2nd Baruch Bay – 209 332
3rd Aurora Glade – 186 834
23/03 – 30/04 T4
1st Gandara – 212 799
2nd Aurora Glade – 201 894
3rd Far Shiverpeaks – 189 955
16/03 – 23/03 T3
1st Piken Square – 222 724
2nd Augury Rock – 204 246
3rd Gandara – 189 023
09/03 – 16/03 T3
1st Gandara – 209 543
2nd Piken Square – 205 970
3rd Augury Rock – 197 343
Mid Tier EU is awesome <3
Love it!
Please stop feeding the Wamgor, you will make him fat(ter) and he already has enough trouble keeping up with the raid leader. As for last night’s action, thanks for some decent fights and it was noted that you allowed us some fun by holding back at certain points. That’s the nature of WvW,you fight what’s in front of you, and if that’s a crazy blob then so be it. Occasionally the open field guild action happens, but if that’s what people are after we have the Sacred Windmill community driven events for that.
We’ve been in the same situation as you guys, where there is no enemy in the zone and everyone rushes to the few opponents in zone to gobble them up, , so sorry to hear you had a boring night. We learnt a bit more about Dius from the multiple engagements and look forward to our next dance.
I even missed feeding the ROCK
Meh, there were a few good fights in there
(edited by Caid.4932)
Spot on!
I’m so glad Aurora have been a lot stronger than last week. Whatever the drama, qq, and rubbish that gets posted on the forums this is by far the most competitive tier in GW2.
I concur with this – it wasn’t really fun last week with Aurora not being present much. You really need 3 competitive servers for a good matchup, a week with empty Arborstone was the worst matchup I participated in since I started with WvW.
hobby: busting Trebuchettes
Gandara server
Noone offends the ROCK, you shall be judged and punished!
The ROCK is all that matters in WvW, everything is allowed in its vicinity.
Semper Dius [Dius]
EU Gandara
Gandara pls never ever complain about PvDoor nothing else you doing since Monday.
Respect to Dye on the other Hand nice Fights on our Borderlands yesterday and kudos to the Guardian from you, who was bugged in sunny tower and immediately jumps out of it.Greets Myrmi
Thank you too for the fights in Riverside border. We particularly enjoyed the running around in Bluevale for god knows how long =) And regarding the Sunny Hill thingy, no problem =) I was the one who got glitched in, wasn’t intentional but that sometimes seems to happen with leap skills. Matchup is looking really close so far so let’s keep it up =)
Dry Your Eyes [DYE] – Commander & Officer
Gandara EU
Ya’ll need to chill. I whispered both Addy and Wamgor at points telling you guys that we had no control or commander so not to expect fair fights. Sure we got a few pretty much even numbers, the two most notable; When we we clashed and melted that 15-20 man RS group in between us and right after when we got vengeance by jumping you at woodhaven. Thats what I’ll take from the night. And yea, no communication between OS and Dius. The only communication was ‘TUP at woodhaven’ or ‘RS at hills’ over and over again. you guys really wanted that tower :P
About ‘THE ROCK’. Yea its a bit of a joke for some, personally its a bit spawn campy for myself. But if people want to sit there and siege up the rock, each to their own. I wasn’t there for it if your wondering I had gone to my ranger to bank something.
Oh and uh, Dius will run again tonight, hope to see some more of our favourite guilds to fight out there. (Looking at you We Vanquish Worlds )
(edited by KinkyWarrior.1879)
I’ve gotten so little duels this week :< Anyone interested?
Can even GvG with 1 player each team if that’s what you like!
Dius will run with Yak, WvW and DYE and TDA today though
Every guild has rotten apples. Guild drama is funny tho.
Warmgor, you are a funny guy. Keep me entertained! <3
The last few times we faced Riverside, they owned us during the weekend just like now but we won the matchup because of our play during the week. I’m not saying that it will happen again, but don’t be surprised.
To quote myself from earlier this week. Don’t say i didn’t warn ya.
Gandara – WvW Warrior
All I shall say to both AG & RS is simply this:
“Go now… in peace. If you do not go now, you will be buried in this field. I’ve seen… enough… blood. But if you want more, I can’t stop you. I can only warn you that it will be your blood… not our’s.”
- Gandara
This is turning out to be a really close matchup. Right now all 3 servers are within 1000 points.
Aurora Glade
Sorry for spam /cheering after ganking some tup warr.
Couldn’t help myself
Any RS/Gandara guilds interested in some GvG between 7-10pm (gmt+1) tomorrow (Friday), right before server resets? We are a small guild running between 8-12 people and as a guild, are new to WvW. So we are looking for some practice runs and fights to get used to moving as a guild group. I’d appreciate it if you’re willing to spar a bit with a rather noob-ish guild PM in the forums or in game.
Thanks in advance. And great fights today in Gandara BL.
Any RS/Gandara guilds interested in some GvG between 7-10pm (gmt+1) tomorrow (Friday), right before server resets? We are a small guild running between 8-12 people and as a guild, are new to WvW. So we are looking for some practice runs and fights to get used to moving as a guild group. I’d appreciate it if you’re willing to spar a bit with a rather noob-ish guild
PM in the forums or in game.
Thanks in advance. And great fights today in Gandara BL.
Most weeks you would probably have no problem finding someone but with these scores so close people are gonna fight tooth and nail to win
Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend
Just about to get a precursor drop <cough> and get riverside hills and get kicked out! Bad Anet!
A bit disappointed to be honest that some guilds felt the need to blob up though just to combat us… Dius and Os
I only respond to this, which anyone can see is putting down Dius, implying that they’re consciously making a decision – ‘oh it’s TUP, we can’t possibly fight them, lets blob up and call everyone in the borderland to help us hurrhurr’ – when both you and I know that assuming anything of the sort from Dius is both moronic and fooling yourself.
Ragnar and I are merely on the defensive, I only mention that I see a lot of these kind of posts from you, so either you’re trolling or idk, something… and you can’t it, judging from calling us both ‘trolls’ and ‘baiters’ immediately -_- Read your quote and tell me that that’s not something passive-aggressive and chiding, that we shouldn’t be indignant about…
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/gf-left-me-coz-of-ladderboard/
Well think its safe to say AG won. Yesterday was pretty dissapointing from gandara really.
We were as bad as AG were good. I guess every server has its off days but we just cant afford them when were handing out 30 / 20k leads every weekend.
Was a good comeback all the same
Gz to AG
So, when is TDA joining me in T7 (next week T8)?
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
gts to AG, lets hope next week is another close one!
Great performance from ECL you have really raised your game … From the last time we met , looking forward to see you out there
contact : www.YaKslappers.com
SeverGvG: www.ThisIsGandara.com
Great performance from ECL you have really raised your game … From the last time we met , looking forward to see you out there
Thank you Icey! It is opponents like [Yak] that push us to our limits and make us better! /bow
Wanna say thanks to ECL and BOON for the fights on RS-Border yesterday, hope DTK gave you some decent Fights.
See ya later.
Greets Myrmi
So, when is TDA joining me in T7 (next week T8)?
I would consider it if Jathres wasnt runing corrupt/epidemic , id rather have my boons stay boons :p
How is it there? More skilled ppl less lagg and blob? =)
Gotta say you made a good choice joining them BNF is one of my fav guilds =)
Some AG are waiting at windmill on RS for some possible duels, join us if you want
my stream: http://twitch.tv/Para_Streaming
All names start with Para
Come join us @ the windmill on RS for duells!
3 wins 0 losses, come and make a change!
Good last day. Good duels in TDS by the windmill on AGB. Thanks to VM for some good fights, especially the elementalist (I was the d/p tanky thief).
That Riverside warrior lowbie @ AG BL who was teabagging, dancing, sitting, sleeping on top of my body, fondling my womanly parts while I was tanking the floor, I’m going to get you. I’ll find you. I’m going to hide legos inside of your shoes and leave dirty laundry inside of your fridge. Sadly I don’t even remember your guild tag or how you look like so I’ll just have to kill every single RS and do exactly the same things to them. Viva la memory of a goldfish!
That you very much for all those good fights and lootbags! The super entertaining forum not to mention^^
a small Video from last week
Gz AG!
ECL made a big impact this week tho. You guys are lucky with such a big group. Wouldn’t have pulled it off without them i bet! :P
Gandara – WvW Warrior
AG seem to have so many newly transferred guilds, just this reset DAWN running around 30 or maybe 40, seeing as they reappeared in SM 5 seconds after we thought we wiped them – running 20-20 maybe.
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/gf-left-me-coz-of-ladderboard/
DAWN is not a transfer guild, it’s a new guild freshly formed on AG.
Royal Legion – Polish MMORPG Guild
Thanks gandara for fixing the Garrison on our boarder for us. Was worth the 5minute wait
Good fun tonight in EB. Looking forward to the rest of this week.
Ex-Guild/Raid Leader/Commander
Thanks gandara for fixing the Garrison on our boarder for us. Was worth the 5minute wait
Correction: Thanks for fixing Garrison on your own borderlands for us.
Remember to buy the officially endorsed GW2 Steel Series Keyboard, it supports macros!
WvW, we only care if it affects the servers we play on.
A nice Reset with the new time change, plenty of action and decent scraps to be had around the place (even before hand pre reset) mostly on gandara bl.
good job to ECL and the rest of AG allies for a decent reset night
Cheers for the fights looking forward to more
RS on the warpath zerging all at the moment.
/kind regards TUP
The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Ex Piken Square (EU)
Thanks gandara for fixing the Garrison on our boarder for us. Was worth the 5minute wait
Correction: Thanks for fixing Garrison on your own borderlands for us.
oh i should of made it clear that i claimed gandara in the name of AG for the night given we owned more than them for it
I’m pretty sure there were around 100 AG in SM when they took it from us at reset, they were completely covering The Lord room, the corridors, the ramps to the upper floor – rather depressing tbh… well it looks like we’re in for another week of double teaming down EB side anyway, happens to the weaker of the three, but I do believe it’s only coverage-wise…
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/gf-left-me-coz-of-ladderboard/