Roamers aiming for QQ

Roamers aiming for QQ

in WvW

Posted by: Hexinx.1872


The downed state is … unique. I used to like the /resign to help speedup GvG’s in gw1 … especially if say … my guild who may have been around 200-400 (topped at 24 briefly) but randomly rolled up and got say War Machine … fought em once…. noticed a huge difference in the amount of work they put into there cohesion and tactics… match lasted all of 5 minutes or so with most having -45…. anytime we rolled them after … we wouldn’t even get out the gate, just /resign to find a more even ranked team to fight. I imagine when a top 6 gets a rank 200+ its often met the same, and tbh they probably wanted to play against other top 50 teams versus wasting there time.

I don’t see how a /resign would do any good though in gw2, it’s easy to bleed out… takes all of 10 seconds.

Let me put it this way, if a griefer wants to grief … they will accomplish that. If gw2 added a /resign … they will still find you and grief you again. With or without that ability. It literally adds nothing to the game.

Roamers aiming for QQ

in WvW

Posted by: Jackums.3496


Lol why do you all keep treating that as a serious win when we played:

2 warriors pre adrenal health buff
1 condi engi that had 4 hours play time on the class

I knew we shouldn’t have fought that day cuz all we would hear is kitten about it lol. I’m sure we are down to schedule a round 3 whenever though.

How is this still a thing, just move on cause literally nobody cares.

I’m not going to say you/the tRex in the video didn’t play well, rather to the contrary, but Kool does have a point in that the players/comp used by us (QQ) in that video were not anywhere near what we could put out in a serious GvG. I wasn’t present for those fights, but watching the video I immediately didn’t recognise two of the players/characters (ie. either some of our casual members, or long-time members on alts) — and I’ve been one of the long-running members of QQ for years — and anyone familiar with PvP could recognise the comp was mediocre. The fight was essentially Sneaky (support Ele) and Kool (glass Rev) vs. a good team of 5. No offense to the other QQ there, but those peasants shouldn’t have fought a GvG with that comp and none of our leaders/originals on if they were going to be bothered by having a recorded loss.

Perhaps the same applies to the tRex in the fights we won earlier, too.

Either way, I immediately knew that wasn’t a serious GvG because most of our “serious” members weren’t present, plus the double Warrior set-up.

A future GvG with both of our best players/teams on their mains would be fun, though. I’d like to see a 5v5 purely with our original members/leaders on their mains. Things certainly wouldn’t have been so easy if I were there on my Mes.

Maybe it’ll happen some day. Who knows. o/

Roamers aiming for QQ

in WvW

Posted by: apharma.3741


While the topic of the thread was about griefing, my point was to propose the implementation of a Resign function.

Many people in the convo admitted to do it in a vengeful manner, which, now that I think about it, can be avoided by giving the ability for resign as soon as they get downed.

Generally speaking the people that bleed you out in a “vengeful manner” often only do it because the person threw salt their way first. Most players just kill you and move on, usually stomping to end it quick so they don’t get ganked on possibly low health.

You had one bad experience with a salty person, don’t think everyone is like that as most from my experience are not except Angry Rock.

Roamers aiming for QQ

in WvW

Posted by: Marsares.2053


Just play the same game as him. When you are downed, don’t do anything, alt-tab away and browse the Internet. Let him stand there like a mullet wasting his time.

Roamers aiming for QQ

in WvW

Posted by: Moderator


[This thread has gone off topic into match-up thread territory, which are not permitted on the forums. It is now closed.]