RoF looking for that 1 NA guild

RoF looking for that 1 NA guild

in WvW

Posted by: Alesh.4196


Hey guys,
U probably know RoF like that one server full of Dragon slayer heroes etc. And for long time time this statement was sadly very truthfull. Fortunately things change and RoF starts to play WvW much more that it used to do before(mostly cause of Anets WvW buff in last couple patches). So T8 became easy match up for us, where we get back to T7 pretty fast and T7 is still really even for us, if there wouldnt be fór nights. We already figured out that RoS and dzag got their night coverage and we just dont, so even thought we leave our Bl and EB fully upgraded when we go to sleep, we just find it all taken in the morning when we wake up, because there were almost nobody defending it whole night. So if any major NA guild is looking for a transfer pls feel free to PM me with your questions or ask in this post. Lets go together into T6.

Poke Master – Commander [TaG]/[ICON] RoF

RoF looking for that 1 NA guild

in WvW

Posted by: Alesh.4196


bump so more ppl can see it

Poke Master – Commander [TaG]/[ICON] RoF

RoF looking for that 1 NA guild

in WvW

Posted by: Hule.8794


I agree. RoF has good WvW population during day in EU. Everyday we can see that during the night,we loose much, but towards enemy hordes, we manage to get everything back and we should be able to do more, but there is no point do defend towers in enemy teritory because of low night population.
If any NA guild want to trasnfer to good EU server, and want to enjoy fights with good enemies, RoF is the best choice. Just look on RoF weekly discussions. Look on MoS, we fight and manage to get higher. But very small night crew forces us to go down again.

RoF looking for that 1 NA guild

in WvW

Posted by: Scootus.3251


As a player on WSR (currently one of the servers matched up with RoF) I have to agree that you guys have almost no night presence at the moment, though those that you do have are organised and skilled for the most part.

In the current match up AS have a French Canadian guild and WSR has drunken late night raids, both of these tend to keep you from achieving the points that your day numbers would suggest.

Best of luck RoF

Scootus Khan [WBC] – Whiteside Ridge

RoF looking for that 1 NA guild

in WvW

Posted by: Hule.8794


We tried to have drunken late night crew too. But they were drunk too much and were unable to login.
So this option is not able for us.

RoF looking for that 1 NA guild

in WvW

Posted by: Scootus.3251


I find the trick is to take it far enough to think you are brilliant but not so far you can no longer see

Scootus Khan [WBC] – Whiteside Ridge

RoF looking for that 1 NA guild

in WvW

Posted by: Hadan.2841


is this the same RoF server that cried about GH having an NA guild and talked all kinds of trash to them for having one?

Leader/Driver of Krew/MR

RoF looking for that 1 NA guild

in WvW

Posted by: Hule.8794


Only possible answer to this is: where and who?

RoF looking for that 1 NA guild

in WvW

Posted by: Alesh.4196


As a player on WSR (currently one of the servers matched up with RoF) I have to agree that you guys have almost no night presence at the moment, though those that you do have are organised and skilled for the most part.

In the current match up AS have a French Canadian guild and WSR has drunken late night raids, both of these tend to keep you from achieving the points that your day numbers would suggest.

Best of luck RoF

Thanks a lot. And yeah it is usually american commander Evebrea with few randoms or me pulling all nighter and sleeping whole day after (that is how my weekend looked like)
BTW you probably got to drink quite a lot since i see, that you got groups in WvW Every night. Actually that’s why I thought that you got some US guild playing there.

is this the same RoF server that cried about GH having an NA guild and talked all kinds of trash to them for having one?

What? Where?

Poke Master – Commander [TaG]/[ICON] RoF